Daily reminder that if you're black or white you cant be robot. Whites are desired by all women, ethnic and white...

Daily reminder that if you're black or white you cant be robot. Whites are desired by all women, ethnic and white, blacks are desired by black, latin and white women

Meanwhile no women prefers asians. Our own women are the biggest race traitors in the history, asian mothers with white husbands dont even try to hide their resentment towards asian men to their sons that often end up looking asian, they openly worship whiteness.

Everyone gets offended if you try to stereotype black men but somehow its fine to stereotype all asian men as short small dicked losers. Fuck this society and fuck you all

Attached: white.webm (480x272, 1.71M)

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ching how kung fu hohohoho. you go back to canada chang.

>ethnic and white

"Ethnic" doesn't mean "non-white". White people are also "ethnic".

>Meanwhile no women prefers asians.
I do. Be my korean bf

thanks for the reminder, fag

Why do retards think that girls preferring white men = all white men can get a gf?

even if you're below average, if youre white you can just settle for self hating white worshiping asian gf. Youre a volcel, not an incel

Let's all suicide together user, i hate being a gook.
No matter how tall i am or muscular i get women will still hate me.

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i've seen asians land hot white gfs.

>blacks are desired by black, latin and white women

They only like ganster blacks not black bots, but to each his own

>tfw no tall muscular korean bf

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>be mulatto
>make okcupid account set in Florida
>match with mostly black women
I wish I liked them.

Yes, not a news.
Besides all the meme, Asians are the real robots.

But I still think Asian males are retards though, they know they have no social standing no matter what they do, the other sex don't desire them and still you bow down your head to Whitoids and even worship them.

Eat less onions products.
You should take advantage of Whitoid society the best you can while at the same time not contributing.

Accelerate the downfall of Whitoid society!

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Non black women say they like black dudes because they dont want to be labeled as racist . Behind closed doors their opinions would be vary drastically.

Even you have Kpop and anime so you might be able to pull autisstic GF. What do Indian men have?

>im a retard so all asians like me are retards

Meanwhile, i got a gf and a nice life. I was a NEET before but i realized that shit sucks and got a job then a gf.

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>tfw you are a manlet shitskin
I still think Asians got it worse

>no women prefers asians
Idk I'm asian and white weaboo chicks are easy to attract

i swear you asians were made with insect dna. sorry, what a shitty lot in life.

if youre from the northern part of India you have an advantage over east Asian men. You could always lie about your race since you dont look like the stereotypical bob and vagene 7/11 cashier caricature of a pajeet

>what do indian men have



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True they want some rough neck Tyrones. Not sweet Sappy nedry

WTF all girls think that yellow=kpop star
And they do love kpop stars kys

You really shouldn't care what white women think. 90% of them are retarded cunts. Asian women being race traitors is an issue though.

I live in a 95% white country. I am nothing special here.

*talks to yo girl, gets her number*


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Hahaha, fast food bro please, your life is shit, you will notice soon enough...
And you aren't exactly contributing to society by "cooking" and serving unhealthy food.
Also you don't even like your gf and cry for a Vietnamese gf all the time.

You still live in your delusional bubble, but prepare for the time when it bursts.

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I prefer asians
t. Roastie

But Arab qts hate us why even live


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Stop larping asianmasculinity and face reality.

No they aren't lmfao

Who gives a shit nigger? Everyone uses "ethnic" here to define non-whites, hang yourself in your sleep and irl

Being white doesnt count if youre under 6 foot

I'm taller and more muscular than picture guy but I'm not Korean and I don't do LDR.

asian guy can have all the white weeabo pussy that's you there, you are lucky men

I see many Reddit Asian masculinity accusations. That's such pot calling the kettle black nonsense. There probably is a small subset of deranged Asian guys who complain on the internet but the vast majority of Asian guys stemcel and/or wageslave, then spend every second of their free time playing MOBA or RTS. There is no significant organized Asian shilling effort. There is however an organized Jow Forums shilling effort. The irony is that for every real RAM post that exists, there are at least ten Jow Forums threads about RAM. Jow Forums spams to complain about spam.

wrong. i play rpgs and fighting games.

asianmasculinity at it's finest here, fuck off chinks

Yes. White and Black are the prime races.

>I'm not Korean
What are you?
>I don't do LDR.
Me either. Where are you from?

>What are you?
>Where are you from?

Attached: meme.png (4128x3365, 1.81M)

I meant your location but...
Dropped. Youre too old for me desu.

DROPPED. get out of here, ya boomer. and dont ever try it again.

Fucking hate MOBAs and all team based games...Warcraft 3 and Quake Live for me, typical boomer games.

Location is included in chart. LMK if you're nearby. Not going to let age stop me if you're nearby but feel free to drop if you're not nearby.

WC3 is RTS. BTW, I thought you and the Guangzhou meme guy were the same person for the longest time.

Then go live in Asia you fucking colonizing idiot. You won't have to feel out of place and sexually irrelevant anymore.

>Slovaks aren't ethnic
>Croatians aren't ethnic

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Asian men have plenty of luck with white women, when they decide to settle down

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I know it's an RTS...which is pure and is played 1on1.

> I thought you and the Guangzhou meme guy were the same person for the longest time.

We arre rook the same anyways...but my mother's relatives also do come from Guangdong...

I didnt say i was good looking, fag.

So you're saying is Asian men are the beta providers after Stacey is finally finished riding the Chad and Tyrone cock carousel?

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>NEET gook
>already 6'1 so unable to blame anything on height
>fall for the Jow Forums meme in high school, now I'm still depressed and want to kill myself but at least having a 410 deadlift is pretty ok I guess
>be poor, lazy brainlet so I can't even provide betabux for a used-up roastoid
>boring, shit personality, not even "nice" to make up for it
>even other losers take big poops on me

Boy heck almighty fellow yellow folk, I wish I was dead.

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Not the guy you were talking with, but why do you want a korean bf specifically? Like what are you expecting?

Wh*tes cannot be robots. Every girl wants a Wh*te bf

As*ans cannot be robots. Every weeb wants an As*an bf

Bl*cks cannot be robots. Every girl wants the BBC

isnt that embarassing for Stacey? thats an upgrade for Carlitochan no matter how you look at it.

Asian women with white men is modern colonisation

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Also that Guangzhou guy called Nisem somehow got a job, but other than that I doubt he will ever become a normal.

He pretty much turned into a slave for life time, the only thing expected from an Asian after all.

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weeb girls want literal music stars. 99 times out of 100 those same weeb girls are dating a weeb white bf. weebs are natsoc af.

like that Rachel and Jun that gets posted, hes not a pop star but hes an e celeb chef.

I sympathize, user, I really do, but I have a rebuttal. If you care about 3DPD and their opinions, you are not a robot, and are instead a failed normal, with a normal's brain and personalit

she looks so defeated. her eyes say "yeah i settled."

if theyre lucky and also have a fat bank account, yee.

What about latin men?


>tfw 5'8" 27 kv without any deadlift to speak of

die please, you're a waste of space and no one values your faggot avatar opinions

But I love yuiposter hes so based