Last one near the limit
Only humans allowed unironic fat folks reading this for motivation shall only larp, keep your subhuman posts on your containament general >>>/fat/
Last one near the limit
Only humans allowed unironic fat folks reading this for motivation shall only larp, keep your subhuman posts on your containament general >>>/fat/
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who is boogy anyways?
Still way too good looking compared to Boogie
why the fuck do you have 60 images of boogie on your computer
not OP, but I have a whole Boogie folder
>starting tomorrow
please dump
not boogie but it does cause me to hate fat people
Why is that fat fucks face so red?
I'm surprised he's not ate his dog yet
*tasting ftfy
Shit like this makes me sad af. How can you be so ignorant and why wouldn’t the owner tell the fatties to fuck off..
That's all my boogie stuff.
boogies ex wife is as fat as him
How is that her personal information when it's all about boogie?
Trying to take a quick sauna today guess who walks in? Fat Albert hey hey hey! First couple minutes not so bad but when he starts sweating BAMN! Nastiest smell on earth, something like half cooked tortilla chips getting soggy in a bowl of yeast water, or maybe it smelled more like weeks old baby formula in the hot sun. Regardless, being fat is one of the most disgusting terrible things a person can be.
I really really hate fat people
Then you’re at the right place!
>Calling them 'people'
Why, why so much sugar, why wipped cream, does he undrrstand what a calorie is.
Why even go to Mcdonald's then?
>The average American woman is 13cm shorter than me but weights 6 kilogrammes more
oh shit
anyone knows how much is boogie weight now? did he stall? tried to check his twitter but it doesnt seem he has been posting anything related to fitness or diet recently
>sugar from fruit is bad
state of this board
As part of a healthy diet it is good, but if that's all you eat its still shit
Fruit isn't bad, nothing except fruit is bad. There's no protein and not a big variety of vitamins/minerals, fruit mostly only has vitamin C and potassium going for it.
I don't follow boogie, is he doing some meme diet where you eat tons of fruit and not much else?
Just based on the picture, he considers that dinner. So based on that, it's a poor dinner
Equal degenerates, not sure what the whuss is all about.
I didnt mean that retard, his plate its supposed to be a snack, so he doesnt eat shit till his next meal, not his main diet.
Why do you think Mayan were fat fucks.
He probably thinks fruits have anti calories or some shit.
fruit with Mayo? wtf boogie
If you're diabetic like him, you want to avoid even the carbs you get from fruit.
Old habits die hard
So did normies finally drop booger after he got #metoo'd or did they make a hypocritical excuse for him?
based dr now
I vote to have the p removed from fph
Whose with me
If y'all are after full eps of 600lb life I added more links:
cytu be/r/600lb
>replace space with dot
my mom and sister are going on a "diet" where they drink fibrous teas as a cleanse
"diet" started on monday
the last two dinners they've had were indian food (butter chicken) + cake and fried chicken/fries/soda
depressing to watch but they never learn
I went to the doctor's office a few weeks ago and the nurse there called me skinny. I have a 34 inch waist. Anything not clinically overweight is skinny these days.
I hate when pathetic human beans use their pets trying to get sympathy
>He thinks he's actually just getting a gogurt and diet coke.
Have you ever had a fat friend? It's always "I'm on a diet" but the back seat of their car is full of fast food bags.
what's he at now? what is the end goal?
He was 400lbs as of the new year and was down to 360lbs as of 7/8. He's only been losing 1.49 pounds per week despite being pretty fat and having a tiny stomach.
For comparison, I've lost slightly more (41lbs) despite being 160 pounds lighter and not having surgery.
What the fuck is a go-gurt?
needs "wasted" edit
Oh and his end goal is 270lbs (39.9 bmi)
Oversweetened yogurt tubes marketed to kids with skateboards in the early 2000's.
He probably means a fruit parfait.
It’s yogurt you stupid americunt
hmm, I understand that losing that much weight would be a large mental barrier to cross, but I assume the pressure of maintaining such an unhealthy weight for a long time would eventually be too great, to the point where a person succumb to a steady decline, eating at a significant deficit and striving to exercise at any opportunity, rather than keeping these disgusting habits that are clearly harmful to ones self.
that dog looks like it's on the spectrum
How is this high in calories
Women are stupid and have no reading comprehension skills. She misunderstood Bougie's age was up there and not her own
What a fuck wit. Losing weight isn't that hard. If boogie just ate only 2 1000 calorie meals a day he'd be fine. Eat pizza, fried chicken, whatever the hell you want. Just eat around 2000 calories a day only.
Damn. 280 was my starting weight and I was a fat piece of shit at that weight. Sad that that's someone's goal weight.
it's crazy how stupid boogie is. he has this managerial tone where it seems like he's saying something of substance until you've listened to him drone on for like 20 minutes and you realize his skull is completely hollow
>diet coke
>hmmmm natural sweetener that messes your insline levels
>great job boogie slowing down your progress
I think user is retarded. The problem with that meal is that there is too much fructose.
When someone got fat drinking tons of soda, diet soda is just alleviating the problem but it's not fixing the issue.
thats way too much for someone who sits around and does nothing
It's whipped cream you brainless nigger, look at the folds and lines in the cream, it came from a whipped cream can.
someone screencapped me yea
>do 80 -100 hour fasts every week
>on OMAD when not fasting
>make sure to eat like a pig in front of fatfuck coworkers/friends/family
>mfw their sheer confusion and hatred when I'm putting away 2500kcal+ in one sitting and consistenly lean while they're all fat and plateauing on
>purposely crashing your metabolism
Post a pic in 10 years so I can laugh at you
That pic is pretty wrong, at 76,4 kg and 1,62 you look way more fat than that.
Everything above 65 kg is fat at that sieze, also almost 1 m of waist circumfence is fucking huge at that sieze.
I hate fat people.
Because the owner is as greedy about money as that fatty is about food.
This si the guy who claims he cant drink coffee because he's a "Super taster"?
Doesn't make sense since the vet bills would outweigh the income.
I'm guessing it's to dodge lawsuits from customers who feel attacked for their weight.
lol I think you responded to the wrong guy broseph
>user thinks that is only 2 tbsp worth of whip topping
Do you know what a tbsp looks like? Do you have measuring devices in your home? Because that is not 2 tbsps worth of whip topping.
Sure did
meant for
a strawberry would be about 2 tbsp and it looks like the same volume of whipped cream as a strawberry