Asteroid that will wipe out all life on Earth is ETA in 2 weeks

>asteroid that will wipe out all life on Earth is ETA in 2 weeks
>politicians will say nothing about it "in order to maintain peace"

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Im fine with that desu

Would you rather there be fucking chaos and thousands of murders while they try to save earth?

Find it through a telescope, take a pic and post it with timestamp, otherwise nice larping skills.

Don't be a moron, user. OP's doing a "what if" thread, dumbass.

Nothing I can do about it so why should I care?

Why does this have to be a hypothetical situation? My life is kind of looking up right now, but I still would love to have it all end in a bang.

eight six seven 5 three 0 nine

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>two weeks
>try to save the earth.

user i...

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the space oiler crew in Armageddon did it in like a week you mong

what about the blood moon
will aliens come here to save us

That's a movie.
Yes, send something out there to change its orbit and make it hit the moon or something, or just let it fuck off into deep space.

filmmakers often work with the brightest scientific minds to make their movies as accurate and realistic as possible

Can i get a source on that?
Don't tease a nigga like that user

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>trying to be realistic

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Interesting thoughts. But wholly pessimistic.

I really do hope humanity survives long enough to build artificial colonies and branch out into space. It's a wonderful dream of mine that humanity cleanses itself and reawakens as a species before reaching out to the stars.

In our current state though the OP of that thread is completely right. We lack cohesion, resolve, accountability and will as a species and should we encounter a species akin to our own in our current state but far more advanced we're going to be either enslaved or annihilated.

We're another millennium from reaching out to the stars at least.

Armageddon was as close to a documentary as the filmmakers tried user, they were really critical in the science behind the film

Why did they train drillers to be astronauts instead of teaching astronauts how to drill?

astronauts have dedicated their entire lives to space and have no more space in their brains for other shit. oil drillers have a lot of space in their brains for other stuff, they can just forget all the hustlers and penthouses theyve read

That's retarded and untrue.

i tried to keep this going for as long as i can i cant believe people replied to me. of fucking course armageddon is bullshit jesus christ

All you have to do is hit it and change its trajectory. And we do have all these ICBMs laying around, maybe we strap a couple boosters to them and launch a bunch of them at it? Just a thought.

It was just me. "Haha I was just pretending to be retarded" doesn't work bub!

youre right you got me i accept armageddon as the gospel truth and all disaster films are the world government's backup plans in action

Yeah that's what l thought!

since we both got dub5s you have to now join me on the space team asshole. get ready to learn how to drill and navigate a spaceship

What that doesn't account for is the fact that a species with that level of technology can easily modify it's own body to a level that basically turns itself into a super resilient WMD. Civilizations like that will be able to roam the galaxy without much fear, because relativistic missiles would be unable to hit a human sized creature moving at the same speeds.

Put it off for another week or 2 user, im going to Tokyo in a week for fucks sake

Also where did you hear this huh?

you have to do that at least months or years in advance to make somewhat of a difference in trajectory

What about using all of them?