20 M, i want to make new frens or just talk. Hobbies: long walks, esoteric sh!t, working out(looking for a gym partner as well), camping, good films, books, but I'm kind of a brainlet so there's that.
Yes, I am boring, depressing, and very unengaging (AT TIMES),not gonna lie, but I do try not to be this way and sometimes succed in doing so. If u want to talk, here's my discord: yuyukie#2597
Nu sunt normalau, potarniche slobozita, si chiar daca as fi, vreau sa vorbesc cu cineva si eventual sa fac chestii IRL cu viata mea, multumesc foarte mult.
As fi vorbit cu tine daca nu mentionai mersul la sala. Tipic romanesc.
Joseph Hernandez
>tfw op ghosts you Putem schimba subiectul de la indoctrinare.
Wyatt Scott
Nu, nu putem, esti prea cringy. La fel si eu dar ma cam plictiseam. Sunt un normalau ratat, asta e , bye guys
Noah Nguyen
sa te calce masina ;)
Grayson Bennett
>Henlo Era clar de la inceput. Un normalau la fel ca si marea majoritate a "robotilor" de aici. Du-te sa bei un energizant si o sa vezi ca totul e bine. :)