
it's time for a comfy draw thread
taking requests
bumping with gondolas fresh from the oven

Attached: gondyboy.png (957x693, 73K)

two gondolas with dick gondolas duelling with dick gondolas like darth vader and luke

master chief low quality gondola

i'll do my best

Attached: mastergond.png (261x555, 45K)

here it is user thanks have a nice day

Attached: digfight.png (957x693, 63K)

saved uted for 2 seconds,

his name is longdola and he forgot to take a shower today

Attached: longfriend.png (1018x1065, 208K)

that fork is for cake i promise

Attached: sleebing.png (1018x1065, 215K)

have a good one lads

Attached: boomer weed.jpg (250x222, 5K)

made this longdola for another thread

Attached: formyfriendlets.png (968x1200, 95K)

thanks user have a great fucking day, i mean it

Attached: smoging.png (260x257, 22K)

i drew myself as a gondola
currently listening to depeche mode

Attached: selfpodrait.png (957x693, 145K)

tfw i'm bad at solving captchas

Attached: saddola.png (577x693, 35K)

i tried to make him playing atari

Attached: Gondola.png (576x399, 10K)

that's really swell user, saved

i love mariokart, gondola seems like he'd main shyguy

Attached: gondyboy.png (345x282, 37K)

not oc but a lovely gondola

Attached: goog.jpg (720x720, 72K)

he's suppose to confused abt having a hand

Attached: uuuuu gondoodoodod.png (788x597, 370K)

Keeping this thread bumped
Will join in soon

his life will probably become much easier now!


Attached: cuddlygond.png (345x282, 37K)

everything will be daijoubu user
originally original gondola

Attached: happyfriend.png (345x846, 75K)

aww i hope gondola-dachi live happy and never suffer

Draw a gondola with a tab of acid in his mouth

ok user i'll ganbatte

Attached: knotboy.png (606x598, 48K)

I present to you: Mini Gondola

Attached: MiniGondola.png (515x584, 46K)

I would love if someone could draw character from my autistic childhood story. She's dead now and I resurrected her husband from the dead (the main character) and basically ruined my suspension of disbelief but she was one of my favorites and one of the better developed characters. They all felt so close to me, I'm sad that they're gone. It feels like every story I care about is going to shit.... even normo stuff I like like star wars and the walking dead are dying. It makes me feel fatalistic like the end is near. Idk why.

Attached: tumblr_o774ukhQCs1sh9aw0o1_1280.png (579x891, 16K)

i've never done acid, is this what it's like?

Attached: acidlad.png (606x598, 129K)

longdola is intrigued!

Attached: miniboy.png (424x399, 38K)

How fast are you?

here you go user, i don't have the stamina to draw full bodies right now (which is why this is a gondola thread lol)

Attached: someanonoc.png (424x399, 39K)

he trains knowing that the biggest battle is on the sidelines

Attached: nak_muay_gondola.png (797x562, 15K)

this one is awesome and good, i love the toes

Attached: kawaiidola.png (424x399, 53K)

taking requests

Attached: wojak.png (887x1013, 100K)

i think we're the only ones here user

Attached: twoartfags.png (424x399, 56K)

Hey OP, it's late and I can't draw worth a damn right now, but I saw the thread and your Gondolas and even though I don't have any OC to add I wanted to give a free bump.
Your gondolas are good and you are a good bean OP.

old one that I made

Attached: feelin FRESH.jpg (621x864, 69K)

user, I.......,.,
thank you so much user it really means a lot

Attached: ASDFGHJKL.png (424x399, 21K)

wonderful gondolas my friend

any chance you could draw a chemist gondola?

very dapper and i love his pants. i have that problem too ((tfw short))

thanks. Usually Gondola doesn't have toes

for now he contemplates forgetting his hat at home

Attached: squat_gondola.png (657x558, 11K)

here it is user! i modeled it after my high school chemistry classroom

Attached: chemisty.png (391x232, 31K)

i love this one too
what other art do you do?

he actually did it

thank you user. i will be putting this on my fume hood when i get back to my lab.

thank you, i am very happy. i love how happy gondolas make people.

Attached: iamhumbled.png (424x399, 23K)

an original and indigenous bump

Attached: observing.png (424x399, 10K)

Please draw a circle with big titties.
Preferably covering them with some qt clothes

a circle?
like the shape?

thanks user
I drew it when remembering what it was like getting new trousers for a new school year, and then being real nice but also too long, good times

I request a gondola with a popsicle

Ah what the hell, I can't let a Gondola thread this wholesome go.
Here, have this planetary Gondola. Don't forget to catch a glimpse of the eclipse tomorrow!

Attached: TotalEclipseOfTheGondola.jpg (751x751, 49K)

simple enough. very specific request, user.

Attached: okaysure.png (424x399, 27K)

here you go! what a nostalgic thought, long pants for the new school year. I haven't gone clothes shopping for school in years.

very rad gondola, instantly saved

Attached: popsiclelongpants.png (424x399, 37K)

thank you! very comfy

the moon is already changing colour where I am, I was looking out the window a moment ago since we might be about to have a thunderstorm

i'm gonna go have some food but i'll be back soon! post requests if you got em

Attached: heyeveryone.png (424x399, 24K)

can u draw a viking gondola with a big golden beard pls thx

I second this

Pretty much just whatever I can bullshit with my mouse in MS paint

Attached: a_gondola_out_there.png (657x558, 17K)

Speaking of Eclipse, one more before hitting the sack. Hope to see the thread alive and well when I wake up!

Attached: Gondoriffith.jpg (501x500, 30K)

How about a deathstroke gondola?

ANybody want some drawings done? im about to go for a piff and i like drawing when im high.

I aint that good but hey, i can draw weird/depressing shit kinda well

Attached: 1519757430507.gif (700x827, 510K)

I'm guessing this is what you mean?

Attached: circlewd.png (726x1090, 86K)

i'll do my best to keep this thread going user

wow you're really good with a mouse! im a wacomfag

will do next

draw some gondolas!

Attached: goodnightanon.png (636x598, 55K)

bear with me user, probablylike 20 minutes maybe

Space dandy?

to valhalla
...and then what

Attached: gondola_to_take_the_highlands.png (957x693, 60K)

Could we get a mime gondola trapped in an invisible box?

Should the invisible box have black or light blue borders or should it look like there's nothing?

Completely invisible

here's my original version!

Attached: vikinglad.png (636x598, 100K)

Thank u very much based op

here he is! i don't have the attention span for the bullets

Attached: deathstroge.png (636x598, 76K)

turns out he's stuck in an actual magic cube
and it just so happened that he was wearing a mime outfit

will he ever get help?

Attached: gondola_in_a_predicament.png (696x534, 22K)

requesting a mini gondola holding an umbrella under a gondola holding an umbrella under a longdola holding an umbrella at a bus stop in a rainy night

maybe a gondola distance track runner

Attached: 1492895773821.png (500x493, 456K)

Gondola doesn't need bullets anyways. He'll just use those kicks.

i hope someone gives him some spare change, he's trying his best

Attached: mimeboy.png (636x598, 81K)

Gondola deserves it all

Attached: images (4).jpg (300x168, 8K)

there! wew i spent so long on this one. i wanted to capture the mood

Attached: wowthistookalongtime.png (954x1345, 206K)

The shading ont the tall one is actually hella good.

Q U I C K boy!

Attached: FAST.png (954x1345, 145K)

thanks i'm really proud of it!
i added some of that around the light after i posted this one, it looks even better now

What about a 60's gang gondola. Leather jacket with the big hair and switchblade?

wow user, thanks a lot, I'm gonna cherish this one

>tfw an user drawing a gondola for you is the best thing that has happened in the entire year
No but really, love you man. N-no homo.

very rock n roll

Attached: greaserdola.png (954x1345, 147K)

i just got out the shower and i'm so sleepy now

Attached: lonly.png (954x1345, 107K)

drew this one a while ago

Attached: leibä.png (203x246, 12K)

very cute borgerdola

i hope all you anons drank enough water today!

Attached: walkoutside.png (954x1103, 89K)

Both lovely thank you
You artists never fail me even with my more absurd requests

going to relax a bit before bed anons. i had fun today! maybe i'll do another thread like this sometime

Attached: aaaaaaaa.png (954x1103, 46K)

Thanks for the gondolas, mate.

It is not like in the movies.


gondolabro ily bls never leave this board

Anobody knows the artist for pic related? Seem pretty comfy.

Attached: 1530839505579.jpg (1280x1726, 764K)

keep this thread alive for more gondolas, maybe op will be back tomorrow

I think you meant *despacito

bumping originally oringal


you are a beast user

Baking a fresh Gondola as we speak, please hold on.

Requesting virgin and chad being best bros and doing something comfy together

That or pepe and wojak, either way