16yo unexperienced introvert loli jerked me off in the woods, her first ever hj (was super shy)

>16yo unexperienced introvert loli jerked me off in the woods, her first ever hj (was super shy)
>I came with the power of a thousand suns and she got impressed

Ask me anything

(felt good obv)
At trips will post a pic of her so you all can fap to the thought of her playing with your flute using her soft little hands

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The more important question is how old are you?



Did you kill her and discard the body to keep her from telling her dad what happened?

So why did she do it? Did you offer her candy in return or something?

She seems younger and it's smol user

Young adult, she's legal here don't worry

and how old are you then, lass

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This thread is gonna die before OP posts pics

its not a matter of legality you pedo 16 is too young for handjobs. why dont find a nice 40 year old woman

Why go for a 40yo when you can do a 20yo?

still too young there are plenty of older women. under 25 youre still a kid

The funny thing is that after she handjobbed me (didn't really want at the beginning but started having fun soon, especially when she made me explode) I offered her an ice cream and her parents offered to bring me to the station since it was far from the place
>Mfw they didn't suspect anything at all

Also we met four hours after chatting and it was the first time ever we've seen each other barely know anything about each other as well

She was curious

Why does it matter? I said young adult for a reason

Ahahahah here even 13yo girls have sex with adults
I'm not an americuck don't worry

I was expecting more interesting questions meh, you really are shallow robots (ironic since I am as well)

you're a retard if you really think that user


ffs give me trips

The train station obviously, not police station ahahah

Holy shit OP, something similiar happned to me too. She was my age and legal, however I felt like it was too early so to say. She already kissed me and started stroking me in my private parts and shit, and all the people I talked to called me an idiot for it

It matters the minor's age of consent, not yours user

It's annoying how every time someone opens a thread about an experience with a teen there are always cucks calling for police and pedo memes
You're not funny, just annoying, trust me

>at trips
just take this shit to

literal pedophile

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>you really are shallow robots (ironic since I am as well)
>had sex
fuck off normalshit

That's it faggot bitch post pics now

So basically, even though you're an adult, the only girl you could convince to touch your dick was an underage.
That's pretty pathetic, you're taking advantage of her.

That said Imma roll.

OP here
Just because I feel generous today I will post her pic before trips, since I have stuff to do as well for now

Ask what you want, I'll reply later

Enjoy (she's 17 now)

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we got trips. Fuck yea

holy shit you faggot, do you think if the age of consent is 14 somewhere that a 21 year old can get his dick wet by a 14 year old? Or 16 in this regard?

If you`re over 18 and sleeping with a 16 year old, or just getting your dick wet, you should remeber that not only age is a number, but a prison sentence is too

Enjoy your wrinkled roasties granny fucker

we got trips. upload better one you wanker

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Pick one

> 16yo teen

Pick one you too cunt

Someone rolled trips already. Did she choke on our dick? How dick she suck your member?


>Pick one

Depends on your definition of "sex" and I don't want to debate about that but you definatly had a sexual experience with a girl/be intimate with her and if you think you're still a robot after that then you're fooling yourself.

Nah that's just an excuse for real pathetic people like you who blaim others for their own failure with girls ;) a 16yo can be as manipulative or manipulated as any adult woman, stop being such annoying cunts

Minor =/= Kid

So stfu once per all merifats, it's not my fault if you shit yourself at night coz of your oppressive stupid laws, get on with your life and stop being jelly

P.S and no, she's not the only one I had and I just got the confirmation that adult women bore me :/ that's all, already had sex with them and they're just a waste of time

Yeah and we got that you're a jealous faggot who doesn't know shit about basic biology, stay butthurt

Posted her pic

Anyway we got in contact again after some time, she might suck it the next time but it's not really convinced about swallowing (she would be the first not to ahahah)

>a 16yo can be as manipulative or manipulated as any adult woman,

lmao the textbook excuse of pedophiles

You may not go to jail but you'll always be a kiddie diddler.
Hey, you might make it big in Hollywood!

Minor's privacy, enjoy what you have merifats, coz you either ways you ain't gonna get one anyway

Just imagine being looked at those eyes and she smiling embarrassed while making you cum with her little hands
Damn right

>it's not pedophilia reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Perhaps you don't have any life out of your pc, otherwise you'd know how age doesn't matter shit about someone's culture ;) Especially after beginning of puberty
I met many adult girls who were easily to manipulate and many smart teens, so stop talking shit to people who are not mutt losers oppressed by stupid laws

>Mfw in us you need to check every girl ID to not risk jail

Stay cucked boi

in fact it is not :/ you must be really fucked up to think that having sex with a teen girl is pedophilia, just kys
You people are the reason why pedophilia will never be seriously defeated

get her nudes and post them

>and many smart teens
Yeah I bet you did you kiddie fucker, that's the only types of girls you can fuck: dumb adults and poor kids.
Are you a priest maybe?

Merifats mentality

> if 16yo sucks 16yo dick is fine
> if 16yo sucks 20yo dick is bad

Am I the only one imagining a retarded ape trying to think logically?
I wonder if 17yo guys there start mass raping the shit out of minors to get the last young taste available ahahahah what a pathetic country

No you`re just an immoral faggot, because you`re a fedora tipping wanker. Stop coping and improve yourself

He doesn't have them, it's a (very poor) troll thread.

>as long as she ok with it, it's ok
>I'm 30+ but age is just a number tbqh

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This thread is genuinely making me depressed and pissed off. Fuck you OP. I'm 25 and i've never had any sexual or even just normal social contact with any girls in my life. There were no girls in my school since i was studying comp sci, and now when i finished it, i'm just sitting in my room 24/7 doing nothing with my life. I don't even have any online friends. Meanwhile here, on r9k, which is supposed to be a hole for the lowest of the low, OP who is 10 fucking years younger than me is having sex already. Fuck this world, fuck you all.

You know, not everyone concentrates on getting nudes when they're interested in sex

Also underage nudes? Nice try on getting me banned lulz

Too bad I'm not 30, and there are plenty of 16yo gals going with them as well anyway ;)

I'm starting to smell both sjw mutt virgins and underage b8s being butthurt

What about smart girls you sick fuck?
Oh but I thought it is about culture`;))))

I lost my virginity at 14, which isn't even legal where I live.
>and most of the world
Also this board is filled with normalfags so I didn't know what you expected.

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>You know, not everyone concentrates on getting nudes when they're interested in sex
But you don't have any other photo either, do you.

I'm not 10 years younger than you, just a little bit, and I started having my first experiences at 17/18 anyway, I'm kinda a late bloomer considering that I'm hypersexual since I was 12 and have BPD diagnosis

Also I as well don't have any friends and sit in my room all day, so we're together don't worry, in fact I've already said to be approaching the girls on chat apps where there are many bored chicks wanting the d, all you need is confidence and wanting to smash

I won't post her full pics, stop trying me ahahah I could have not posted anything if you preferred

Fuck you, I had all plans to lose it at that age :c that's also why most of the attraction for teens remained, I couldn't have those experiences at that age (could sexually flirt with girls but not being in friend groups and not wanting any relationship made it hard to get any.. Also all females at that time wanted only way older guys)

ITT: People who don't realize OP is 16 and he is just saying he jerked himself off in the woods.

>I won't post her full pics
I know you won't, you don't have them.

That's what actually happened, yes.

this but uinroinically 73

>16 year old loli
>comes to tell Jow Forums

...Reconsider your existence. It is a problem.

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If only because he calls mature women lolis. You'd have to be stupid or totally incapable of individual thought to think having sex with a teenager is that problematic.

Are you going to make her your gf and do her?