What real evidence is there that low carb is better than low fat, given the same calories and protein?

What real evidence is there that low carb is better than low fat, given the same calories and protein?

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Let's not make this a vegan thing either, for argument's sake let's compare a diet of primarily chicken breast & rice & vegetables to one of primarily chicken breast & healthy fats & vegetables



It's a simple thermodynamics issue. Your body can decompose fats, carbohydrates, and protein in order to create energy. It prefers to use carbohydrates because they are typically very easy to decompose and provide quick stores of energy.

It's like when you're hungry would you eat some easy junk packaged food in your pantry or the canned emergency rations you have in your basement?

Obviously you'd choose the easier food.

In the same way your body has to make a choice between burning your fat reserves or burning dietary carbohydrates and it will pretty much always decide on the dietary carbohydrates. Burning fat also requires a few catalysts which aren't always available (like how the canned goods would require some prep before eating) which make it even less desireable for the body.

If you want your body to burn fat it's easiest to do by working off all your carbs so it goes straight to burning fat, and it's easiest to work off all your carbs just through daily activity if you eat very few of them in the first place.

Looking at the stages of starvation (you want your body to enter into low-grade starvation in order to lose weight) makes this whole process clear:


That's a good rationale, but what data do you have that it actually plays out like that in real life?

the reason people think low carb works is because they're indirectly getting rid of rice and wheat. rice and wheat are fucking cancer for your body.
eat shit like sweet potatoes, yam, taro, and fruit which is actually good for you and you'll live a long life

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If rice is cancer for my body then how the fuck am I supposed to eat my chili and curry crock pot meals I make for the whole week?

So let's say you take any specific keto diet, then replace all of the fat calories with sweet potatoes instead.

Will they get additional weight loss?

You need an anime girl to coddle your ego because real women don't want white boys anymore.

wtf...did you not read the article? Do you not believe in biology? And just look at people who lose weight rapidly from keto or try it yourself ffs.

No they most likely won't lose as much weight, they also probably won't be able to stick to it as well

i certainly do (but am nonwhite hehe)

You lose weight rapidly from keto because you lose a shit load of water weight the fist week, it's not like you are dropping 10lbs of fat. You also instantly gain back that water weight once you get back on a normal diet.

carbs are not the enemy, at least not for me and how my body works. I've done the keto meme, it's cool and all and I can definitely see it being used as a good tool for either very overweight people or for someone who is trying to lose those last five pounds to get shredded.

If you want to be at your absolute best when lifting weights (thus being in caloric surplus so you can progressive overload) you have to eat carbs.

That's just not true I've known plenty of people who have lost legitimate weight, upwards of 20-50 pounds through this diet. You don't store 50 pounds of water weight.

Most people who diet gain it all back without a life-long change in habits, but if you indefinitely lower your carb and sugar intake you should keep the weight off. This diet is suggested to obese patients who want weight loss surgery and have over 50+ pounds of real weight to lose before they'd be eligible (my mom, for example).

You're plain wrong and don't understand science.

It's difficult because as I said and as the article explains you need a set of catalysts before your body becomes efficient at using your fat reserves as your primary fuel source, but after you get over that hump it's gravy. You quit too early.

Carbohydrates tend to be loaded with sugar. Sugar causes an insulin response where by your blood insulin levels rise to remove the sugar. Insulin impedes body fat loss.
Moreover, fat and cholesterol are key components in hormone synthesis.

Tl; Dr you have no dietary demand for carbs which actively keep you fat, and an actual demand for far.

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You can't bump your own thread until someone else responds, just so you know.

dawg you didn't read anything of what I said and instantly got defensive, not sure why you are trying to shill keto so hard. I said it's a great tool for people that are very overweight.

The main issue is that it's not a good diet for long term because you are always going to 80% of what you could be when lifting weights, sure you can make gains, but it's just not good for anything other than losing weight.

speaking of, I ended up switching from keto (after 2 months) to a mostly plant based diet, so tons of carbs and fruit sugars. I lost a fuck ton of weight over a long period of time, and actually felt like I could function like a normal person, unlike keto.

Your own body produces enough cholesterol for all hormone functions, you don't need ANY dietary cholesterol (I'm not a vegan-fag, I'm not saying cholesterol is bad for you)

U can tho



I'm not OP.

Bump for this guy too

I replied to everything you said, I'm only annoyed because it's clear you didn't read what I said.

You said
>It's just le water weight
>carbs are not the enemy...for me
>if you want to be at your best for lifting weights

I replied:
>It's impossible for it to all be water weight
>your body isn't that special, this is how literally all human beings metabolize food in order to create energy
>it might be difficult to exercise without carbohydrates because fat is an intentionally less bioavailable fuel source, but once your body makes a full conversion to it as a fuel source it becomes much more efficient at it

Once again, the nih article I linked explains this process in great detail. If you actually cared about science or the truth instead of your meme observations you would see this.

Is the idea that "Keto allows your body to use fat as a primary energy source instead of carbs" true or just a meme?

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>It's okay to be white
>This statement is socially unacceptable in 2018.
what a world

Everybody with sense knows there's nothing wrong with that statement. Don't worry.

Well that's literally what ketosis is. But whether your body uses your stored fat or all the bacon, cream cheese, and heavy cream fatties down while "doing keto" is another question...

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It's true, it's the entire premise of the diet.

because certain carbs become processed into sugar, which your body stores.

in order to burn fat, your body needs to first burn the sugar.

lower amount of carbs. consumed, the faster your body can start burning fat.

>not knowing any better
huge fucking disappointment, OP.

People like you should just use Google instead of asking around on a Mongolian spearhunting forum. It's proven science you retard. Very simple to understand, too.

>you lose a shit load of water weight the fist week

That's what I said, I literally said you lose water weight the first week, not 50lbs of water weight. literally learn to read, or hop off your meme keto fast bullshit because it's fucking with your brain.

lmao you are getting trolled by the keto fag he's obviously dicking you around

> If you actually cared about science or the truth

gawd damn lmao

As a former ketoshill, 100% this
It's really not a special diet, it just often has better adherence because of the motivation people get from dropping all that water really quick. And honestly, as long as you eat mindfully by following any sort of diet incorporating CICO, you will continue to lose weight.

>cancer for your body

>longest living populations on earth eat rice nearly every day

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Keto is legit on the same level as sips and no fap.

it's literally not true. been watching too much tv huh

literally who?
Okinawans have like 10% of their diet come from rice.