How much money do you feel you'd need in the bank to feel safe and secure? be realistic

how much money do you feel you'd need in the bank to feel safe and secure? be realistic

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depends on where i live and what my job is right now.
2-3 months worth of living expenses at the minimum

For the rest of my life? About a million euros, assuming I buy a house and a car like a normie. If I live like a NEET monk with bare necessities, probably a quarter of that would be plenty enough,

I'm shooting for at least 2M usd.

For how long? If rest of my life I would say $1million at least. Just move to the state that costs the less for rent and you'll be able to live comfy

Nenecchi is really erotic

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I live with mommy and daddy so I could have $0 and be fine.

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Until mommy and daddy die and you become homeless

Originally ~$20k

I am currently sitting on 180,000 with no job while finish school and I don't feel that comfortable about it.

until they die and he gets life insurance and lives even better than how he is living currently

this is my greatest fear, you gotta spend your neet time and secure your future somehow
i'm thinking of living in a boat

I thought you don't get life insurance if death is natural

250k for a lifetime would be fine.

I've got 188k in investments, an apartement, a summerhouse and a relatively new car. I manage to invest upwards of 30k euro annually and I am not even trying.

The merits of being single and childless at 29, heh... I am living the life...

400k minimum

Don't you go giving some roastie a meal ticket, user...

You only get life insurance if they die by something that isn't natural

I've had way too much experience with women to be able to fool myself into settling with one.
The well is poisoned.

$10kk, unironically. And I'm living in 3rd world country.
You guys forgot about potential finance crisises and inflations.

im at 32k now. i feel no different from when i only had $700

yea i agree with this, it's more than enough if you move to a place with cheap rent and live minimally

damn that's nice user, i'm jelly

Maybe it's not possible to ever feel like you have a safety net, since one serious injury or illness will put you into debt if you're America

I get what you are saying, but for what it's worth, I am unhappy and unfulfilled.

The grass is always greener and all that jazz.

3 months living expenses is a reasonable amount of caution if you're risk-adverse. Plus retirement savings and insurance.

Past a certain point being risk-adverse doesn't pay. If you're always worried about the hard landing you're gonna live a worse quality of life on average than those willing to take risk.

They die eventually retard.

Really I'm paycheque to paycheque right now because I can legitimately put every dollar I take in to good use. If I replaced my busted mattress I'd probably solve a lot of issues with sleep.

$100'000 living down under in cuckstralia