Would you date a prostitute?

Would you date a prostitute?

She will continue to bang hundreds of men but will only ever love you.

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No. What a retarded question, OP.

Nah, that's unsafe.

>yeah im an incel

>I'm the incel meme because I wouldn't date a literal prostitute

I took the bait so you retards don't have to, don't disappoint me now.

if she will only ever love me then yeah why not,as long as she is clean and shit and doesnt have any stds and shit,I dont see any downsides to it

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>user you're the only man I could ever love
>But I'm sore from the 12 guys I fucked so no sex tonight
>I work nights so you won't see me much
>Will you please cook breakfast, lunch and dinner? I burned lots of calories riding dick today and I'm too tired to do any of this
>*kisses you as she walks in the door
>Oh my bad, I didn't get to wash my mouth out after that gangbang, sorry about the taste

>I dont see any downsides to it
She will come home beaten and raped from time to times or with her pussy/ass all sore because she has fucked a 12in nigger dick. Other times you have to go to bring her home from prison. Also, the chances of her getting some sexual disease is extremely high.

yeah that would be ideal desu
a sex

I get all the love and affection and she gets her needs taken care of too.

It's kind of alpha to date a prostitute, because you get for free what other guys are paying for

I used to answer that with "hell no" but nowadays I'd say it would be fine for me. Beggars can't be choosers they say.

t. kissless virgin

I am unironically dating a prostitute. It's an open relationship so I can fuck other girls too. And it feels good to get for free what others pay for.

ok i dunno what happened with the typing here

>I can fuck other girls too
You talk like you have girls who likes you. If you do, why do you want to pick the prostitute as your gf?

She's "a" gf, not "the" gf. Maybe I shouldn't call her a gf, fwb is maybe more accurate.

No, it's a girlfriend. Not a prostitute who works for free when you call her.

We do act like bf/gf when we are together. We go out on dates and stuff. And of course fuck. But outside of that she fucks other guys for money, I don't care. Because I fuck other girls too. The main reason I don't care is because I don't want her as a long term gf. She is too dumb for me to tolerate her for more than a day or two at a time.

Just say "no, I woulnd't"

Would a prostitute date me?

In response to what?

In response to the op question. It's the honest answer judging for what you are saying.

aids, so no

>"sorry user not tonight, I'm still sore from a client"
>you can smell the cum on her breath.
>"yeah he made me pretend to be his daughter and choked me, pretty fucked up right?"
>you can still see the bruises
>"I stuck my finger in his ass seemed calm him down"
>she strokes your cheek
>"why don't I take you out to dinner tomorrow, he's paying"
>"oh sorry wait maybe at the weekend I'm seeing him again tommorow"

I'd rather walk through life with a mannequin with a hand-held mirror for a head and date my reflection than date a prostitute. Come to think of it I'd rather die an incel than date one.

Those are all fair points,But the nigger one doesn't apply to me due to the lack of Negroids in my country.and if this post came a year or two earlier the picking her up from prison would be moot too but would'nt you know it the prude farts in the government must protect the populace from two consenting adults exchanging legal tender for services


I would only fuck a prostitute

Swap the big dick nigger with an old fart or a sweaty obese neckbeard

Yeah still gross,but she loves me at the end of the day so it isn't absolutely horrible

>ywn make love to your qt wife feeling how wet and loose she is from an evening of fucking other men

and honestly most stds are treatable and nbd. i'm sure it's a really bad idea for some guys, like if they know they are the jealous sort they should not date a prostitute. but for guys that don't get jealous as long as there are clear boundaries i don't see what the issue is.

i already dated a prostitute.

Why did you stop originally

>only ever love you
>She will continue to bang hundreds of men
You're cucked OP.

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only if she cages me and makes me lick her cunt after her client finished

>It's kind of alpha to date a prostitute, because you get for free what other guys are paying for
This. All the badass wild west cowboys in movies did it.