Wed. Weekly Mantis Thread

Alright so as promised Im updating my pets progress to make sick gains. I have the oxygen bottle all set up now and it seems to be working great. I think soon ill start supplementing and logging the gains on my digi-scale.
Pic related is last thursday before the molt. will post updated pic below. We still havent concluded a name for the lil thing yet.

Attached: mantis_thursday.jpg (2268x3024, 1.42M)


You will crush that critter some day I know it

Is he aware you are his master?

bumping for pics

Ive got a steady stream of o2 going into its cage hoping it will increase the rate of gains. Its a pretty simple setup and I just use tape to keep the gas running. Currently Im running the FAD diet but occasionally throw in a small worm because they fight better. I couldnt figure out how to make the mantis lift weights so hopefully the worm thrashing around will help it increase grip strength and work its legs a bit. If anyone has an idea on how to make it train strength they would be appreciated.

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good luck getting that thing out of skelly mode, Dyel as fuck

hows little Mogar doing?

you try and double in mass in under a week.

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OP what is your plan for progressive overload? I don't think a work every once in a while is enough. Why don't you trap him under a small piece of paper or something and increase the weight every day?

A worm* not work

fuck yeah

Dubs decides his name

Roll for "Our Guy"

our MANtis*


You don't need to make the mantis lift, it needs to mimic the movements it'd do in the wild. Play tug of war with the worms if you can. When it he's big enough give it smaller mantids or other bugs to fight. Progressive overload in the form of progressively larger opponents while supplementing its food with calcium so it's exoskeleton is bigger and stronger. Raise it to be a prized fighting bug.




if i were you i'd hook some rubber hose up to the nozzle and then feed the hose through a hole in the enclosure so that you could get a good seal around the O2 source

Real mycooh?

Mogar fought a cricket the other day then ripped off his skin to make room for more food and natural weight gains.

Thats a good idea to make the setup look slicker. There are filter holes that allow gas exchange so the constant stream of oxygen gets pushed out slowly anyways.

Attached: mogar_skin.png (2081x1537, 3.38M)

whoa thats pretty rad. never knew mantis's could shed skin

Is it really possible that he may grow to be a very big boy if he’s fed lots of oxygen?

i think you should give him a bigger tank/terrarium/whatever you call it. animals grow based on the amount of space they have. plus, how'd you feel if you had to work out in a 5x5 room with no windows?

I already have the new home setup for next week when mogar sheds his skin again.
yes for you.

You should save his skins in little glass vials or something and track his size gain over time OP. Also log his weekly activity/diet since each molt on sticky notes and label the vials.

Get a second one raise him on standard mantis regimen and have him fight mogar in a few months.

What would you if I came over to your place and stole him haha


OP I was in your first thread, I was the one that suggested that he probably shouldn't consume pre-workout... Have you looked into supplementing creatine into his water?


I fucking hate bugs especially the flying ones.
This happened just now.
>coming back from gym
>2am and gotta wake up before 8am next morning
>just wanna take a shower, drink my protein shake and head to sleep
>enter home
>there is a fucking massive hornet (vespa crabro) buzzing and trashing around in my house
>that's the biggest flying insect that I ever saw within the last 20 years of my life and it looks angry af.
>isolate the room that the hornet chose to thrash around in and open 2 windows in that room with some hope that the fucker will leave by itself
>I could sense the smug from that massive cunt when he demonstrated exactly how many fucks he gives about my gentle suggestion to leave the premise
>get a raincoat and smack it around trying to push the fucker out of the room
>after 20minutes of attempts I finally get him out of the window and shut it behind him
>just as I turn around in relief I see this ungodly abomination smugly buzz back in through the other window

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me too until the end

I think it only gets water from the flesh of the weak. Im going to powder coat its food.

Jow Forums bug fighting championships???

it is possible, but he would need to remain in the oxygen rich environment 100% of the time.

also why this is possible is that insects have an open circulatory system
ever cell in their body needs to be in direct contact with oxygen through diffusion
this is one of the main reasons insects don't grow huge, the largest insects (titan stickbug) are really long, but not that thick