>had sex "a couple times" recently
>doggied a 20 year old girl who weighs 110 lbs
>is a literal jabba with loose skin
entirety of r9k completely and utterly BTFO by a fato. how does it feel that you are fapping in your basement and jabba is fucking 20 year olds doggy?
Boogie's rebound hookup
who this and why is it important?
feels bad man
wish i had the money and confidence to not catch aids or an std
he has money and internet notoriety, I have nothing but my shitty collection of media.
I wish I was dead t b q h
You do realize that beneath the e-persona and "drama", boogie is just a really fat chad, right? How do you think he got the charisma to become a notorious youtuber in the first place?
>entirety of r9k completely and utterly BTFO by a fato
he's literally a celebrity with tons of money and a huge fan-base
>She knew my work
Yeah, fame really does help. Too bad none of us have that :pensive:
Is he the guy that draws the shortstack porn?
I actually don't care. Better to be fapping and enjoying orgasms then having pointless hookups like normalfags
He is kind of famous, and girls dont fuck famous guys everyday, so he can act like chad despite being a fatfuck.
We are not famous
No it's not a fat person having sex. It's a celebrity ahving sex
>hurr durr boogie is famous and i not
stop coping faggots, hes only well known on youtube the average person still doesnt know who he is not to mention the fact that he is fat jabba
The girl mentioned in the video was a fan of his work and knew who he was.
its really the most insecure people who havent had much sexual experience that feel the need to talk about their sexual exploits the most. its not a bad thing since its not really hurting anyone but i guarantee 99% of the people who do so look back and cringe later on
>cope cope cope
still jabba
you're ignoring the fact that he's rich
and even beyond that, he actually has a personality and an interesting backstory of him suffering ("suffering") from obesity and childhood abuse and eventually overcoming all of that
most robots here lead extremely boring lives of staying in front of a screen for 16 hours a day and have no real personality or interests
literally whats my excuse, unless he is lying.
It's not. That's like showing pic related to a black guy and saying that he can get any why wimmin he wants by being himself.
>bogie is rich lol
cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope
You're a fucking brainlet m8t
yeah black guy can get women if he isnt a fat jabba and he is a tyrone with even slightly muscle physique
and you fap to two dimensional anime girl
we all know what you are really after
pic related is doggying STACIES while r9k faps to anime
wasn't it already r9k philosophy that being famous/rich trumps everything?
harvey weinstein was a short ugly jew and he still fucked like 1000 girls
Lol he's not just rich. His parents are landowners. They have more land than some European countries.
Wow what a surprise. It's almost as if wh*tes have no excuse to be single.
silly blackboi broke tyrone also doggying stacies while you fap to cartoons
You're important and so is your media.
ok r9gay, you say boogie is rich and famous, but guess what pic related also lost his v card and he is fat jabba manlet and broke
What is womens excuse for sleeping with Jabba the Hut and not me? Daily reminder that >improve yourself is a blame-shifting cope
>either larpfagging hard or straight up normalfag
what is your excuse, they will even sleep with fat and broke jabba so you are not hopeless but maybe retarded
ok since you told me to gtfo i will do as you say because you told me to
Boogie has fame, social status in certain circles, charisma, and a reasonably sizable income.
Since when have men like that NOT been able to get laid?
just get millions of youtube subs bro
>cope cope cope cope cope cope cope
I dont have or need one. Theyre the ones with explaining to do
cope cope xope
Great argument. Run along back to Ribbit buddy boy
>most robots here
suffer from childhood abuse then come here for adulthood abuse
Was probably a pity fuck or she got paid for it.
Being that fat, I don't think it's even possible to have sex. You can't get your dick to show under that big ass stomach.
everyone can get escorts