Why do normies have such a virulent hatred of tobacco smoking?

>started smoking tobacco pipe a few years ago to help relieve stress, after seeing a plethora of benefits
>really enjoy it, i've had 1lb ($25) last me over 6 months so far; ergo super fucking cheap
>pipe smokers actually live longer than non-smokers, just like how tobacco smoking animals live longer than non-smokers
>parents absolutely hate smoking, think it's murder
>treated me like shit, deliberately tried to make me miserable once they thought i was smoking
>feeling miserable right now because i can't smoke my pipe since they will question anything i go do outside
i just wish i could smoke my pipe. i just want 1/4 cigarette worth of tobacco a day, that's all i fucking need!

why do NORMIES have to be so HATEFUL and BIGOTED against smokers? literally NOBODY ever died or got sick from "second hand smoke" it's a total fucking myth!

the majority non-smokers die from so-called "smoking related diseases" too, so actually the whole claim is a hoax

Attached: 145-year-old-man.png (898x674, 640K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>walk by scented candle store in the mall
>can't really breathe well
>do not enjoy the smell

we should ban scented candles because i don't enjoy the smell

Stuffing the pipe and then cleaning it is pain in the ass and takes to much time, fuck that.

why do you feel the need to smoke

Why do you not, life sucks dick

People are cunts. Don't you love smoking in public and having some uppity shithead go
Just to let you know what they think of smoking?

I don't even smoke tobacco

Agreed. Half agree. I love smoking. Cigarettes. It's one of my favourite things. Nothing can quite compare to that first morning coffee and a cigarette...now I'm craving..

I'd rather feel tobacco scent than fucking perfumes

it would improve my mood considerably

get a deep pipe and the resin collects at the bottom, it's fine.

i had like 5 pipes and it was never a real issue
that's what i do when i walk next to a nasty indian person that smells like poop/curry

I don't know but I switched to vaping back in 2012 because I could pretty much vape anywhere, didn't smell, was cheaper than cigarettes, etc and I hate how much of a meme vaping turned into. I still vape 3mg but just out of habit. I also smoke cigarettes when I drink but I'm thinking of buying a big bag of tobacco and rolling my own shit. I hate rolling by hand so I want to get a roller or maybe use a pipe, idk. Any suggestions? I've never smoked out of a tobacco pipe but if it's anything like smoking weed, fuck cleaning and shit.

Is that some american thing now?
Never have seen anyone try that and most sane people (including the nonsmokers that do share our smokebreaks) would probably point and laugh. The more insane would start a fight.

It aint hard to clean just get a deep pipe, stuff the baccer in deep and smoke for a while. If u need to clean, just bang it on concrete upside down, usually gets it all out.
Worst case scenario you use a paper clip

I have papers and a roller but i still only use the pipe

Yep, the anti-smoking propaganda is extreme here because of (((smoking cessation products))) have been patented hard

Hello tobacco corporate shill

Because it fucking stinks.
The only fucking reason I have and the only fucking reason I need.

When I was a child I had to take two different busses just get to school.
This meant I had to wait at the central bus station, which is also a popular place for smoking.
I had to move around left and right and basically remove myself from the station when multiple people smoked at once, it got so naseauting that I started coughing myself.

I don't want to my or any children to relive through that again.
It was also annoying whenever someone in my appartment smoked in the balcony, that shit always got in through my window, forcing me to close it.

So yeah, stop smoking that shit, you are just 1 step above a 420blazer, just like piss is 1 step above shit.

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Come to brazil, mate. At least in my state the majority of normies smoke. Pipe is not common though, but could be a cool feature if you are not cringe

even if it was healthy i think smoking smells like shit so fuck that op you fag

I think it's bc you mentally connect your horrible traumatic childhood with the smell of cigarettes too

In case you can't comprehend two words at a time, I hated it then just as well.

nice """"""""""bants""""""""""

>Because it fucking stinks.
so does a lot of ethnic food. also that's an opinion, which i don't share

>I don't want to my or any children to relive through that again.
when i was a kid, i didn't think tobacco smelled bad at all

>So yeah, stop smoking that shit, you are just 1 step above a 420blazer, just like piss is 1 step above shit.
yeah because great people like einsten and RA Fisher didn't smoke...
also i want to live past 100 like the man in the OP, the anti-alzheimers and anti-parkinsons effects of tobacco smoking are helpful for that

don't smoke in public

I'm not a normalfag but disposing tobacco and smelling like it seems like a pain in the ass and I really don't want an actual addiction. Just being a fuckboy on my computer all the time and ruining my life with that is enough.

also lung cancer, that shit isn't made up or just flippant correlation, there's a direct link between smoking and cancer.

How do you smoke 1/4 of a gram of tobacco in a pipe? I don't get it.

Most pipe bowls are absurdly gigantic, like 3 cigarette's worth. Do you have a mini pipe?

Also, tobacco smoke damages your taste buds over time. It could wreck them permanently.

springer.com/about springer/media/springer select?SGWID=0-11001-6-1458642-0

You should consider getting a Vapor Genie. That way you could vape tobacco instead of smoking it.

nigger i smoke a fucking pipe, not cigarettes. when i smoke in public people think i'm smoking weed

oh ok
pipes are based

but the least amount of people use pipes, most people are against cigarrettes which are degenerate af and literally filled with chemicals to make you addicted.

Decades of scapegoating, propaganda, and indoctrination will produce irrational hatred for anything.

Same thing happen to conservatism and white people.

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Nothing in that article implies irreversibility

>the majority non-smokers die from so-called "smoking related diseases" too
that's not true. if you die from heart problems and there's any history of tobacco use on your medical record then your death certificate will say "Was smoking related to this person's death: Probably"

>Do you have a mini pipe?
Yeah i guess

>Also, tobacco smoke damages your taste buds over time. It could wreck them permanently.
What does that even imply? i'm a picky eater already, the last thing i need is to enjoy the bitter & acrid tastes of non-sugary plants even less

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>Smokers AND THOSE WHO HAVE QUIT cannot fully appreciate the full flavor of a cup of coffee, because many cannot taste the bitterness of their regular caffeine kick.


>It is already known that smoking, and especially the toxic chemicals in tobacco, causes a loss of taste among smokers. It also causes structural changes to the fungiform papillae of the tongue where the taste buds are located. However, it is not yet known whether the full taste range returns to normal once a person quits smoking, or how long it takes.

I said it *could* wreck them permanently, not that it necessarily will. There's enough evidence to know that it damages them, but whether the damage can ever fully recover is unknown.

>"second hand smoke" it's a total fucking myth!

Kids are particularly at risk for the effects of secondhand smoke because their bodies are still growing and they breathe at a faster rate than adults.
These conditions have been linked to secondhand smoke exposure in children:
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
More respiratory infections (such as bronchitis and pneumonia)
More severe and frequent asthma attacks
Ear infections
Chronic cough

Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke breathed out by smokers. Secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals. Hundreds are toxic and about 70 can cause cancer.1,2,3,4

Nonsmokers breathe in the same toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke as the smokers do, with similar, although smaller effects. The smoke nonsmokers breathe is known as secondhand smoke and the process of breathing secondhand smoke is called involuntary smoking or passive smoking.
The smoke contains thousands of toxic chemicals, including benzene, cyanide, cadmium, lead, radioactive polonium, benzo(a)pyrene, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and nicotine. These chemicals cause many diseases.
Secondhand smoke (or ETS) is a very serious form of indoor air pollution. For example, in the US secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 lung cancer deaths a year, compared to less than 100 lung cancer deaths per year from traditional forms of outdoor air pollution.
Secondhand smoke also causes and aggravates asthma and other breathing problems, particularly in children. It is also an important cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Drop your delusional act.
I don't care that you smoke, but to claim second hand smoke is just a myth is just sad.

>that's not true. if you die from heart problems and there's any history of tobacco use on your medical record then your death certificate will say "Was smoking related to this person's death: Probably"
over 1/2 of Americans die of cancer or heart disease

But if they smoke 1 cig, their normal death becomes "smoking related"
Please justify this label

Yeah, that's a mini pipe. It's actually the kind usually used for smoking pot, but they can be used for tobacco too (as you know).

my best guess is life insurance claims would find it important.

>pipe smokers actually live longer than non-smokers, just like how tobacco smoking animals live longer than non-smokers
2/10 replied but did not bump

>>pipe smokers actually live longer than non-smokers, just like how tobacco smoking animals live longer than non-smokers

what? smoking tobacco or weed or whatever is fine, but don't downplay the very real downsides of it all

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>These conditions have been linked to secondhand smoke exposure in children:
>Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Name 1 child who died from second hand smoke

PROTIP: any perceived unhealthy action will correlate with other undesirable health consequences.

Spread a myth that gummy bears cause cancer and only people who dont care about health will eat them. Health-nuts will avoid them and thus gummy bear consumption will correlate with negative health effects.

It's called a confounding variable

Until you start smoking you wont understand, when non smokers say shit like 'why do you smoke, you don't even get high' they simply don't understand. Its not a good habit but I hardly smoke anyway, but until you start you will not understand it.

Actually he already answered this, he said to relieve stress in OP

I'm not the source & didnt pull it iut my ass, that's a factual observation.

Cigar & pipe smokers were in the same group since so few smokers observed used cigars or pipe. But yes, they did live longer. Also, they were probably wealthier & had better access to health care.

RA Fisher the "father of modern statistics" pointed out this statistical anomaly in the anti-smoking junk science propagandists many decades ago.

>why do you smoke, you don't even get high
Give them 1 pipe hit of good quality tobacco and they will feel better than an orgasm

You could get a similar effect by vaping the tobacco leaf instead of smoking it, with much much much less in the way of toxic carcinogens.

Most of the carcinogens of smoking tobacco come from the by products of combustion. Tobacco leaf itself isn't nearly as toxic as the poisons that form when you burn it.

Vaping it creates a steam that doesn't have so many toxins in it. I'm talking about vaping tobacco leaf, not using an e cigarette (although that too is safer than smoking).

They're smart to dislike it. I still use it as a pleb filter to get crowds to back the fuck off.

>Increased life span and decreased weight in hamsters exposed to cigarette smoke.

yeah, they kept getting the same results: smoking animals live longer unless they forced them to stop smoking

that's why all these experiments are so old, they don't do them anymore

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Savor the moment user...

t.Lung Cancer

>>Smokers AND THOSE WHO HAVE QUIT cannot fully appreciate the full flavor of a cup of coffee, because many cannot taste the bitterness of their regular caffeine kick.
i don't enjoy coffee actually, the taste is pretty bad. to be fair i also hate the taste of tea

plus, drinking hot coffee is also known to damage taste buds, poor example

>loss of taste
this is a problem? what's the real issue here

>vape nicotine
this is the logical conclusion to actually smoking tobacco - no smells, no film in your mouth, not sucking in tars and shit from a cigarette, variety of flavor, cheaper, more discrete, etc

> Secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals. Hundreds are toxic and about 70 can cause cancer.1,2,3,4

literally how much is absorbed? you absorb more carcinogens every time you take a breath, actually. ther are carcinogens absorbed every time you eat a peanut.

a whole pack of cigs is the equivalent of 1/3 of an aspirin pill spread over the 8 cubic metres of lung capacity.

remember, about 50mg of nicotine is LETHAL so you're literally absorbing micrograms of it. this is a shit arguemnt

>The smoke contains thousands of toxic chemicals, including benzene, cyanide, cadmium, lead, radioactive polonium, benzo(a)pyrene, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and nicotine.
nicotine is not a toxic chemical, carbon monoxide even acts as an antioxidant. really, fuck off with this hateful propaganda.

the dude in the OP is living longer than ANY AND EVERY NONSMOKER IN THIS THREAD -- take that, loser

Holy shit, are you retarded?
This is the only thing you can come up with?

Even if I had strict evidence of children dying from second hand smoke, you would just blindly shout
If you didn't blatantly ignore everything else like a nicotine addict, you would have realized that breathing out the smoke is STILL dangerous to breathe back in.
Or do you think the smoke just vanishes in your lungs, never to be seen again until your Alzheimers hit and the nicotine fumes come in rescue!

>what? smoking tobacco or weed or whatever is fine, but don't downplay the very real downsides of it all
It depends on the technique.
People smoking from a pipe usually don't inhale, only the retarded ones do.
The reason to smoke from a pipe is to savour the flavour of high quality tabacco.

you don't smoke pipe to get hits lol

TL;DR - OP attempts to rationalize his addiction to nicotine.

>this is the logical conclusion to actually smoking tobacco - no smells, no film in your mouth, not sucking in tars and shit from a cigarette, variety of flavor, cheaper, more discrete, etc
no mao-b inhibition effect from tobacco smoking


>variety of flavor
never heard of pipe tobacco? i have pineapple flavor

>not sucking in tars and shit from a cigarette
actually has protective effects in some cases, like for coal miners and construction workers

The real question is, why exactly does smoking extend lifespans?

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>addiction to nicotine.
no, it's not to nicotine; it's to tobacco

also i'm more addicted to

smoking tobacco is an interest, not an addiction. i love it

it is the most medicinal and therapeutic substance known to mankind, as a result of thousands of years of cultivation by amerindians

To be fair, MOST things you do give you cancer

>no mao-b inhibition effect from tobacco smoking
i'm not crippled


>never heard of pipe tobacco? i have pineapple flavor
as opposed to the infinite flavors vape juice can have?

>actually has protective effects in some cases, like for coal miners and construction workers

LMAOing at whatever hill you're trying to die on here, if you're unrionically saying the shit in cigarettes is good in any way then this argument is already over

>The real question is, why exactly does smoking extend lifespans?
It doesn't, people who can afford a pack of cancer sticks a day come from a higher socioeconomic class so they can afford better healthcare.

It makes your clothes smell, your breath smell, it's harder to concentrate. If I get a cough it takes exponentially longer for me to recover. It shrinks my lung capacity.

It's not hatred but disgust.

Yes, but I didn't ask for your extremely biased opinion, why EXACTLY does smoking extend lifespans?

bumfuck rednecks will buy PACKS, PLURAL, a day, rich people just don't smoke shitty things like cigs in general

>also lung cancer, that shit isn't made up or just flippant correlation, there's a direct link between smoking and cancer.

Attributing causal role to correlations on non-randomized samples (such as Doll & Hill study of UK doctors) is the surest sign of junk science. By that "logic" you could as well "conclude" that using prescription medications will kill you, since in any age group those who use them have shorter life expectancy than those who don't use them. Further, similarly to tobacco in Doll's UK doctors "study" you mention, those who "quit" using the prescription meds will have longer life-span than those who don't quit, and among the 'quitters' those who quit earlier will do better than those who quit later,... Hence, we can surely "conclude" that prescription meds kill. You can rewrite your entire paragraph substituting 'smoking' with 'using prescription meds' and it will hold equally at statistical level, yet the conclusion "hence, X kills" will be equally false.

Why is such leap of "logic" invalid? Because the reason someone is user, non-user or former user, of prescription meds is not a status randomly assigned to the subjects by a researcher (in which case any association with the outcomes can be attributted, with appropriate statistical caveats dependent on sample size, to the factor being randomly assigned), but rather that status is caused by something else which by itself may be causing shorter life span and thus leading to the positive correlation between the use of meds and shorter life-spans.

a) Nicotine stimulates and upregulates growth and branching of blood vessels (via upregulation of vascular growth factor), especially of capillaries, which improves the nutrient delivery and cleanup (antioxidant & detox enzyme supplies) to all tissues, including brain and skin (provided person's intake of nutrients and supplements is adequate).

b) Tobacco smoke (not nicotine) upregulates production of glutathione, catalase and SOD (our body's chief internal antioxidant and detox enzymes, sometimes used in cosmetics for skin rejuvenation), to nearly double levels.

c) Carbon monoxide in low concentration (as delivered in tobacco smoke) acts as a signaling mechanism in human biochemical networks to increase blood circulation, oxygenation and reduce inflammation.

d) Nitric oxide in low concentrations (as provided by tobacco smoke) acts as neurotransmitter, signaling to cardiovascular system to increase blood supplies to peripheral tissues (this is the biochemical mechanism behind the Viagra effect).

e) Tobacco smoke upregulates levels of "youth hormones" DHEA and testosterone and reduces their decline with age.

f) The highest quality brands (Japanese) of the miracle skin supplement and rejuvenator, Conezyme Q10 are produced from tobacco leaf, which is still the best source of natural Co-Q10 (since it includes the full synergistic complex which the cheaper synthetic production methods cannot replicate).

g) Deprenyl (selegiline), which mimics the selective MAO B inhibitory properties of tobacco smoke (this is not related to nicotine) and is used in smoking cessation "therapies" for that reason, has become quite popular in life-extension circles, due to its almost magical rejuvenating powers.

h) Nicotinic acid (byproduct of oxidized nicotine, as in burning tobacco, delivered directly into arterial bloodstream), along with its salts and various organic compounds, are skin-protective agents, used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry.

enjoy dying at 45 from black lung

Smoking means you're constantly and voluntarily exposing yourself to cancer causing agents multiple times a day so it's not really comparable to the recommended 30-60 minute exposure to the sun at all. Lung cancer is also way worse than skin cancer in the early stages.

that sucks OP, hope you get a smoke break soon. fuck the haters, enjoy. :)

like the man in the OP?

what about the oldest woman that ever lived, who also was a smoker?

Attached: longest-lived-roastie-in-human-history.jpg (900x600, 56K)

Eating food means you're constantly and voluntarily exposing yourself to cancer causing agents multiple times a day

fortunately we have 'antioxidants' and other things of that nature, plus an immune system

>smoke for 20 years
>don't die from it

actually it's a lung exercise, pleb

>Spread a myth that gummy bears cause cancer
are you that retarded that you'll argue that inhaling smoke (from any source) is not bad? i have had problems with breathing all my life. Trust me, not being able to inhale properly is one of the worst feelings

>Eating food means you're constantly and voluntarily exposing yourself to cancer causing agents multiple times a day
Eating shit food like processed meat.

>are you that retarded that you'll argue that inhaling smoke (from any source) is not bad?

Ronald A Fisher, the "Father of Modern Statistics" himself said that.

Are you calling RA Fisher a retard??

>Trust me, not being able to inhale properly is one of the worst feelings
luckily I can still inhale properly

Go buy another pack, my delusional bro.
You really need one.

My uncle, my father and my grandfather were all chain-smokers.
Two of them died to lung cancer, one of them (uncle lives in different country) is hospitalized for the same type of cancer.
It might just run in the family with shitty genes, but do not tell me that this is "random"; they were the only chainsmokers (and smokers in general, as most other people of my family gave up on smoking) in the senpai.

Yeah, their lifespan increased because those who weren't exposed to smoke were fat fucks, and the others died because of a disease that's prevalent in mice but not nearly as prevalent in humans.

>play in high speed traffic for 20 years
>don't die from it
>"high speed traffic doesn't kill people, it's just good exercise!"

>Eating shit food like processed meat.
nope, even plants have cancer-causing compounds if you go to the molecular level

potatoes even have nicotine

Why I hate smokers? I'll tell you why. Last month I had to "work" at a cardiologic department in local hospital as a part of my degree. The majority of people there are lifelong smokers and alcoholics. I hate smokers because no matter how many times I warn them they are going to wake up one day in hospital not able to belive how smoking cigarettes resulted in their heart condition. Stupid fucks.

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i don't smoke cigarettes, i smoke tobacco pipe

the equivalent of 1 pack every few weeks...

tell me more about how i'm going to die just as quickly as someone who smokes 10x as much as me, with shitty quality tobacco LOL idiot

lung cancer is a pretty common type of cancer. cancer is basically tied with heart disease as the leading cause of death, so yeah.

i think you can avoid cancer by eating a diet devoid of polyunsaturated fats

>cites an article from 1976
opinion disregarded

>no matter how many times I warn them they are going to wake up one day in hospital not able to belive how smoking cigarettes resulted in their heart condition. Stupid fucks.

what is the leading cause of death for non-smokers?

heart disease

perhaps they would have died of that anyway?

>opinion disregarded
sorry idiot but they don't have newer RCTs on tobacco smoking. you're welcome to post some RCTs if you can find them? i've already read them all. and by ALL of them i mean 100% of them, there really aren't many

If you eat the right plants you'll reduce your chances of getting cancer.

The early antismoking drive in UK & USA was government driven campaign (the big pharma, which is now the driving force behind antismoking scam, jumped in later, in mid-980s), which coincidentally came out just as concerns grew about rapid rise in LC and melanoma cases, which coincided with the rapid escallation of atmospheric nuclear tests (both LC and melanoma are cancers on the outermost tissues, those in direct contanct with air and any radioactive particles there). Sir Richard Doll (more about him here), a disciple, literally, of the Nazi antismoking pseudo-science from 1930s, and the master of shifting the blame for diseases from the industries and governments whose actions caused them onto the poor victims (usually their lifestyle, eating and other habits), was drafted for the task and he promptly delivered, picking tobacco smoking as the cause for lung cancer. The sun was blamed for melanoma (even though most melanomas occur on the skim areas the least exposed to sun UV, such as stomach and lower back, crotch,... in the era of one-piece swimming suits, cobvering those areas).

extremely rare exceptions

>eat the right plants
it's increasingly difficult, especially with artificial ripening processes and whatnot

most people are fucking stupid when it comes to diet. you can tell because people commonly call fructose a poison, what morons. they say it fucks up the insulin but fructose literally has a low GI compared to starch, with a GI of 100

>Are you calling RA Fisher a retard??
if he said that inhaling smoke is better than not inhaling smoke (i didn't say anything about nicotine).
also, citing random peoples opinions is retarded. for example, einstein is a genius but he said "god doesn't play dice". well, he was wrong there, so obviously smart people could sometimes be wrong. SHOCKING!

stop larping, amigo.
you SERIOUSLY need another pack of cigs.

>sorry idiot but they don't have newer RCTs on tobacco smoking
Hm... someone must have not read the last few sentences.
>The hypothesis is proposed that delayed onset of amyloidosis and lower body weight in the smoke-exposed hamsters may have been responsible for their increased life spans. It is hypothesized that cigarette smoke affected the immune system of the animals, resulting in retardation of amyloidosis, a frequent cause of death in hamsters.

Oh wow, now what is amyloidosis for us humans?
>Amyloidosis (am-uh-loi-DO-sis) is a rare disease that occurs when a substance called amyloid builds up in your organs.
Congratulations, by smoking tabacco you might decrease the risk of getting a rare disease common in hamsters!
And we don't even know that, because we aren't actual hamsters.

>luckily I can still inhale properly
no one is talking about your ability retard. I'm talking about the fact that i as a non smoker mind you smoking next to mefor a valid reason and OP put it as if anyone who minds it is an ass

Madamme Jeanne Calment lived 122 years 164 days, smoked since her teens.

Thomas Bruso - EPIC BEARD MAN - 67 year old Vietnam vet attacked on the bus by a ghetto thug, so bad he needed an amberlamps

Shigechiyo Izumi who lived 120 years and 237 days, was smoker as well

Buster Martin smoked since age 7. He even smoked during London marathon which he completed at age 101. He smoked during it!

PROTIP: 99% of non-smokers on this site can't even complete a marathon!

In term of life expectancy by country:
#1 Andorra (44 % of men smoke, 40% of youth 18-24)
#6 Japan (59% of men smoke)

Attached: smoker-ran-marathon-as-101-year-old.jpg (460x276, 11K)

Do you know how they do those studies? they ramp up the effects to 500% just to try and get an outcome. I'm talking half the bodyweight in drugs kind of studies. Once they establish something in a small model, they move up to larger animals.
Rats, mice, hamsters aren't mini humans. Humans have many more genetic mutations and expressions that vastly effect any study, atherosclerosis, diabetes, studies where they remove the pinal gland or block expression or a certain hormone (like FSH) all can change the outcome in humans

>I'm talking about the fact that i as a non smoker mind you smoking next to mefor a valid reason and OP put it as if anyone who minds it is an ass
yes, i knew a girl who had lung cancer and never smoked

only person i ever met with lung cancer

as a person who does science for a living, such an old data is never considered valid. not because it's always wrong, but you can not claim your hypothesis valid based on such an old research (unless it's way to general in wich case it's not a good hypothesis)

>you SERIOUSLY need another pack of cigs.
i don't smoke cigs, i smoke my tobacco pipe. see: >Hm... someone must have not read the last few sentences.

i did, they will look for ANY EXCUSE to justify their anti-smoking bullshit

"Father of modern statistics" R A Fisher called them out on this shit decades ago

do you have autism or something? why do you keep incessantly namedropping RA fisher?

yep, they forced them to smoke massive amounts and yet they still lived longer.
imagine if they were allowed to smoke only as much as they wanted...


when they say "eat badly" they are actually backwards

>Buffett's daily routine is to drink five cans of whole sugar Coca-Cola along with eating ice cream and potato sticks

sugar [sucrose, not HFCS] is not even bad
ice cream also isn't bad, just fattening i guess
potatoes are one of the most nutritional vegetables

are you that retarded, seriously? it's not about the cancer or whatever. At my workplace, ten years ago it was allowed to smoke. I was in a office with an asshole. he smoked all day. I couldn't sleep from all the smoke and that happens whenever i go to a bar. i don't care about cancer or stuff, i just want to breathe and any smoke is bad for breathing

>i did, they will look for ANY EXCUSE to justify their anti-smoking bullshit
>MUH GUT is tellin' me that dis ain't right!
>See? Dis TOTALLY UNBIASED OTHER SCIENTIST I have here is tellin de TRUTH unlike ur BIG GOV anti-smoke shill campaign (big pharma!!)

You seem like someone who inhales his pipe, either way lol.

Can you get addicted to smoking? Yes/No?
Smoking around others forces them to ingest something addictive. Usually bad smells aren't addictive.

Don't smoke in public.

>as a person who does science for a living, such an old data is never considered valid. not because it's always wrong, but you can not claim your hypothesis valid based on such an old research (unless it's way to general in wich case it's not a good hypothesis)
then there are ZERO randomized controlled trials we can use, so what the fuck are we going to base our conclusions on? correlations in non-randomized samples

fact is, pipe smokers DO NOT die earlier than non-smokers. so shove that fact in your pipe and smoke it, normieshit


smokers in finland basically smell like shit, government taxes the shit out of smoking so the poor faggots always complain how they have no money (no shit if you spend 6 euros daily to smoke) and if you smoke long and hard enough you develope the random coughs and all that nice shit that comes with it. smokes do have nicotine which actually has some good effects, but still it's the uber normies who smoke to socialize and to tax themselves even harder here, if they just wanted the nicotine they could just buy them (they are fucking pricey aswell).

The peculiar hint-hint nature [correlations in non-randomized samples] of antismoking "science" was already noticed in 1958 by none other than the father of modern scientific statistics, famous British mathematician R.A. Fisher, who called their bluff:

>But the time has passed, and although further investigation, in a sense, has taken place, it has consisted largely of the repetition of observations of the same kind as those which Hill and his colleagues called attention several years ago. I read a recent article to the effect that nineteen different investigations in different parts of the world had all concurred in confirming Dr. Hill's findings. I think they had concurred, but I think they were mere repetitions of evidence of the same kind...

Yet, here we are, six decades after Fisher pointed out this oddity, and the anstismoking "science" is still circling in that same hint-loop that Fisher objected to. For fairness sake, not that they haven't tried hard science. Unfortunately for their cause, it always backfired -- the smoking test animals lived longer than non-smoking ones and in the few randomized human trials that were done, the 'quit smoking group' ended up with more lung cancers or heart attacks than 'smoking group' controls. So, what can they do but stick with what "works" -- pointing finger at the correlations on non-randomized samples with a wink-wink to their 'journalist' and 'educator' stooges to spread the hysteria, along with vicious hatred, social and economic abuse of smokers (the largely poor folks just trying to self-medicate with this traditional medicinal plant).

>Smoking around others forces them to ingest something addictive
total LOL. you get more nicotine in 1 potato than from 2nd hand smoke.

Who here can name ONE PERSON who died of 2nd hand smoking? nobody can, it doesn't happen

it's only like $25 for 1lb of tobacco, but then again the plant is indigenous to the americas.

yeah that 1 pound lasts months, it is SUPER CHEAP for me anyway. i don't smoke junk cigarettes though, which are weak and shitty -- a total waste of money

if my friends offer me a regular cig i don't even take it, i'd rather smoke nothing honestly

It killed off half my family, I have asthma, smells like shit, biggest waste of money below gambling, and people who rely on drugs for fucking stress relief need some fucking help.

How long will the mad piper take to reply to this post that is not even addressing him?