Since 01/2017, I've lost 63 pounds and went from BMI 33 to BMI 24.8...

Since 01/2017, I've lost 63 pounds and went from BMI 33 to BMI 24.8. Technically I'm a healthy weight but I don't want to be 140 pounds, I want to be 115.
It seems like every time I eat low calorie I lose any energy I had to exercise and I get so dizzy I go blind and fall when I get out of bed.
Otherwise I eat about 1400 calories and don't lose more than 1 pound per month. I'm even lifting two 30 pound kettlebells daily to keep some strength.

Tips to lose those last 30 pounds? Pic is me

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Straight fast.
Take it easy the first three days

>those fucking boots on the right pic


It's impossible to tell anything with those black clothing. Post underwear pic with no bullshit girl posing

Have a lot of sex with me for cardio gains

Add me on snap I'll give u personal training advice

Intermittent fasting, make sure you’re getting enough protein from clean sources and try cutting your carbs down slightly and keep your fat intake moderate.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of water through out the day, at least three 16.9 fl oz/ day. Start out with fasting by easing into it for 12 hours then once that becomes easy you can move onto a 16 hour fast. Then you should do light cardio and weight training and you should lose the rest of that weight or bump up the intensity slightly

It's in fashion
Cut out all carb sources except fruits from your diet. Start doing some form of cardio. And do an actual full body routine three times a week with those kettlebells.

She's a mega womanlet.

apparently fashion is now in retard corner

Tits or gtfo bitch, that's the only way you'll get the tips you desire

Bitch lookin fine. I'd eat that ass.

Pls be in london



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Nice work. You look like an SJW chic that is morphing into Stacy mode.

This is accurate. I'm 5'3.5"... when I wear my 4" flat boots it makes it seem like I'm nearly 5'8" but doesn't obviously appear that I'm wearing heels. Looks like regular EMT boots with long pants.

What has happened to your boobs since losing so much weight? I'm currently in the process of losing 70 pounds and I'm scared about what my boobs will look like in the end

how can we see the areas where bf is mostly distributed in women to see where you are and actually give advice. You're wearing black which doesn't help.

ps fat is mostly disturbed in lower body and breasts for women

Post them so we can determine what will happen

this is a blue board so no

Finger(s) covering nipples, no excuses.

What a disgusting dirty mind you have, just cover the nipples and it's fine

it's not that blue, you can black out your nipples. I imagine your boobs will get pretty sad looking after losing that much weight desu


>implying half inches count
When will they learn


Every post after this post should either be titposting or londonposting.

No alcohol, sugar, candy or any other bullshit. 1500 calories of real food, that's it. Stay hydrated.

I'm trying to focus on filling my house with foods that I enjoy that are good for me. Here's my list:
Tuna, black beans, corn, asparagus, green beans, peas, tomatoes, onion, cucumbers, bell pepper, feta cheese, olives, grilled chicken breast, quinoa, olive oil, parmesan, garlic, strawberries, peaches, greek yogurt, almond milk, eggs

Any specific additions?

I'll add, I probably should have lost more pounds than I have this summer but I have finally returned this week from a month of visiting my grandparents, so I ate what grandma prepared which is WHALE FOOD OF WHALE PROPORTIONS. I'm not sure I even saw one vegetable during my visit. Lots of McDonald's, etc..

Fasting isn't very easy for me anymore. It was easy in the beginning of my weight loss but now that my blood pressure rests at 100/50 and my heart rate at 50, whenever I fast for more than one day I get as close to fainting as a person could be. I become dizzy, nauseous, shaky, sweating, and have abdominal pain, blurred vision and vision loss.
I'm going to try keeping my fluids up to raise my blood pressure. It's always been hard for me to remember to stay hydrated.


Actual good advice. We have provided, now fulfill the end of your bargain pls

>foods that i enjoy
just show tits and get it over with


Fuck you

Cut out the beans, corn, peas, and quinoa. Drink more water. And up your exercise. You should be fine. There is no reason to fast. Don't listen to the zoomers.

That's strange. A normal person shouldn't be experiencing drastic signs/symptoms of hypoglycemia like that, even if they're fasting. Have you ever had your blood tested? Has your doctor ever told you have the beetus or are close to officially having the beetus?

In my opinion they're perkier but smaller and sagging more. They just hang, but the nipples point up now, not down and to my sides!

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She just posted a transformation. Relax.

literally just figure out your tdee and count your calories like everybody else

Have you calculated your TDEE? Use cronnometer for everything you eat.
The only thing missing that would help you a lot is exercise. Lifting would be best so you can build some muscle but cardio is okay

Gotta do some push ups so they don't sag so much

For once FemOP is not a faggot.

*unzips dick*

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That areola is gross and wrinkly

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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>she delivered
Mad man. You'll have no problem with help now. Except maybe getting banned


She did lose size in them so that's understandable.

since you all asked for it

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Not too shabby. I assume the wrinkly look of your areolae is due to previously being fat and the skin there being loose after stretching so much?

Anybody know any good mind wipe techniques?

you look fine now because you have the proportions of a good pornstar model

*re-zips dick*

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I'd still play Donkey konga on those badboys.

hey if you aren't doing anything later maybe you want to get pregnant?

>two femanons posting tits in one thread

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try to develop your chest and upper lats even if you're on a caloric deficit. it helps the whole upper body get tight. would still munch on that like cotton candy.

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That's completely normal and not gross at all. Post your balls, faggot.

Oh now this is good.

Do you mind posting any body pics? You look like you have a good transformation in the OP, but the pictures are also fully clothed so it's hard to tell. Just something like bra + shorts would be good enough

Non-child here. Nice tits babe.

This has got to be the first time this has worked

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Fucking KEK

Ayy my left pec is bigger than my right one too.
You said you're in the process of losing 70 lbs, how much more do you have to go?

It works in more often than not because they were going to post them there anyways.

Now post vag you whores

70lb give or take a few lb

this and ass

i want to fuck your brains out god damm, dealing with workout boners and increased libido is hard as fuck.

I'd sincerely get my face between those. then lick your nipples with the tip of my tongue slowly.

I say these stuff to my snap hoes it makes them send more tiddies

I've never had a doctor test my blood for anything other than vitamins D levels specifically, which were fine.
The next time I see a regular provider I will be asking for a blood test to check my thyroid, A1C, RBC level, iron, etc..
After losing a lot of weight I wouldn't be surprised if I have metabolically fucked myself and am probably deficient in some nutrients.

I do feel fine if I go a few days of eating low calorie (usually 400-800 kcals) It's just that the first day nearly takes me out and destroys my motivation and mental energy. Then I wake up to someone literally sticking donuts in my mouth because I've fainted.

I've lost about 30 so far


That's a lot.
Are you bottom-heavy?
Based on that picture alone you probably won't end up with a chest as smol as OP's.

Now show us that fine ass baby. I want to get a look at my next meal

How do you think your future boyfriend would feel about you posting tits like this on Jow Forums?

thats not me, that's just some rude user

Will you eat my poo?

I dont mind
>tfw future bf

They do sag, but the appearance is exacerbated by laying on my back in that photo.

Just that ass baby. I'll eat it like its the last fucking supper

Yeah and maybe also the soles of your feet. That would be so funny haha

Now that you said it...

>progress and transformation thread
killyourself, you got neglected so much by the hoes you met in your life that you unironically hate a random hoe that wants to better herself, fagget.

Ah that makes sense.
If you lost 40 lbs already then most of that probably came from your midsection and legs.
I wanna say your chest will hold up fine.


Could any of you girls who posted ITT deliver ass pic?

Doesn’t have to be nude, we would just like to see how hard are you gals really training!

Here’s a pic of my doggo. Girls love doggies!

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You'd be okay being with a girl who had nudes on the internet that lots of dudes have jerked off to?

high test male here, i would make your tits the new home of my dick.

I'd be ok being with a warm rock, just as long as I'm not alone anymore

>those one for all full cowling looking boots
can you go 100% yet?

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God you're all so cringy. No wonder girls don't post here

>anonymous chest pics ruins her purity

t. retard

Nobody irl gives a shit user. Get over it.

*Tips fedora*
M'lady, I think you looked much better and happier in the before pic, where you were at a healthy weight. After starving yourself you look very unhealthy in the after picture.

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As many anons said, try fasting. Go to the catalog and ctrl+f "/fast/". Read everything in the OP. Make sure you know exactly what you're doing before starting.

That being said, fasting is the quickest and most effective way of burning fat naturally. also LONDON

this never gets old, kek.

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CICO you dumb nigger

To look like a Kingdom Hearts character.