>this is what wagies actually believe
They are truly the chosen ones amongst the species, able to flip burgers unlike the rest of us.
>this is what wagies actually believe
They are truly the chosen ones amongst the species, able to flip burgers unlike the rest of us.
there's no way he actually believes that. that's insane.
no bro, I checked with every macdonalds worker on the planet and they all said the same thing.
I have done it before and I would never do it again. Its absolute shit work. Is what hes saying wrong?
he is wrong of course
anyone can do that job
but the message is right, everyone should be paid a livable wage for whatever job they have, regardless of the skill required for that job
he's saying nobody could do it because it's hard. it's not that hard. try going to college for 8 years to get a job then tell me the McDonald's job is harder than the one you have now.
plenty of people are incapable of flipping burgers or working shit jobs in general
ever had a shitty job, did you not notice all the people who walk out on their first day? Why do you think they hire 5 people for the same position? by the end of the first week only 2 will still be there
I agree with his first two points but his third point is null and debases his entire argument.
I have never and would never do fast food because I never had to. It's disgusting and I got by getting better jobs elsewhere. People that work fast food have few or no other options, that's why they do it. Also, they're easily replaceable, since there will always be someone that is more desperate for a job that requires nothing other than the abilities to move and talk.
Also a computer can replace any fast food cashier.
Liveable wage is like $9 anywhere except pozzed la or seattle this fag lives in
Kek, this. If you really cant hold down anything more than flipping burgers you cant expect to live in the big city like all the other zoomers.
generally the less capable you are the harder you will work and that's okay.
>be me
>go to burger king
>ask for fries and a burger
>it comes to like ten dollars
>woah, wtf is this? That's way too much I say
>Well, if you get a coke it will only be five dollars
>Just give it to me for five dollars anyway, I don't want a coke
>We can't do that, sir
>give me the coke then
>I "accidentally" knock it over immediately
And these are the people who deserve fifteen dollars an hour? yeah no
I worked the fast food night shift and anyone can work a day shift easily. It's just grueling work having to repeat the same motions for hours, especially during the rush hours. Night shifts, however, was pretty fucking hard. We had to cater to 150-200 customers a night while cleaning the entire restaurant and taking most of the machines apart. Most of the time we were short staffed as well. Our recommended staff lineup needed 6 people including manager, but we usually had 4 people. Nobody could keep the job and the nightshift attracted the scum of society so they usually did less work. I saw maybe 15 people come and go in the 9 months I worked there.
>but the message is right, everyone should be paid a livable wage for whatever job they have, regardless of the skill required for that job
Then the argument should be what constitutes a "livable" wage. I'm fine with paying someone enough so that they have access to food, shelter, reliable transportation (public for those in urban environments or a small economy vehicle) and the internet, because those are necessities for life in modern America. I don't think it's fair to ask me to subsidize someone's iphone X, their plasma tv, their children, etc just for flipping my burgers.
Its pretty hard on your soul and self esteem. Easily my least favorite job ive ever held even if it was also the least skilled. I say give them the money
no he's saying not a lot of people could do it not because it's a difficult job but the stigma of working it and how they get treated
if you're a fastfood worker you're basically lower than a clown in a circus
people treat you like fucking shit and you get paid fucking shit
most people would just quit and work another job
that's what he's saying
neet pride
take the neetpill
form a union and demand better wages if you want them. Or go take the taxi driver exam like all the other foreigners. All the tools for success are available to you if you only grasp them.
this is true, people who only know their comfy office jobs will never understand. it's funny, theyre the types to only tip a dollar, dollar-fifty. people who are doing these jobs, construction etc are always good tippers. people think just because they can cook their own burgers at home at their own pace with no other food to make simultaneously, that it is an easy job.
Imagine being this much of an aspie.
ik but i mean, try going to highschool. that's pretty rough too.
>you have to repeat the same emotions every day
same with any type of schooling.
>used to be a job only 16 year olds did as part time
>this job is supposedly hard
Whatever you have to tell yourself bro. I know a degree of delusion is necessary to save your sanity when working that job. For those with too much pride anyway.
the job sucking is shit logic to give them more money, because literally anyone can do it even if it's bitch work. that being said the minimum wage should never be below living wage and that's as high as 15 dollars some places.
He literally did nothing wrong burger-flipper
this. these jobs have high turnover because theyre unbearable to be in and everyone wants out. yes, im sure most of us have the skill to flip burgers, but are you trying to say you could stand being there for an extended period of time?
>it's funny, theyre the types to only tip a dollar, dollar-fifty
Tipping in general is fucking retarded, I only do it because of social pressure and so the uneducated servants at my favorite restaurants dont piss in my food. Animals.
I very clearly stated to him I did not desire a coke. He would not accept my very reasonable request, so the only thing left to do was to take action.
anyway this whole argument is shit stupid. and btw the ones fighting for minimum wage to be brought up to 15$ if they do that, all the prices go up for everything. studies have shown the economy is based on minimum wage. and there will always be a fight about this crap. once it gets raised to 15 dollars the people getting payed 15 dollars will get payed 30 dollars I mean, it all just evens out in one way or another.
Honestly hope it happens so there can finally be fully automated restaurants, at least for fast food. No more dumbasses who cant speak English, no more fucked up orders, no more filthy tables or rude service, cant wait.
>"Heh, you could never do a job that they hire unskilled 16 year olds to do"
>Anyone can do that job
Says me, person who has done that job, wouldn't want to ever again do that job, and absolutely could do that job.
Christ, it's the most common job for literal teenagers.
> try going to college for 8 years to get a job
College was the easiest shit bro. I don't know why normies complain about it so much, if I had unlimited funds I would spend my life just getting advanced degrees.
Your average wagecuck job sucks ass and is even more frustrating than college.
I don't even know what point you're trying to make because a Doctor makes far, far more than 15 an hour. A Ph.d in almost any field makes over 20 an hour on average.
Middle class normies can't relate to doing shitty wagecuck jobs because its usually been 20 years since they've done them, if they've ever even had to.
Fuck off. I live in one of the cheapest states in the US and make 9 working full-time and it is not livable. Yeah, you could get some shitty box apartment in the ghetto for about half of your income but you also have to factor in every other type of expense.
Basically, you would be working 40 hours to be able to break even or be in debt. You could not raise kids on this type of income.
>wants livable wage
>factors raising children into that "livable wage"
fucking breeders. kids aren't a human right
>wouldn't want to ever again do that job,
Isn't that the crux of the issue though? It's not a job that people can sustain doing day-in day-out for years and at the same time its not one that pays enough for even Mexicans to put up with it long-term.
guaranteed you don't know how to budget.
>factors raising children into that "livable wage"
Just like any normal person does and pretty much every economist since the field of political economy was created in the 1700s. America is the only country where everyone likes to pretend that workers don't want children or don't have children to take care of.
I hate this country honestly
anyone who has kids should have a working spouse anyway so you should require even lower wages.
I understand where hes coming from (McDicks workers probably get shouted at by boomer fucks day in and day out and have to take it on the chin in the name of C a p i t a l i s m) but implying that they cant do it because its hard is fucking ridiculous.
>t. Never worked a day in his life
whats an illegal joke?
A joke about illegal immigrants I assume
yeah it's shit work, but that doesn't mean it's hard. High school drop outs can do it, and that means there's enough people able to do it that the job could pay half as much and still find people willing to be exploited to do it.
Could you though? Or more importantly WOULD you?
Its easy enough to do but its soul crushing, everyone hates you, its extremely boring and monotonous, I guarentee that you would just quit and find a better job like everyone else does. the work itself isnt hard but its definetly shit and putting up with shit for a prolonged period of time is hard
why do you think turnover rate is so high? because they couldnt do it, or because they wouldnt do it
Reminder that the people you are arguing with are the same people who whinge about white people becoming a minority. Wh*Tes subconsciously understand they need to be bred out of the gene pool and don't know how to reconcile this fact.
Don't be human garabge if you don't want to do a job meant for a piece of one.
>400-500 dollar monthly cost for shitty ghetto-tier apartment (likely higher)
>300 "health insurance" monthly health insurance which has a monopoly in my state
>that leaves 2-300 dollars monthly for anything else, food, gas, car insurance, internet, phone etc.
I would literally be spending all of my money just to keep myself at work. That's just barely surviving, not living. There is a difference. Maybe I'll get a windfall with my next tax return but until then I'd just be surviving. I'd probably end up using it to pay off debts once I got it.
I don't know how retards get on 4chinz and pretend like 9 dollars an hour is somehow big bux. Maybe its a big deal to guys who either have their parents pay for everything or have subsisted on ramen noodles for most of their adult lives. But to everyone else its poverty-tier
>pay $1000 a month to "daycare" to have your kid abused by pillheads and tweakers
I don't know what makes you think that guy had any power over the situation, but he didn't.
I agree witht he point in OP's picture that I wouldnt want to do the job, but the point where he says that you could not do it is bullshit, of course anyone who doesnt have down syndrome can work in fast food.
This has nothing to do with the dudes ability to do anything lol
>who doesnt have down syndrome
My local Wendy's cares to disagree with you.
how do you stop people from being "human garbage" when capitalism requires an underclass of "human garbage" to function? sounds like you're a commie faggot
Well if downies can do it then idk why normies think that its hard labour that deserves a higher wage
Why do so many channers hate real working class people so much?
>working minimum wage
>having kids
how hard is it to lay out your shitty budget to people and tell them to not get pregnant while working minimum wage?
Also, starting next year, there's no tax penalty for being uninsured, so there's 2-300 saved. Just don't get sick lmao, that's what I do and I don't have health insurance.
>how do you stop people
I'm not saying to stop people, I'm saying for people to stop themselves. If they can't do that, then they deserve to be where they are.
Niggers can't even get my order order right 90% of the time.
If I was 16 and needed a summer job then I would do it.
capitalism doesn't require an underclass of human garbage to function. There is literally always going to be an underclass of human garbage.
okay, then let me rephrase, you fucking neomarxist cocksucker, how do people stop being "human garbage" when society itself is trying to keep them there in order to function
>capitalism doesn't require an underclass of human garbage to function.
t. retard
capitalism requires an underclass of people that work for shit pay and do soul crushing work so that all the money can be channeled to the skilled professionals
I believe the minimum wage should be raises but fast food workers should be an exception. They can't even get your fucking order right. I asked for a bacon ultimate cheeseburger and a large sprite, the bitch gave me a chicken sandwich and a water. There's no fucking way she deserves $15.
Do explain how society made you underperform in its public schools and unable to go to college (practically free if you're poor btw) or learn a trade.
It's a livable wage if all you plan on doing is going back and forth between work and your shitty empty, all bills paid studio apartment and nothing else.
how do you think society gets people to work those jobs?
don't answer that question commie cuck because its obvious you have no idea
every decade more and more of the soul crushing work is automated. If any particular demand for human garbage tier labor is not being met sufficiently, then it creates an opportunity for people to automate that work. If the $15 an hour for burger flippers was really a make or break issue 2 years ago, and McD's couldn't meet their workforce needs, there would be patty flipping robots in restaurants today.
>literally couldn't answer
lol okay then. I guess "society" is just out to get you.
>Just don't get sick lmao
I actually got a severe case of pneumonia last year, I couldn't work for almost a month and had no sick benefits. I would have been fired if I hadn't been put on short-time already. My only saving grace was that I'd just started an insurance plan at the time. Otherwise, I would have probably ended up spending thousands.
Yeah, I guess "don't get sick" is good advice except when you have normies coughing on you all the time because they think your a piece of human garbage.
>tell them to not get pregnant while working minimum wage?
That's not the point, I don't have kids but I'm pointing out that according to any rational definition the minimum wage or close to it is not a "livable wage" it does not allow workers to reproduce themselves for the next generation as all significant political economists recognized was necessary going back hundreds of years. Ipso facto, it does not fit the definition of living wage, autists admit that fact casually when they start screeching
>REEEEEEEEE fast food and retail is supposed to be for high school kids! It's not meant for adults to live on!
And, yet many adults end up doing it because they don't have any other options. Then they'll cry about workers using welfare when they defend the low-wages that the megacorps pay at their McJob
Then they cry about white demographic stagnation when they've already defended the right of employers to pay the white working class (which is the majority) less than what is necessary to sustain a small family. Let alone the massive Mormon-tier families they claim is necessary to save the white race.
If you don't want a coke, you pay more than if you did if you also took coke. You made a choice to comply to the restaurant's rules (not the dude's rules, he doesn't make any) to pay less. No reason to be adik about it but it's clear you haven't worked a day of your life so who am I talking to.
The person you are arguing with doesn't even understand what capitalism is or how it works. They literally don't have the faintest idea, or at the least they're pretending not to.
You're going to have to explain to them the whole thing from the ground up, and even then they're not going to listen.
What a company pays their staff is their business but if you think that a group of people who who fuck up any order that isn't burger, fries and a coke deserve $15 an hour then you're fucking stupid
I mean is that about the sum of it? You guys defend the right of megacorps to pay shit wages then decry all the negative social effects that arise from it?
well much like you can't make a 'livable wage' picking up cans and bottles off the streets and recycling them, there are some forms of labor that are not worth what you would call a livable wage. Some are only worth a survival wage.
why would anyone work 30+ hours a week for the same pay as welfare?
what the fuck do you think livable means
you can pay everything you need to indefinitely
cut the "barely survive" crap thats what homeless shelters are
work experience and a good reference? Self respect?
If you don't want people to get paid for working you're dumb, should stop voting, and move somewhere else so you don't turn America into a shit hole.
>If you don't want people to get paid for working
Name literally a single person who's said this.
>self respect
>the same pay as some wagie working his ass off while living as a comfy neet, have free time and can use other illegal methods of making money in order to live much better than the wagie
tough choice user
maybe the solution is cutting welfare
t. someone abusing welfare because its much easier and more convinient and my quality of life is better for it
It's funny how people (college kids) say fast food is easy but are clueless as fuck when they get hired. I love training people though, I love to mold these kids into fast food gurus.
If welfare's so easy to get why are hobos real?
>Implying the retarded NEETs here don't vote dem anyways for the gibs
takes on a different meaning in the uk
Underappreaciated banter right here
>NEET too poor to afford fast food
>Acts like a dick to the worker who has no control over prices
>>H-he's bad at his job!
Stay in your mom's basement and let actual, at least partially-functioning adults handle real world issues kiddo :^)
>implying neets didnt vote for trump because they thought it would be funny.
neets dont really care about your political issues, we just want whats more fun
>He believes that fast food workers can actually unionize.
Entire stores get wiped out when workers try to unionize. The stingy dogs that run those places will never allow the workers that they see like dirt to make even a half-decent life while in their employ.
>you can pay everything you need to indefinitely
Yeah, until you get over 40 and start having chronic medical expenses and then retire in your late 70s completely shot with no savings. Luckily for corporate America its workers are dying younger!
Also, I wonder why anyone would bust their ass to be able to pay for nothing but their needs (to say nothing of wants) when welfare will pay them similar compensation?
>well much like you can't make a 'livable wage' picking up cans and bottles off the streets and recycling them, there are some forms of labor that are not worth what you would call a livable wage. Some are only worth a survival wage
Then the solution is definitely not to subsidize employers that pay only a survival wage with a low-minimum wage, welfare and subsidies, anti-union laws and police protection against strikers.
If you think this work is so bad and unnecessary that it doesn't merit a survival wage then it shouldn't exist. Just automate these jobs already, any type of subsidy to low-wage employers is actually holding technological progress back by creating incentives not to replace their workers with robots.
But, if much of this work cannot be done by machines, as I suspect is the case for now, then those doing it should receive a living wage for their efforts.
The job should gain value where most people have the skills, but very few have the will to put up with the crap.
Should have ordered the kings meal deal, broke ass weeb
You certainly care about gibs. NEETs are overwhelmingly left leaning for this reason
Kfc > mcdonalds > burger king
this wasnt original
>you certainly care about gibs
nobody is campaigning to take welfare away user. and even if it was taken away my parents would still pay for my existance anyway so what does it matter?
> my parents would still pay for my existance anyway so what does it matter?
They probably haven't told you this because they don't want to trouble their special boy but you're parents aren't going to live forever, idiot...
This was too wholesome for this entirely hateful discussion
Perhaps the major point of welfare is to keep the unemployed alive so people like you can be drawn into the workforce putting downward pressure on wages. The other aspect is subsidizing those already in the workforce whose take him pay is not enough sustain themselves or their families
>nobody is campaigning to take welfare away user
Trump literally is. He just didn't advertise it because he knew white trash wouldn't vote for him.
>If you think this work is so bad and unnecessary that it doesn't merit a survival wage then it shouldn't exist.
This so much. That's the entire point of capitalism. Jobs don't exist just so people can have a job to sit at. That's fucking pointless. Idiots that don't understand this should go move to a shit hole.
A fast food job is a low skill job that doesn't require education to do it
So yeah anyone can do that job
It's just the most they're willing to pay that attracts people
I hate socialism
>Basically, you would be working 40 hours to be able to break even or be in debt.
ummm, sweetie, that's a normal workweek
>You could not raise kids on this type of income.
why the fuck are you breeding with a minimum wage job you subhuman.
>companies will pay the lowest they can get away with
>maybe if you people refused to work at fast food and they couldnt find people to work they would have to increase their wages to attract staff
good luck with that though, you have lots of desperate people who are willing to work for nothing, but it seems like a much more realistic solution than expecting companies to just do it