Be me

>be me
>bored af
>decide to learn a new language
>fuck politics. But looks like Russia might rule the world soon
>decide to learn Russian language
>look up Russian alphabet

Why does the Russian alphabet look like the English alphabet but written by an autist?

Attached: 0246F8AC-7AE4-41B2-9D4D-0423ECDCBE1C.png (300x250, 44K)

>Looks like russia might rule the world someday

>he doesn't know

Attached: laughing-pepe.jpg (399x385, 27K)

fun fact: russian alphabet is derived from the Cyrillic alphabet, which was a mixture of the ancient greek alphabet and some pre-existing slavic letters. English/french/ita alphabet etc is essentially modern form of latin alphabet, which was in large part influenced by greek alphabet.

You're right. Russia is a fucking joke nowadays.

The Cyrillic alphabet was named after and created by St. Cyril and St. Methodius, two Byzantine brothers, theologians, and missionaries.

cyka blyat cpanyi kapitalist

Because a long ass time ago the slavs were gopniking it up in central europe hatin on the frankish church and wabted their own version of the bible,so the franks taddletold on em and the pope was like oh yea?lemme see and then the pope was like yeah no you guys got it right here lemme send you this guy called cyril to ya he know about this shit,so cyril created a alpahabet for the slavs language called old church slavonic so they could learn the bible written in cyrilic because cyril wasso much of a faggot he named the alphabet after himself

it's actually smart having your own alphabet so you don't end up writing a language with FUCKED UP SPELLING
look at latin derived languages. the vowels all sound similar to actual latin but in english they sound like a retard kid made up the sounds as he goes

Don't learn Russian. Pick Chinese or Japs.
t. Russian

If you think Russian alphabet is difficult try learning Japanese or Mandarin. Cyrillic is as close to Latin as it gets.

English is not part of the latin language, it's mostly germanic.
it just has a lot of latin influences due to the Romans shoving their big dick to the english/german populace.

Japanese is easier than Russian if you go into grammar tho.

>>be me
>>be bored
>>decide to learn Russian language
>>be bored
Find a hobby moron
>t. Russian
Okay kid

Bratik, ti che, mne ne verish?

poshel naxui na sosach pidor

>poshel na sosach pidor
t. pidor

Attached: es.png (377x330, 7K)

Vy oba kak dva pidora blyat, idite otsosite drug druga

xui sosi

you can probably read russian words after 10 minutes of practing

You don't sound like a native speaker, are you from Eastern Europe?

>St. Cyril and St. Methodius

I sort of naturally absorbed Cyrillic through Dota. I started off knowing that C=S and P=R because CCCP. I then learned that cyka is suka, because all Russians yell it and write it frequently, so with those references I managed to, word by word, decode the whole alphabet eventually. I picked up a few sentences from nearly every world language this way. I somehow feel I'm severely mismanaging my potential by wasting it on internet crab bucket imageboards for voluntary losers and shitty video games I don't enjoy.

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You can shut the fuck up, I was born in Russia and moved to the States. Just because ASCII isn't allowed doesn't mean I can't trump you in both English and Russian ability, ublyudok

eto ti ublyudok
poshel naxui

You are losing your Russian banter skills, you know. Think about practicing more.

>russian language is so rich
>exactly 2 insults are repeated over and over in the entire thread
Russians should be executed on sight

zavali ebalo shkolnik krivorukij

Ty luchshe zatknis poka ya ne pridu i golovu tvoyu ne vrezhu v stenu

These two are overused because they are practically memes everyone understands.

Learn Russian and understand what we say instead of complaining because you see the most used mat in every single post, faggot ass bitch.

tolko ne bei

Blyat', brat, da kti tak govorit voobshe? Tu skol'ko po-russku ne razgovarival, let 10?

Fuck off, asshole. My Russian makes perfect sense and everyone fucking knows it does. You're just trying to fuck with me

Cyrillic is the easiest non-latin alphabet to learn. Its based on the greek alphabet. Its easier than english since each letter only has one sound

Should only take 3 days to learn the alphabet

t. monolingual burger who can read cyrillic

>bit yebiwem kotoriu ne ponimaet English
ya hochy ymeret

No, your sentence structure is fucked up. I wouldn't be able to tell you don't live in Russia in the first place if I didn't see that. Things you say are fine grammatically, but nobody talks like that in real life, it sounds autistic. Like some slow five grader or something.

russian is the best/most fun language i've tried to learn so far
>awesome insults
>soviet movies
>victor tsoi
>communicate with prostitutes
cyka bylat moya brat, eto piz dets

>The Cyrillic alphabet was named after and created by St. Cyril and St. Methodius, two Byzantine brothers, theologians, and missionaries.
It was named after Cyril long long after he was dead.
The Cyrillic alphabet was developed by Cyrill's students in Bulgaria for the Bulgarians. It later spread outside to other (most Slavic countries) and now the biggest country that uses it is Russia.

Also OP, you're a fucking retard. It's just an alphabet. It's the simplest shit in the world. You could learn that in a day.

Attached: vURJD.png (622x600, 69K)


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>be Eastern European
>not Russia but still learn Russian in school because muh Russian minority and post-USSR
>barely pay attention in Russian classes
>somehow still learn Cyrillic
>understand enough spoken Russian because I grew up in a city with many Russians
top jej
Cyrillic is not hard, a lot of letters are same as Latin and others are ez to learn

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