ITT: we share our most racist experience

>tfw ive been told I have big eyes for an asian

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Go the fuck back you stupid gook

>implying that is racist
Racism doesn`t exist folks. Pack it up

it could be worse, she could have said you have large dick for asian kekekekekekekekeke

im not a guy so...

One time my fellow taekwondo student told me he was going to kill me because I was a Mexican.


I got called a little white bitch by a black guy after I sucked him off

Lol whitey is truly gay

worst I had was being called an ugly nigger by a oneitis I had in middle school
beyond that, very few racist experiences in my life, contrary to what the left wants you to believe.

Based black guy and unironically so

>"stop fucking up our housing market and go back to your country, you fucking gook"
>"konnichiwa, baby. i ruv u rong time. two dorrar sucky sucky?"

>Get a black gf
>She wants race play and to be degraded, wants me to call her terrible things like nigger and calls me master

>person cutting my hair says I have soft hair for a hispanic

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>>tfw ive been told I have big eyes for an asian


>I'm a girl teehee

Sure bud

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good, we can grind your corpse into the cement bricks used for the wall

>unironically becoming a coal burner

>big eyes for an asian
it's racist, but is it really your most racist experience? I'd say you've had it good

I've never had anyone say a single racist thing to me. It helps to be big and look somewhat insane.

I am white, Stephen Molyneux called me a nigger once, it was weird.

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Yeah. In the shithole I live they usually say I'm rich because I'm not black

some middle aged turkish faggot started ranting about how he didn't like "my people"

Racism is engrained in human biology, world will drown in blood, you'll see

Black lady at the store i work at calls me and everyother white person stupid fucking pink skins in front of her kids. Because her 3 food stamp cards didnt work.

>got kicked out of a college party for being white

>New school year
>stand next to gym teacher
>"Hey whats you name?"
>"You look like the typical "computer person".
>"Because of you pale skin and your glasses"
.Stacy stood next to us and heard everything.

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A black guy at a crappy job I had at the time gave me the stink eye....

A white guy once told me he would marry me if I was white desu

Too many to tell but the most fun one

>sleeping waiting for haircut
>cop comes in digs in my pockets while I'm sleeping then slams me into ground
>get cuffed and pushed outside into street and slammed into cruiser hood
>see my nose is bleeding start laughing
>the main instigator cop gets mad asks why I'm fucking laughing
>Tell him look at my last name then his captains
> suddenly their friendly and just doing their jobs
>ask for his name and badge number they cover badges and pull off
>already memorized it before asking tell his captain
>captain makes him apology and offer me a 1on1 which I of course accept

I've never told this story, but it's a doozy, so strap in.
>be me
>go to japan for tourism and stuff
>explore all the side streets and suburban roads of tokyo
>old japanese guy waves at me and starts a conversation
>"america-jin desuka??"
>"no, i'm not american."
>old guy thinks for a bit
>"canada-jin desuka??"
>"no, i'm not canadian, i'm arab."
>visibly ponders for a while
>he starts poking one horizontal arm of his into his other vertical arm
>wtf is this guy doing
>say goodbye and end the conversation at that
>months go by
>mfw I finally realize he was re-enacting 9/11 with his hands.

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>Be me
>Get job in US
>Go to bar one day
>Everyone stares at me
>Bartender says they're closed
>It's only 19:30
>Hear them say "These fucking shits don't belong here" as I walk out

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I stupidly bought an ounce of weed in the ghetto, the real fucking ghetto too, one of the most violent neighborhoods in the US.
The guy made me wait in the car while he talked to his dealer because "he doesn't like white people and he might shoot you"

In middle school people bullied me and kept calling me sand nigger and terrorist
This. All I wanted was to get to my fucking class

How is that racist?
Asians have slanty eyes, that's a fucking fact.

Stop getting upset over nothing you stupid cunt.

poopoo people go back to poopoo people land

Went to several >10% white schools in NY, you guess the rest.

Thanks for your opinion you fucking piece of shit faggot.

Was going out with this white girl when I was a teenager, I started making advances and she stopped me saying she wanted to lose her virginity to another white person. The worst part is she said it like she was trying to sound embarrased and like her hands were tied. When I accused her of being racist and she got really defensive and she conceeded a little bit at one point but still tried to pass it off like it was no big deal.

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Could you greentext this?

What campus was it?

Maybe don't go to the Pakistani bar next time.

>youre tall for a mexican
>youre really light skinned for a mexican
>wow how do you not like soccer, you're mexican!
>i bet you know how to work on cars

im not offended but it can be seen as racist. just some off the top of my head.

big laugh famalam

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She sounds pretty god damn smart for not wanting to become a coal burner and throw her life away on a nigger that will eventually abandon her

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But 9/11 was made by jews (american goverment) to invade muslim countries.

That's pretty funny. Did you like it?

Maybe she doesn't race-mixed 50% nigger kids?

No offense, but race-mixing is not good. No matter if it's nigger with white, asian with white or nigger with asian, etc.

Fuck you nigger piece of shit. Fuck you fuck you fuck you die slow die slow and painfully

>expecting sympathy from the cesspool of the internet

>go to Catholic high school
>95% white, with like 1 black kid a few Latinos and Filipinos and me, the Latino-Asian mutt
>bus passes by me
>a few kids stick their heads out
>Yell "CHIIIIINK!" while stretching their eyes out

Aside from that no racism, just typical cringey Asian jokes and accents and the occasional Latino joke

>be me
>college fag
>go to some theater with the class to see some dumb poetry shit
>Kevin hart was there
>hes an unfunny faggot so while everyone else was stoked and excited, I just wanted it to end and get my credit for the class
>theater is full of black people and my friends and I had this code name (((bp))) to describe them around them
>theres so many bp here tonight
>whered all these bp come from?
>keep making racist remarks with my classmate next to me
>on the other side is sitting this pretty cute but stuckup-looking negress
>fair skinned and had a bit of makeup with big hoop earrings
>would fuck given the chance even though blacks are gorilla tier
>what does bp mean? She asks me
>classmate instantly turns away and looks at the other side
>I freeze
>turned to her, excuse me?
>what does bp mean?
>I dont know what the fuck to say
>feels like an eternity went by before I finally replied
>you already know what it means dont you?
>she purses her lips and gives me that classic mmmmmhmmmmm black face look like shes disappointed
>rest of the night is fucking nuked having to sit next to this negress and having my classmate ignore and laugh at me in bouts

I could give less of a fuck about what this bitches opinion of me is. It was just the most uncomfortable situation Ive ever been in. Thanks for making me relive it faggot.

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i've had a lot of that in my life. used to have girls tell me i'm hot for an asian many times before. it's really not that bad during the actual conversation but when you think about it later it kinda eats at you