How I went from 30 y.o. neverkissed to constant blowjob receiver in 12 easy steps

-Spend entire teens and 20s convinced that all women were programmed by genetics to hate me.

-Get sad.

-See cheap therapist recommended by friendzone girl who wouldn't fuck me but still cared about my happiness and wellbeing.

-Decided make big changes to disrupt cycle of dissatisfaction/depression.

-Moved to city with lots of people.

-Pursued my hobbies and made friends based on those hobbies.

-Downloaded Tinder.

-Put together 2 decent outfits for dates.

-Swiped a bunch of people, messaged some of them, dated a few.

-Found one I liked (turns out women also get lonely and hate themselves and like making dark jokes and watching anime)

-Had awkward sex the first time, increasingly less awkward sex over the next 18 months.

-Now wake up every morning snuggling next to warm caring person who loves me.

Attached: robot ba.png (804x589, 137K)

Nice, you were a decent looking user who put a little effort n got good results. Now what do if fat and or ugly?

well im glad life got better for you user, but now you have to leave, this isnt your home anymore

i can relate to like 4 of these. this ones better at baiting insecure boys.

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Did not read, do not care. I can already tell by the structure of your post that youre already packing the same bland, ineffectual advice thats already been posted here thousands upon thousands of times. Saged and reported, gtfo

dude, most of us understand we'll get women a lot easier when we're 30 and their standards are finally lowered. doesn't make it any less miserable that we have to be lonely in our teens and 20's for being below average men. I don't even want a girl anymore.

And she will leave the instant a slight improvement comes along

I'm so happy for you, Op.

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Work out. And find a look that makes you more confident and appealing to other people. Just think about the end goal if you ever get demotivated. Not OP

>most of us understand we'll get women a lot easier when we're 30 and their standards are finally lowered

Who drilled this into your stupid head?


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Hey OP,

I made another thread but I think you might know what the solution is, so I'll copy-paste it on here so you can read it and help me:

I know this thread will be full of autistic REEEE's, but here's a little bit of background.

> 3/10 ugly 27 years old guy
> Poor + Hopeless NEET + Living with parents
> Living in a shitty poor city
> In love with my GF (REEE, right?!)
> A lot of girls wanted to, at least, go out with me
> I liked the feeling of being wanted and play a little with them, but I almost never crossed the line/cheated on my GF
> Nice social circle

> 3/10 ugly 27 years old guy
> 1400_ per month, soon too be 1550 per month + IT Consultant for a big TLC firm + Living on my own in a nice apartment
> Living in the richest city in my country
> In love with my GF (but she doesn't speak that often with me anymore)
> A girl wanted to be my GF, but she was ugly and frankly mad
> I just masturbate when I'm alone
> No friends, no human contact outside work.

I thought I was rising fellow robots, but now I look more autistic than ever, even if I'm reaching all the Red Pill preaches. And so the question:


So the typical r9k virgin is ugly but you still blame him for being virgin. His looks are genetic.

it won't fix every incel but 99% of people lose their virginity by 45, being lonely is mostly an ages 18-35 only thing.

Fuck off normal fag if you already had female friends you were not a robot

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4 or 5 describes me. Welp fuck

>be attractive mentalcel
>actually have friends and female friends
>get one nudge to get a gf
wow op #inspired

Holy shot I just realised this is basically Elliot Rodgers

This. I never had a female friend. Also, never saw a lonely girl in my school. All women are socially desirable to an extent. Not true for men.

i'm pretty sure someone looked at me to make that picture. i even look exactly like that, my eyes are blue with brown/hazel around the iris just like that.

>plebbit tier spacing
>using dashes instead of greentext
gtfo newfag

Our generation is different. Old millenial men are still more lonely than previous generations men.

Could be true.

All me until I was diagnosed, except I have narrow always tired eyes.

Yeah none of this gives me hope when my biggest problems are my gyno and my penis that's a 5 incher on its best day

>Told they're wasting potential
>Likely to an hero
>Fantasizes about the life they should/should have had
>usualy has fucked up retarded looking hair
>Reguarly daydraming
>But usualy wasnt bullied becouse im allmost 2 meters tall and beefy
>unhealtyh obsessions
fuckin me

Great to see that you made it. I'm truly happy for you bro. I have few honest questions there.

>How did you get over the anxiety and insecurity of being a 30yo kv during your dates?
My biggest problem on dates is that my insecurities show through.

>What are these hobbies where you made friends?

>Why was your Tinder girlfriend okay with your sexual inexperience and the awkward sex from a 30 yo guy?

>A lot of girls wanted to, at least, go out with me

Fellow 3/10 here. How? Once told a women I like here, she literally ran away.

Attached: thinking.png (640x640, 111K)

>Social anxiety
>Cringe attacks
>ADHD kinda
>Fucked up hair
>Getting into garbage food more than I used to
>Used to not be scared of black people(since I'm half and live with black half rn) but I guess the Jow Forums spammer here have gotten to me
>Most people were told they were cute as a child
>Socially quiet
Didn't actually expect so many to apply to me but most don't really strike a nerve, this stuff can apply to any introvert tbqh.

Pretty much all of these hit home however. I sometimes just randomly get moments where I'm thinking about the only girl I felt very strongly for even though we haven't talked in 2 years and she's married. I imagine we're talking and she's laughing and we're both having a good time.

I did it in 1 step:
* Pay

>but I guess the Jow Forums spammer here have gotten to m
Jow Forums spammers*

Was going to say "I guess Jow Forums has gotten to me" but I don't go there, not interested in politics and that's mostly just the really slanted version of politics.

he's not a 3/10 dude he's an average looking guy who thinks he's ugly because shit's all fucked up right now.

Hmmm, this one rings a little too true.

yep that hits hard


I don't believe this garbage post at all.

>10 things true

This one hits a little too hard lads

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>Spend entire teens and 20s convinced that all women were programmed by genetics to hate me.

For me it's more like I'm convinced that everyone has a generally negative regard towards me, or would if they were to think about me at all, which they probably aren't. I feel like I have nothing to offer a friend or partner, so you lost me at
>friendzone girl
I've never had a female friend. Never been rejected either, but only because I'm too much of a coward to even confirm/disconfirm my irrational beliefs.

>has female friends
>has hobbies he enjoys
>uses degenerate app

>how I went from good looking male to good looking male

Its always the same with these stories

I don't want to write anymore.

This desu. i never saw a single girl in school who was less socially desirable than me. even the actual disfigured girl had pity friends. I would have stopped everything to whiteknight even for a man who was getting shit on, in hopes of being more liked even platonically, but it just didn't happen.

That pic is literally me except I have dirty blonde hair.

I can't tell if outsiders make this or robocucks do, but holy fuck, it's like absolutely any aspect of a guy's existence will be sharted on to maximum negativity if it means making excuses for women. But that's just the way people think.
Do women get offended because there are lots of alleged autists who are good looking but otherwise don't interact with them?

Women have a safety net when it comes to social desirability. Men if you're some combination of ugly/weird/short/poor, literally no one cares about you or finds you desirable.

>says inappropriate nonsensical things

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Y'all realize some of these things are way to broad to mean anything, right? For example, i'm pretty sure a ton of people were afraid of the dark as a child or fantasize about another life

one of the posters even acknowledged it was bait kek

13/13 for me. nice

I dont get the eyes part what does that mean?

What pictures did you have on tinder? If you had picture with friends or in social settings you were always a normalfag.

The world did. Literally all you need is a job above mimimum wage and there will be some disgusting turbo-roastie looking to settle for a shallow and loveless marriage once she hits the wall and becomes a hag.

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>A lot of girls
Sorry to say, but you're a humblebragging normazoid.

>lol just be a failed normalfag like me it's that easy xd
kill yourself normalnigger.

How do you contain the murderous impulses? I struggle constantly. I'm going to have to eat someone soon.