My vagina when he likes the same things as me

>my vagina when he likes the same things as me

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then you'd be soaking with me. i dont have your shit taste

That a big a vagina there friendo

I've never heard this Jow Forums stereotype about women. They don't like it when a guy has the same tastes as them?

Women care about two things:
>physical attributes
>available assets
In that order. That is literally it. Everything else they say they care about is a lie.

find cunt moisturizer

>tfw no pretentious bf to bully me about my tastes in music/movies/tv/vidya/everything

It's probably the idea that once they consider a guy a friend and easy to talk to, he no longer has the ability to be exciting, challenging in a fun way, or something they can admire above being humanized as someone with feelings and basic interests.

kys faggit
also i'm sure your tastes are shit

women don't typically want to date their male clone.

same I prefer it when the guy has different interests to me, and mine are pretty obscure.
even getting a bf who likes bland as shit stuff is better than someone with my interests.

why is that? what are your interests?

That makes ZERO fucking sense to me.
If I could have a female clone of myself, I would be satisfied for life. Some dudes would even fuck their best friend if they randomly turned into a chick.

yeah well it's different for girls. besides I have a few male friends with mutual interests but I don't see them as potential boyfriends. we're just too alike.

>your vagina
see attached pic, larper

i want a bad boy who puts me in my place after roasting his shitty rap taste.

There is contrast here, but, usually and I say USUALLY here, because there are quite a lot of girls who hate being confronted in general and arguing, but usually a girl expects her man to be independent enough, meaning that if you never disagree with her, like every single thing that she likes, have the same hobbies with no margin for variety, she will find you boring because there is no contrast nor conplement to the relationship since both of you are virtually too similar.

But then again, you have no idea how different every girl can be and you can't really generalize too much because the moment you think you've figured out women and you think you've figured the game, you meet someone who the rules you've constructed doesn't at all apply to and she will either be the exception to the rule that finally spells your salvation and you are happy ever after or she is going to be just another new sack of fucking rage inducing emotional problems to deal with. One is far more common than the other and I'll let you guess which one.

Jow Forums is a really bad place to go if you want to figure out people and women in general. Every conclusion is constructed from guesses, biased outside point of view observations and pornographic stereotypes. The only real way to trully understand women, well, as best as possible since men will never figure out what the fuck goes on in their bitch brains, is to do exactly what you fags refuse to accept to do. Fuck thots, get played with, endure bullshit, be the cuck you are paranoid of being seen as, eat shovels upon shovels of shit until you wisen up and realize the only path towards decent relationships is enough self-respect to not give a flying fuck if some bitch vagina gets dry because of you because you are worth more than shitty thots who want you to be some sort of molded charming prince. It's ironic, but to learn self-respect, one has to, first, be desperate

Good thing I like black metal then

2 years late: This post proved to be the salvation of the r9k community, everyone has gotten laid at this point

Sticky this post.

so what if
>I don't like thing X and people know that
>woman comes up to me saying how much she hates X

>the only real way to truly understand women is to give up trying to understand them and never have sex with them

No, that is the best decision to avoid yourself years of pain and mindfuck.
My point was you have to balance that inner conflict and take decisions that spring you into action.
If, for instance, you really do want to get laid and eventually find love, you have no choice but to accept it is a trial by fire and you will get burned. It's the only way to learn. Stop being afraid and be the cuck(not literally). Get hurt, get played and get into some trouble. The eternal love at first sight is a genuine meme and so long as you cling to that notion that you will only settle for "the one", you will hurt yourself and let life pass you by. It trully does suck, but without any experience, you will never even know how to know who "the one" is since you will think any girl who is nice to you, into you and some of your hobbies and gives you attention is "the one" and you'll end up tricked anyways.

However, if you want to save yourself the trouble like I eventually did after playing for a while and never finding my match, then stop bothering, ignore the vagina and pursue more productive endeavors and be happy, but you must not look back, you must be confident in your decision and that it is the best for you. Point being that the vast majority of guys who go "MGTOW" do because they are tired of this shit and want to live for themselves and not women, but everything they do is about sticking it to the roastie and going against the current as they incessantly bitch and whine about women. This is not going "MGTOW"(I hate that term.), this is just a diffetent cope for sexual frustration. If you plabln to give up, trully do so. Go all the way and never come back. Don't think of bitches, don't speak of bitchrs and whatever you do, do it for yourself.

I unironically want a hip hop-y boyfriend even though I hate hip hop myself

>get hurt, get burned
You think i'm afraid of some slut trying to punch me and that's why i don't have sex with them? I'm pretty sure i can overpower her.
>stop bothering, ignore the vagina
Tell that to my testosterone. You can't ignore biology.

>tfw the thing I want most in life is a girl who shares my interests to spend all my time with
This honestly upsets me a lot.

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>Can't ignore biology.
Discipline is the best way to master impulses. Become disciplined. It's not easy, but it's more than feasible.

>You think i'm afraid of some slut trying to punch me and that's why i don't have sex with them? I'm pretty sure i can overpower her.

Why did you think I meant it literally? I mean emotionally you dingus.

>I mean emotionally
Lmao what so you think i'm afraid she'll call me names? That's even more ridiculous.
Look where you are. People who come here aren't emotionally fragile.

Yeah. Impossible. I tried everything.

Yeah, why do they want less things to talk about with the person they like?

I've never had a relationship but hypothetically I would like to learn from the person I'm with and help them learn as well. We could be excited about the same things and discuss them to create a bond that would help us grow closer together.

Oh well, I guess I'll never understand how relationships are "supposed" to work. It was always dying alone for me anyways.

>Lmao what so you think i'm afraid she'll call me names? That's even more ridiculous.
Look where you are. People who come here aren't emotionally fragile
>People who come here are not emotionally fragile
>A board full of people on genuine suicide watch who would need years of shrink to become functional are not emotionally fragile
I am not trained to deal with people with such severe autism.
>Tried everything.
The go to excuse of everyone who tried nothing.

Is it better to have autist tier interests that are different or similar normal interests

So essentially you're saying i have autism and you're telling me to fuck off because you can't help me?


No, I am not saying that.
But since you have the reading comprehension of a toddler, trying to communicate ideas to you is pointless.
That being said, are you that same user who made the thread about a cashier making a joke to you based on how young you looked on your ID and you got all pissy for no reasons?

>implying robots haven't endured years of rejection and friendzoning just to still end up with nothing
There's a reason anecdotal evidence isn't accepted in science.

is this actually true? i would love to date a male(or female) clone of myself with slight variations

In you said that the way to get laid is to allow yourself to get hurt.
I thought you meant physically because being emotionally hurt is just a ridiculous idea.
And i told you in that i am not afraid of being physically hurt.
You replied confirming that you indeed meant emotional not physical.
And then i replied in that i don't get emotionally hurt.
At which point you sperged out in and called me an autist.

Where exactly did i go wrong here?

Ironic that you say that since most of the evidence for women being whores that you can find on this board comes from anecdotal screenshots and rejection stories.

You are the only person I know who would struggle to understand what I meant and I call absolute bullshit on you not getting emotionally hurt at all. Get emotionally invested with someone, then get betrayed and see if you still think you're a tough guy.

>get emotionally invested with someone
What does that even mean? Getting to know them personally? Their life, friends, hobbies, interests, etc?
Then getting betrayed how? They stop talking to you without having sex with you and thus you wasted all this time with no reward?
That would just piss me off, not hurt me.

Jesus Christ you are really fucking dense.
Good day to you, I'm out.

Good. Fuck off and stop pretending you can help you fucking normie.

>implying I think all women are whores or that I care people post that shit on this board

Cool story bro, I never implied that I could help in the first place, but since you went out of your way to deconstruct and misunderstand my opinions, every single thibg I said flew miles above your head.

Here's me actually trying to help and I'm not gonna choose my words here. Maybe if you stopped trying to deconstruct everything peopke say to you in the most specific and nonsensical way, people wouldn't assume you have heavy autism since an inability to grasp nuance is a strong trait of autism and if you stopped trying to antagonize everyone who offers an opinion by remodelling everything you hear or read as sonething incomprehensible when you are literally the ONLY fucking dude in this whole board who would fail to get the point, people would be more tolerant of your hostile nature.
That being said, there is no helping faggots like you. You already gave up.
>huur duuur sexual desire is impossible to control because I am an undisciplined savage ape with no self-control who let the dick do the thinking for me. How can I be so sexually frustrated I don't understand!

i think it's true for most women. the idea of dating someone just like me that wants to do everything with me yucks me out. but maybe it's just me, idk dude.

Nigger why are you even here? Go fuck your stacy and quit being butthurt.

Didn't you say you were gonna fuck off? Why are you still here. Press Ctrl + W.

That said, the only advice you offered was to "get hurt" and when i said i'm not afraid of getting hurt, physically or emotionally, it was YOU who started being antagonizing probably because you believe that this is literally the only obstacle a robot can have in life which clearly isn't the case. And i'm not hostile irl. I don't even talk to anybody irl so i have nobody to be hostile towards. As for not being able to control the sexual desire, is that why i almost broke my fist fighting a wall trying to nofap for a few days? Different people have different testosterone levels you retard. And you're saying i shouldn't deconstruct everything people say, and just mindlessly agree or go along with it, fuck that. I actually fucking listen. I try to understand. I don't just talk for the sake of talking, i want to learn. I come up with different possible interpretations of everything people say because i don't want to misunderstand them. Now fuck off already.




How the fuck do you even talk then? If you share nothing in common what the fuck do you talk about.
Fucking retarded bullshit like this is why I can't talk to people. I dont share any shit in common to talk about so I just ignore all other people around me. No wonder norman conversations are fucking bland.

But when it comes to getting a girlfriend, ANY girlfriend, you need to say you like sports and gym. That's it.

Say... you don't want to be LONELY do you?

based god right here

>How the fuck do you even talk then? If you share nothing in common what the fuck do you talk about.
jesus christ dude chillax. the fact that you have different interests makes talking better and gives you more stuff to talk about. like if you're both into cosplay and you've both been in the scene for years bringing your guy to a con with you for the first time isn't as exciting. but if it's his first time there's lots of stuff to tell him about. and he's also not the con bicycle so you're not going to run into like three of his exes. and like if he's really into metal and you've seriously never heard metal, like he's passionate about it and he wants you to listen to like all these different songs he loves and tell him what you think. having different interests means you can bring new experiences into the relationship, it means you have autonomy so you don't get clausterphobic. it's not bad to have a few common interests either. but idk, if you're into archaeology and you're passionate about it, isn't it kind of exciting to teach someone something new for the first time?

What are some cool interests to pick up the chicks these days? Is learning new things a cool "interest"? I don't want them to think I'm the boring asshole that I am, particularly on Tinder

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The problem is people are more binary nowadays than apathetic so if they don't have something as an interest it probably means they dislike it and don't want to talk about it.

>sports and gym
sports and gym?
i don't like the gym but i go there anyway to stay healthy

what sport do i have to like? i thought sports were for children

>Say... you don't want to be LONELY do you?
well i never had a gf so how can i know that it would be better than my solitude?

I refuse to believe women are that stupid

I've only ever met 2 people in my entire life who I can talk to for more than 10 minutes with.
Also that idea of a con implies that this other person and I share the interest of *going* to a con. And then behind that would easily lay a lot of familiar interests.
Sure introducing someone to something is nice, but that implies that they care about said thing. It also implies that I am willing to go over everything with a fine tooth comb to ensure that they understand it. If I do that then I'll be an obvious autist, if I dont then I'll drive myself insane because I left out details that I wan't them to know.
>all this implying
The person learning about something doesn't have the ability to reply either, all they can do is react with "oh cool" or something like that. They can't continue the conversation in any meaningful way

Heres an example I suppose. If I wanted to talk about Touhou to literally anyone, I would have to assume that they are interested in vidya, anime, and stuff that is niche/not mainstream. That already turns down 99% of all conversation I can find. If the person doesn't have an interest in vidya, they wont see the interest in that form of entertainment. If they aren't interested in anime (in which case they often find it weird/revolting as most normies do) then they'll be just as weirded out by it, as any other anime talk. If they can't appreciate/dont like things that are niche then they would be weirded out by my interest in it.
Now if that person DOES share those interests, lets assume im introducing it to them, even then. In that conversation I can't make references, such as talking about best girl or whatever, and I can't talk about my accomplishments in the game since they won't know enough (anything) about it to even have a reaction. You can also imprint this idea onto any hobby, changing for the requirements.
Does my anger seem to have justification?I just want to talk to someone about my hobbies ;_;

Oh hey, it's another self-declared nice-guy who gets angry when he doesn't get his way.

Here you go my man.

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That's retarded, why wouldn't you want to be with someone who's into the same shit as you, wouldn't that bring you closer in some regard? The one time I go on this board and it's faggot shit like this.

Damn, you want to tell me that women care about everything a person could have? Whores, I tell you!

More faggot shit from some incel. Women care about more than that, it's just that those are also very important features, since they have a direct correlation in one way or another to positive outcomes in some regard. There are women who ONLY care about that shit, and that's also retarded, since you can't build a relationship off of shit like that, like it's just a business or something, but for the most part people still care about more than that.

No, it is a smart move actually.
It is just that most women know they could not stand themselfs.

oh my god dude. i seriously cannot tell if you're being dense to troll me or if you're just like this. i'm not trying to be mean. just stop overthinking things. you do not need to go into excruciating detail to talk to someone about a subject you're passionate about. they don't want excruciating detail. tell them how you feel about it, what's frustrating, what's funny, how other people involved act. like i was trying to explain kill la kill to my normie friend and he had no idea what i was talking about. he didn't even know what fan service was. and he still has no idea what kill la kill is i'm sure, but the whole thing was just hilarious.
idk maybe. but if a guy can get me to listen to death metal and if my sister's so can get her to learn how to shoot an assault rifle i feel like maybe people aren't that binary.

>my vagina when all he cares about is chart music and gym

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