Female Goal Bodies

Can we post some female goal bodies? I always struggle finding them. They're either too soft or too hard.

Preferably with big breasts (not being lewd, I have huge tracts of land so I want something achievable for me), but whatever goes.

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have a whole blog devoted to these. You should start a thinspo tumblr you'll be inundated with dream bodies all day.

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oh wait you said big boobs

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What is your blog?

This girl is too skinny for me. I want *some* muscle.


mines is mostly skinny girls. But if you want girls with muscles try a fitblr and follow fitspo tags

>big breasts

out of curiousity what do you think will happen if/when you get a goal body?

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hey I just posted that in another thread, nice to know someone has taste

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Love me some milk trucks

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If you were not born with a vagina please immediately kill yourself

Be happy with myself? Get a gf or bf? Start playing sports for fun?


Too muscular, but getting warmer

I am already thin, girls are very admirable of my body(even though I don't really do exercise, just proper diet and fasting) because I have a really good hip to waist ratio and tig bits(28H). I want to start exercising but terrified I will lose my aesthetic proportions if I do this, and having some muscle definition isn't worth sacrificing muh tits and ass because they would certainly sag like crazy if i lost too much fat.

I'll finally feel comfortable enough to do some of the things I want without feeling extremely anxious and self-conscious (sit down, go swimming, etc.) and I'll feel worthy enough to pursue a boyfriend.

so what's the question? You shouldn't exercise besides some cardio to build stamina/endurance.

Posting here because my gf has almost a goal body and idk where else to post this... Girlfriend has a black doll from childhood, and she just sent me this... Does this mean she's racist?

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hahaha probably. Are you black? If not so what. Most people don't like black people and/or think we're unattractive. Is English her first language?

>so what's the question?
Sorry duh. My question was if its ok to exercise, and what exercises were appropriate or if its necessary at all. I realize my female brain failed to type anything like this in my post. Oops. And you answered my question with your post anyways. Thank you.

Girl, don't call yourself dumb. I'm a girl and I'm not stupid. Everyone makes silly mistakes but you shouldn't deprecate yourself in that way or people will treat you worse. But like I said before just doing cardio will help you burn calories, maintain physical fitness and endurance, and not dramatically alter your nice shape. You may also build some aesthetic muscle if you sprint.

Any name?

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At least quadruples didnt get wasted on this pitiful post

i have a fuck ton of nude modeling photos but very few fully clothed

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i wonder how many street signs will i have to click this time

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You will not lose your bone structure, nor where your bodyfat is naturally placed on your body due to genetics, nor your massive tits due to exercise. And it will take a lot of exercise to reduce any bf% anyway. Literally everyone benefits from some lifting and cardio.

Mia Sand is has perfect proportions you mong

fucking cuck I would kill for a gf like that

You lucky bastard

Do you get anxious or self conscious by sitting down?

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yes!! I feel like everyone's looking at my fat stomach and rolls it's why i wear a sweatshirt most of the time

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That's crazy, doubt most people even notice or care but if that gets you to work on your body its a good thing I guess. Good luck getting fit.

>live in hot area
>don't want to wear skimpy clothes
>super skimpy clothes are the only comfortable thing to wear while I'm exercising

Your ass/tits wouldn't sag with exercise, they'd become perkier. The extra muscle will push the fat bits out further

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I’ll feel comfortable wearing cuter clothes and bikinis.

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people will be less intimidated by me and i can be more invisible. i won't be seen as threatening, dangerous. I can see myself as pure, fewer black guys will hit on me, i will hate myself less, i may actually get a bf, etc.

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She literally hasn't done a single day of exercise in her life.

women were not made for exercise, they were made to get fucked and make babies

she looks tall. She has good boob to vag distance

>fewer black guys will hit on me

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a lardass kills a boner faster than low t, a Jow Forums wife is the best wife

Black guys hit on me currently because I guess I’m curvaceous and I’m also black. But I dislike this phenomenon. From what I’ve seen black guys aren’t as into STICC mode as are white guys, making STICC mode the ideal aesthetic as that’s all I’m interested in

yeah I hate to break it to you but it's best if you stick to your kind

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You don’t have to break anything to me and absolutely not. I wouldn’t date or even kiss a black guy if my life depended on it. Niggers are filth

>no exercise means she's lardass
you are beyond retarded

I generally don't support race-mixing, hell I only tolerate asian women and white men getting together, there's not a lot of whites to go around you know? We need to increase our numbers if we are to survive

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>he thinks the average woman isn't lazy
you are fucking naive

So your abandoning us because you want some white dick? What wrong with black men today that has you turn off?

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She's not wrong in the fact that most of you act like fucking monkeys

I don’t particularly care what you think. The less pure the black population is the better. Whites highly favor one another in the first place and the idea that the white race is dying is paranoia.

i not only know women are lazy, i also know that they're stupid as well which is precisely why i know that a lack of exercise doesn't lead to lardass you fucking brainlet

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Whites are dead meme, just let it go. I'd breed this self hating nigress in a heartbeat. Our children will be qt half breeds


You are a nigger just in case you forgot. How can you justify giving birth to a mix? How can you justify forcing your child to live as a mutt?

It’s not JUST the dicks. It’s about the fact that the average white guy is better than the average black guy in just about every way. I also just cannot find blacks attractive, something about black guys is wholly repulsive to me. Probably related to trauma but I have never found a black man attractive.

Black men hate black women on average anyhow, statistics on the rates of violence in “””our””” “””community””” validate it.

I don’t think I could completely love a fully black child I want to believe it when I tell them they’re beautiful.

If you can see her muscles ripple when she squats, then she is perfect

>What wrong with black men today that has you turn off

>Whites highly favor one another in the first place
yes and those whites who do make babies, make them at less than replacement rate and far less than most minorities. combine this with governments who shamelessly flood their countries with low IQ, high birth-rate minorities, left-wing governments who are openly anti-white and anti-nativist and "the white race is dying" begins to look a lot less like paranoia, especially to the historically and statistically illiterate masses

>it's fucking paranoia
>the USA is 56% percent white
>the Majority of the world is nonwhite
>Blacks, Chinese, Japanese, Arabs and Jews have their own ethnostates
>white countries are getting flooded with nonwhites
Fuck off cunt we have a right to have our own countries and peoples, don't give birth to a rootless child who will suffer from being rejected by both races

gib me ur racist gf

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Obviously. I have lots of mixed and light skinned friends who are very beautiful and don't really have any complexes besides superiority and arrogance. Light skinned blacks are the true alphas of blacks and it pisses all the rest off.

The fact that other people don't want to go there as much doesn't make it an ethnostate.

The United States isn't really "your" country. I'm not invading Europe, neither I nor my family members came here voluntarily.

They may be rejected by whites but almost all black people are ~20-25% black and mixed blacks are wholly accepted in the black community and in fact paraded as our mascots (Halle Berry, Alicia Keyes, Chanel Imani, etc.) it's not rootless at all.

I think you guys live in a really racially isolated place but in burgerland it's not difficult to be a mixed black person at all unless your parents make it a big deal. Obviously I'm going to subtly raise them to appeal to their white side but they won't have to struggle with any identity crisis.

I admit there is a lot wrong with today's idea of 'black culture' and our Community. But not every black man is a T.I or Ja Rule wannabe nigger. Just like how not all black women have been letting hip hop and general niggadry degrade you with all that acting like an uppity hoe shit. Theres good men who want to get educated, be healthy and succeed in life (maybe find a girl who's just as driven). If your going to work hard to get a STICC body then at least give us a chance and look for a GOOD man instead of just running off to another race.
Oh fuck off we know the niggers and hoes are what the media plays up when you think BLACK but there's plenty of good ones who (((they))) don't want to show because the fuckers in the hood want gibs while I had to work hard to get a scholarship and go somewhere in life. Keep acting like we are all niggers and you'll just alienate the ones that hate niggers just as much as you.

>neither I nor my family members came here voluntarily.
Fuck off back to where you come from

I don't want to share a country with nigs

And one last thing I forgot to mention

>not ALL black guys
But 100% are unattractive to me. Sorry. Can't do it. And I don't want black kids.

I am black, I have known black people all my life. I have some ""good"" black friends. But I still don't pretend like they're the majority. Also because of my upbringing I don't have much in common with the average black person.

no thanks.

I'll claim that as I walk around with my mixed kids.

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not bad

I don't care what you want. If you want you can go back in time and tell old Lincoln to duck and send more of us over to Liberia with a lot more cash so in the long run you don't have to deal with us and we don't have to deal with you.

more like stop (((Booth))) from firing the gun

which is why balkanisation is inevitable

How about all y'all race warriors fuck off and let's go back to posting big breasted fit girls

>have huge tracts of land

Based Holy Grail

Tell me you find at least a few black men attractive, there is no way you can 100% dislike every black male you've ever met.

>Also because of my upbringing I don't have much in common with the average black person.

And not trying to dive into your personal life but whats the deal?

I'll feel good looking, boys will hit on me and I would believe my boyfriend's when he calls me sexy

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I literally have never found a black guy attractive like i said there's some issues that may be at play there but also i think black people just really look like animals including myself and there is nothing attractive about that.

I went to a mostly white school for pretty gifted students and still go to a preppy college that's ~40% white and the majority rest are Asian. My major in my year also has 3 black people / ~160 students

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oh gosh :3

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forget what I said

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you are very peculiar to say the least

wow rude

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Not peculiar at all. Niggers are nearly as self hating as Asians

not at all, black people hate eachother and themselves very often, it's just that for the sake of le pride and, y'know, violence, we don't always voice it so often.

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I'm almost at my goal. I just gotta get preggers for the boobs and cut for the abs like lol

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And I don't dislike every black male I've ever met I just have never felt sexually attracted to one.

you put blue paint on her she's the avatar girl



This is my goal body. I wish to get there by the end of the year.

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>black people just really look like animals including myself and there is nothing attractive about that.
If you want to see a black man with some sex appeal watch the defensive backs from Boston and you'll see one lol.

But seriously putting yourself down like that isn't good for you girl.From the description of yourself and what you want to look like I'm sure your more beautiful than you give credit. But it seems like your set in your ways, and its sad. I hope you get your goal body and find someone who loves you for who you are, mind and body.

Stay strong girl .