Does asmr kill gains?

Attached: Frivolousfoxasmr.jpg (320x180, 4K)

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Yes. It makes you fap. Which kills gains

But it also makes you sleep (which helps gains)

ASMR is autistic

I would say it helps relax and lower your cortisol levels and helps you sleep which is good for gains.

Use it almost every night, helps me go to sleep

At some point I'll get a gf to do all that fluttering for me instead of a video.

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not if the asmr is a japanese girl whispering in your ear in a language you dont understand

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Can we get a Jow Forums-approved asmr video of 10 straight hours of brapping

Wish you luck

Post her bobs

Fuck you FrivolousFox is pure

ye purely a slut

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Thanks. All it takes is going outside to find the opportunity.


Physical AND specially mental.

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Most of the girls in the ASMR community are sluts though.

can someone explain what "tingles" are and how do i get them?

>watch video
>girl slobbers all over ears with her dick sucking lips
>get boner and don't feel tired

Might as well watch porn for fapping and white noise for sleeping.

Didn't know Marilyn Manson made asmr

It makes you fall in "love" with some girl who probably doesn't know who you are or even care about you. All she cares about are her views she gets on JewTube and all the money she receives from insecure, lonely, betacucks on pateron.
You will never have her.
And thats the pain that will fuck you up.

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gibi is pure

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Modern architecture is fucking disgusting. Steel and glass and concrete.


Pelagea is objectively the best

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You should only watch some untintetional stuff or ASMR made by men.

patrician taste

thats brutalist architecture, and yes its an eye sore

I looked it up and it fucking kills me to see how far we've strayed from our path.

I can't imagine designing something more depressing and uninspiring. Architecture is the space we live and breath in and it effects who we are.

I have no doubt the jews were behind this.

Why do I find this attractive?

Asmr is literally retarded and if you use it or whatever the fuck you do with that shit you are a worthless piece of garbage

endlessly reproducing fascimilies of romantic architecture until the end of humanity would have been straying from our path you renaissance faire faggot

t. Knows nothing about architecture

Great tits tho.

She also has one suicide and one deep brain trauma attached to her, meaning she has the hiscore within the ASMR community

her nudes are everywhere

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no but it must kill braincells judging by the people who enjoy it

Why did I have to search for this? DELET

Do I now have to do a background check on ASMR girls before listening? Are any pure?

and people wonder why society has gone to hell when lonely betas listen or watch this weird shit and pull their peepee's. seriously wtf is wrong with the younger millennials and zoomers, for fucks sake the internet was a mistake

>Are any pure?

I honestly like brutalist architecture, but I think it clashes really badly with other styles so is only any good when everything is brutalist.


are some people seriously jerkin off to this stuff?

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There are some people seriously jerkin off to everything. ASMR is for comfy sleep gains.

some of them are really nice. helps to chill. when i doing some work at home, its nice for background noises. but if you went full beta and watching the kisses, numbles and girlfriend vids, then you should get your shit together.

>be on Jow Forums
>don't understand at least some basic japanese

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Unironically the only non shitpost

that feeling when you scratch your neck/hairline but more intense

similar to one of those head massage toys

Yes absolutely. Would you be interested in buying some snake oil to prevent the gain loss?

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the uni is nowhere near there now, I dont even know what that building is cause it was just walked around but it's been demolished now

>being so fucked that you pretend listening to camwhores whisper sub names helps you sleep

i only know "oishi". i don't watch anime though, just JAV.

pathetic watch more

>i don't watch anime
It's like you're actively trying NOT to make it

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Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi’ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu’d before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu’s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You’re fucking shinimashita’d, akachan.

more JAV? i already watch way too much
grow up!
i just remembered another word i know: "sugoi"

>on Jow Forums
>doesn’t know basic jap
Baka! Aho!


nice bobs, the hero we don't deserve

>using watashi instead of ore
Are you actually fucking gay?

still better than boku


kurinji conpireshon, jisatsu kure

Who else /aftyn/?

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Brutalist style is the worst style ive seen in my life. Ive yet to see a brutalist building i like. Shit just looks communist as fuck.



Literally this right now, but I am not a plebian and understand most of it.

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the clash is part of the beauty man

>he doesn't know

She's got such a nice soft body. Often when I look at girls I think about what they need to do to reach their full potential, but her body fits her so perfectly

>do meditation for some years
>recognize body enters a nice resting buzz a couple minutes into the meditation
>look up asmr
>feel the buzz
Now I understand your ways.
Fortunately, you don't need these succubi to experience that sense of calm.

>Not listening to object sounds only ASMR

Fox a cute

Dunno if it is her or not but Christ she is Jow Forums
celebrity-leaks net/ youtuber-frivolous-fox-nude-video-leaked/