
Anyone in Bucharest, Romania?

20 M, i want to make new frens or just talk.
Hobbies: long walks, esoteric sh!t, working out(looking for a gym partner as well), camping, good films, books, but I'm kind of a brainlet so there's that.

Yes, I am boring, depressing, and very unengaging (AT TIMES),not gonna lie, but I do try not to be this way and sometimes succed in doing so.
If u want to talk, here's my discord: yuyukie#2597

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Fucking gypsy, leave my board.

I dont think advertising yourself as a boring person is going to make people want to make friends with you brainlet

Si da, vorbesc limba R0emAnA.


I'm not gypsy thooo, my blood is like 30% german
Yes, I am very aware, but I'm not sure I know any other way.

ma pis pe negrii

cum pot sa sug pula fara ca tatii sa stie?

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jet fmm de normaloid

e gay user uwu

Nu sunt normalau, potarniche slobozita, si chiar daca as fi, vreau sa vorbesc cu cineva si eventual sa fac chestii IRL cu viata mea, multumesc foarte mult.


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uhhh nu??
sunt fata o~o

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>using instagram
fut in gat la ma-ta de extra normalopod care esti

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buma, ce mai faci

>sunt fata
dovedeste-o sau du-te-n pula mea

Sunteti niste niggeri

Esti grasaaaa cumva?

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okay vin la tine in pula, da adresa?

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Vocaroo sau timestamp sau dute-n pula mea

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rogo e normie REE

Fucking gypsy thread REEE

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du-te pe facebook atunci date-n plm

Whatever ghayulayyyy

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Retardat coming through

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vrei sa pleci dar nu-ma nu-ma iei
sunt eu un haiduc
si te rog ubirea mea

de unde ai gasit poza asta cu mine? sterge-o fmm



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duten pizda mati normie

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repost jeg normaloid

doamne futate de astmatica sami ridici pula cu limba pana faci hernie la masele

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trimite vocaroo cu tine cand faci orgasm sau nu esti fata ma

Hot.Mai posteaza vocaroo-uri si zii ceva.


E T I M P U L S A B A T E M G U M A S I S A M E S T E C A M N I S T E C U R.

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Huh, ce?

Attached: Pompei-Sappho.nocrop.w840.h1330.2x.jpg (1680x2312, 980K)

focking gypsy shitposters

bune triple repetate prietene

E un singur tripluuu


How do I get confidence like you?

da-mi add thecr69#9038

te simti bine?

As fi vorbit cu tine daca nu mentionai mersul la sala. Tipic romanesc.

>tfw op ghosts you
Putem schimba subiectul de la indoctrinare.

Nu, nu putem, esti prea cringy.
La fel si eu dar ma cam plictiseam.
Sunt un normalau ratat, asta e , bye guys

sa te calce masina ;)

Era clar de la inceput. Un normalau la fel ca si marea majoritate a "robotilor" de aici. Du-te sa bei un energizant si o sa vezi ca totul e bine. :)


sugi pula si mori