Is chaotic still single and does he prefer boys over girls or girls over boys asking for friend

is chaotic still single and does he prefer boys over girls or girls over boys asking for friend

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Probably and idk

you aren't much help user

I think he's a fag so girls aren't even a thing.

literally originally who

off orignal again

are you a REAL GIRL op (REAL)

He's doesn't really want a gf/bf you retard, he's said it a dozen times.

yeah he does retard he just wants someone who can offer as much as he can and maybe i can fill that role

What can he even offer? No one ever has an actual answer to this, they just meme on about how perfect the guy is.

roastie wants to date a literal psychopath instead of me

sexy mentally and physically, loving and protective, financially stable, relatable and fun personality, honest and opinionated, confidence yet modest, non normie, moderately wholesome, very assertive and dominant but also soft
that's just a few

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B-but I'm financially stable and loving and soft..

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>No one ever has an actual answer to this
i have and even chaotic has multiple times

Whenever I bother checking his threads, there are usually a couple of autistic fights between detractors and people defending him. And the latter just meme about his perfection, which is why I asked.
>i have
Who are you
>chaotic has
Forgive me if I do not take a shitposter's word on Jow Forums at face value

How the fuck does he get all this money

you should, i've literally never seen chaotic be wrong, only right.

>add chaotic's friends on steam to hopefully learn more about him
>even they deny me

>ywn co op through every dark souls game with chaotic
why live

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ywn go back in time and get every halo 3 achievement again with chaotic

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true story or nah

yes true
even got recon armor

Damn how long have you known him and how old is he

halo 3 isn't that old nigger

god i wanna dom chaotic so bad

Is chaotic a diagnosed psychopath?

make a thread or go ask him

I doubt he'd even accept me let alone tell me about his irl life

Who the fuck is he and why is he posting best girl?
I always visited his shitty discord circlejerk threads for rare tomokos

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lol so go call him boring to help cope

You're literally chaotic's cuck

Why do you assume I'm on that tier of pathetic? I'm not an underage serverfag.

>best girl
The only redeemable thing about this failed stacy normalfag is Chaotic

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>You're literally chaotic's cuck
I don't even know that fag, i just steal his reaction pics
And i don't use d*scord, learn to read you cockgobbling autist

real talk tho why does such a perfect boy post such a shitty girl

I'm not in the mood to talk to a salty brainlet rn sorry

True WataMote fans pretend the series ended where the anime left off, then she's still best girl.

lol every tomokoposter is chaotic's cuck you retard

Oh, i just realised you are that dude, and you're literally shilling yourself
>i'm not in the mood boohoo buzzword buzzword
How pathetic, jesus, that's literally a behaviour of a girl that doesn't want to fuck

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tomoko is a dumb slut why's she so popular

>no evidence
Opinion discarded, kill yourself hun

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>Paranoid delusions from a buttblasted retard

I'm here for Tomoko.
Who is Chaos?

Why would I shill myself and why did you get upset so fast

prove it

when did you come into this thread even

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Ah, look, he's been found out!

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My only other post I am busy at the moment don't expect another reply

Even if you're a bit mad thanks for agreeing with me

are you gonna date me now pls

I'm not upset, i just don't like high self-esteem fuckboys the likes of you, and i like to attack people because it's fun

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Why are you being so sneaky

umm.. who is chaotic?

>embarrassing yourself in front of e-celebs
>making people who don't like chaotic look even more retarded than they already are
kids these days

>embarrassing yourself in front of e-celebs
>not only fucking "ceplebs" but in a form of some internet nobodies
Zoomer detected
Other shit you wrote is so retarded that i don't even want to copypaste it, you're the kind of fucker that makes blacked posts on r9k while being a scrawny white mantlet

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I'm only guilty of telling the truth
Funny thing is you agree with me when you don't know it's me, kinda raises my self esteem more lol

On another note, it feels so much better to attack people when you're right though, but being shamelessly ignorant must be nice for some people

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why won't you make a thread my dude

it's really you my love
>chaotic posting in my thread

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God-fucking-damn, you speak like the ginger kid i used to beat up in highschool, it's the exact same "haha i'm so smart" type of language
If a downie is right on one topic it doesn't make him an Eistein reincarnate
Get that broom outta your ass, stop feeding cucks, make some real friends (aka not cocklusting trannies) and we'll talk

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stop noticing spergs and notice me dammit

You're kinda embarrassing to talk to, are you shaking ?

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I'm incredibly bored I wanna talk to someone interesting and this guy has failed me

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I can try to be "interesting"

>are you shaking
I'd expect this more from you, you sound like a pussy
Can't you like, at least swear once in a fucking while, mr. Fancypants?
It seems like your only talent is pussy-speak and making reaction pictures, if i'm embarassing to talk to, then you're assfucking boring to talk to
Grow some balls, christ

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How do i interest you

By sending me your dock pictures cause i'm a massive faggot lol haha :-D

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Where's Jack?

Stop impersonating me, you're not funny

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You're just too ignorant for me to care
Also enraged for some reason
He makes threads every day

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lying cunt, i sent my 9+ inch to chaotic and he blocked me

>Chaotic is appalled by user's sperg rage and this makes user mad LIVE-FEED

So THIS is what goes down in the DM's....

you better notice me chaotic

Okay so now what

do you like boys more or girls more

>You're just too ignorant for me to care
The absolute COPE
Truth is you're just a scared, fragile white boy and can't get out of your comfort zone
Inject some t or something

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Don't worry user I hate both of the 2 genders equally
I could go either way idc
But I'm more popular with girls irl cause there's few gays and the one's that are here are mostly fatties
Hi chaotic

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>cope is a buzzword
I thought you were smart, professor Fuckface?

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>the most passive aggressive btfo in history

if i add you do you wanna talk about chinese cartoons and our hate for humanity

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Yes, I'm one of the smartest. Have you simmered down yet ?
Yes, user. Mutual deserved hate is a wonderful love.

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You're the one who's simmered down if you don't care about butt-blasting spergs anymore.

chaotic gas tank on e

Now you know how Jack and Parsa feel. Dealing with dozens of inferior retards literally every single day will defeat even the strongest of shitposters.

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>I'm one of the smartest
Residents of Ethiopia?

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so that's why cebruz left lol

Make a fucking server already so I can thoroughly orbit and stalk you

except no one is inferior to cebruz

>inferior retards
Oh wow, look at mister fucking Ubermensh here!
Post yourself on /soc/ and link it here, you're probably some "intellechtshual" larping neckbeard
And what you're doing here ain't shitposting, it's faggotry in its purest form
Your faggotry is so pure i could make crystals from out of it, but they would be worthless anyway

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You're literally the offspring of the most popular faggot on the board.

Ew, don't say that. More like a self-inflicted cuckold with a fetish for being hate fucked.

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I found the anime myself and liked it, and leeching off that autists reaction pics is easier than making them

>Calling someone better than you in every way an autist

Hate fucking is the only thing that keeps my dick hard now

Well tell me how is that uptight faggot better than me, state at least 6 reasons (with arguments, not autistic ramblings)
I'm listening

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You have to leech for one
Your raging has been funny though

>bantering faggots is raging now
Do you jeep your balls in a jar and only use them when it's the time?
Well, now is that time
You're getting boring and i have a workout to do

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Are you larping as an angsty projecting retard for attention orrrr

>not being able to make valid points and being a raging projecting autist who didn't get tendies and lost his chromosomes is bantering now
holy fuck at least try instead of spouting ANGST everywhere

chaotic's gone thread over

Oh, the little guy got mad now!
That's what i'm talking about
If you behaved like this from the beggining you'd be cool
Come on, give me an another shot, bitchboy

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well he ''''supposedly'''' made a thread