My best friend is starting to get bigger than me and it's pissing me the fuck off. How do I sabotage his gains?

My best friend is starting to get bigger than me and it's pissing me the fuck off. How do I sabotage his gains?

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suck his dick so he's too tired and calm to work out

You're an awful friend.


and it would also help with OP's proton deficiency

Spot him on the bench then let the weight drop on him. Then suck his dick.

Get him to do Starting Strength. Only his legs will grow and he will eventually get injured


Stop with this gay shit
He won't fall for that he hates starting strength

Take half of his chocolate whey protein and cut the remainder with coco mix

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Maybe it’s a femanon

kill yourself and maybe he will stop lifting out of depression

Buy estrogen pills, crush them and mix it into his protein powder.

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Start lifting but get on roids and claim you are natty, that'll get him jelly

Suck his dick

You don't as you are not a woman.

this, just git gud

Too expensive
But I want to stay natty

What an ugly and very female state of mind.

Fucking kill yourself


you're a shitty friend

kil his family. he'll get so depressed that he won't be able to lift. therefore, he'll lose his gains

Start praising him, encourage him to compete at a local bodybuilding show and get to single digits bw%. Meanwhile, acquire gains.

This is how females think

Im sure one of my "friend" would think this way.
He really thinks that if you eat more than 2000 cals per day you wil get fat and you dont need more to build a muscle lol.
He has been going to gym 3 or 4 years and still doing sets with 175lbs bench pressing

Kys yourself. It's the only way


holy shit same

i passed my friend because hes scared to eat

i bench 250 after a year and this man benches 195 after like 3 years