How many of you look worse than this guy?
How many of you look worse than this guy?
The guy actually has really nice eyes
I'm much better looking than this guy. Given a different personality, I wouldn't even be here.
He probably would look good, if he`d get Jow Forums
Jesus fucking christ.
That is basically me, i just have shorter hair.
>Lady Luck showered him with genetic gifts
>he still manages to fuck up
I look quite different from him, but probably equally good overall.
This guy is pretty good looking imo, if he has a good sense of humor he can even fuck Stacy. I think im not any better
>equally good
the fuck is this supposed to mean?
This guy is actually gorgeous.
He's bad looking in a pussy kind of way, i'm bad looking in the threatening kind of way
Uhh, like we're both 4/10?
Im more or less similar to this guy...
Sometimes all but one factor goes right
For example, I might be Chad if I wasn't 5'7"
And if I wasn't abused by my elementary school teacher, but one thing at a time.
I look even worse than him.. he'd look fine with a haircut and a shave.. growing a beard like that means you're a numale anyway god he'd look 1000x better without that thing imo..
Having a really shitty childhood and no father. And no, I'm not a black bot. I've had girls leave me there numbers and everything user but I always end up ghosting them (makes them even more desperate) I'll go to a bar and I'll get felt up by girls twice or three times in one night but then my anxiety gets the better of me. My dad lost his virginity to his fucking babysitter like a complete chad. But he's a complete fucking burn out who never bothered visiting me and left me to grow up with an abusive step father.
grow out and maintain your beard and you'll look better rn you are cute as hell
what I'm trying to say is more pics plz?
Man I'm 6'2, in good shape with chad looks, nice clothes, good hygiene, chad hair, 130 non-meme IQ and I'm even good at conversations. But I'm so mentally fucked that I go through cycles of happy and confident to stoic to depressed to murder suicide all within the span of a few months. At the moment I. Coming out of murder suicide (it's the shortest phase) but it always lingers in the back of my mind. Am I lost anons? Maybe a change of environment will help me. A fresh start. I'm getting a boomer tier job soon that pays very well so I'll be able to move out and start a new chapter. Fuck I sound like a roastie. Thanks for the vent guys.
me. picture this but like sunken and sad looking with terrible skin
Is this guy fucking joking? Trim the beard, get a real haircut and go to a gym and he could be an easy 9/10.
Tfw when you lookin like bisexual bear
I hope everything goes well. But please don't kill yourself. As you described you have lots of good qualities. Make sure you see them everyday
If he got a nose job he wouldn't look as bad
Feels known. I oscillate between manic depression and psychosis.
I ended up at a mental ward after my depressive cycles became so long that I turned into a vegetable. Bipolaria is a bitch.
Meds actually helped me quite a bit. The rest was just getting a better perspective on life through philosophy.
But if you want to heal your mind, I'll warn you it will take a long time. Took me 3 years so far and I'm still not entirely there. I hope I'll be able to hold down a job next year.
grow beard, hair and gut larger
with a nose that big and that manlet frame he can pass as a tolkien's dwarf no problem
Probably uglier on the outside and inside
That guy is actually cute. He just needs confidence. Like all robots here
I like his nose it looks nice to boop and kiss
and if he made his nose smaller it would put more emphasis on his lips
oh yeah i'm fucking horrible inside as well can he compete with that op?
why do ugly guys always grow out their beards. shave the beard, cut and style the hair, work on the posture. first 3 steps for any neckbeard trying to become more attractive
he's a real tiger
he would make an amazing mario and swim in cosplay chick pussy
>just be confident
>just be yourself
>embrace your weakness and make it a strenght
I look a lot like this guy...
I find him really fucking cute but our children would end up with dreadful noses. Mine is also fat as fuck. It's the main trait is hope to breed out
this is why you adopt
I wouldn't want to adopt either. I want my own kids, hopefully without my bad features. Most kids in the care system are ones with problems and honestly, I grew up with enough problems from my own autistic brother and I don't want that for the rest of my days.
>see cute girl
>imagine our lives together
>realise our children would look weird and basedboy-ish
>fantasy ruined
I want my son to be a chad with a manly face. I'll have to find horse faced gf.
9/10? With that nose? No fucking way.
>tfw nobody realizes fag op took this shit from plebbit
I posted on amiugly and the mods deleted my post
because you didnt properly time stamp retard
He's cute but he has the worst case of "prey eyes" I've seen. I could not imagine him penetrating anything, boi or girl.
>inb4 I bet ur uglier than him t.roast lololol
Looks like every millennial youtube e-celeb ever. I bet he jerks off to episodes of Star Trek TNG
why the fuck should you have to timestamp a photo to warrant it being rated
it's not like I'm trying to trick people into giving me money or something that actually matters
Post yourself landwhale
Can't get meds because I have to go through a medical evaluation for my new job. I'm completely faking the whole thing. Seeking help will definitely crop up.
Who's not that bad? My man just needs a nosejob, a good shave, and a haircut and he'll be C H A D.
I got a more robust face but in turn I have incurable acne, terrible hairline and can't grow a beard.
just get a rhinoplasty and have better skin care.
Also he needs to manage his eyebrows. I think he would also look better shaved. He might also need lip augmentation surgery. Total cost would be about $18k USD but very doable.
Dude looks like a dwarf from The Hobbit movies.
I look like him but with less exaggerated features and no prey eyes. He honestly looks like a bizarre onions caricature of myself ngl
also a better haircut lol
I wish I had the super power to lift up anime skirts on my TV
Jesus, this guy would look SO MUCH BETTER if he grew his beard long, got a better, more mastuline haircut and lost some weight.
>those eyes
still not passable
I have much better hair, bone structure, eyes, and nose, but he has a better beard, and a bit less acne. I need to shave soon though, and I'm pretty sure his beard serves to cover up his chin.
I look as god as this guy, if he got rhinoplasty. Which is pretty decent.
My nose is similarly large. But I mean John Krasinski can pull it off so...
That's a firbolg.
he could get surgery on his lids and palpebral fissure to make them look normal. He could also have his jaw bone shaved to make it appear more masculine. He'd probably have to spend tens of thousands of dollars with everything, but it's worth it (don't have kids tho)
Devilish digits user.
He looks just like fucking Mario lmao
you made him worse. before he looked like some troll doll of a human females mr right now he's a fucking who