Theres hope for blackbots after overall

theres hope for blackbots after overall

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I was thinking that we had more luck with asians but this is just bait. No girls want us.

Nobody wants Asian girls post the arab success stories pls

nigga shut up
i'll take any cutie at this point

shut the fuck up tyrone you aren't the voice of black bots

>after overall
It's "after all."
Grammar is important, guys.

I blame autocorrection

Americanized Asian Girls are becoming worse than white girls and that fucking says something

they met at a film college

>they met at a film college

An acceptable mistake, carry on.

every girl wants to fuck the black and marry the white L O L

Considering there's only me and maybe one other guy, I am the voice of blacks here and only a fraud would not recognize that..the rest of you are whitebois larping or sissies that hate yourselves and wish you weren't other words kill your self pussy boi

Can you not read the title? Theyre engaged and he got her parents approval.

unless the black is white washed

guy is a 7/10, the minimum to succeed as a black

are you serious?? he has some major facial inconsistencies I'd give him a 4.5/10

you need to chill nigga
you are not the only black guy here

>move to america
>within one generation your kids fuck niggers

>black BBC
>Asian brain

Their offspring will be perfect

I dont like racemixing period its a very selfish thing to do especially when bringing a mutt into this world with no sense of belonging to either side

Calm your tits lad your not the only black guy here

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>I'd give him a 4.5/10
Your standards are either out of this world or your confused seriously that's at least 7/10

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I just said you hate yourself and wish you weren't black..which means you don't count

>the arab success stories
Whats this?

off yourself my dude. Narcissist fuck

Blackbots. We must migrate to korea en masse and take all the qt koreans we can get.

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you're making it obvious i'm done talking to you
idk why I replied to a tripfag


Fuck outta here I keep my foot on their necks when they say dumb shit meanwhile they have yall walking on egg shells

Whats wrong with white girls?

okay i'll do that
I visited there once and would like to study aboard there

>tfw my brother married a qt Asian woman
>she makes really nice food
>I am a forever alone

I have accepted my lot in life, do not become bitter/angry my friends
embrace the void with open arms.