
Just how long is this shit gonna last? Tell me.
It's already been the longest heatwave in recorded human history. Don't tell me this shit's just started.

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UK nigga here, boi it is hot af.

Really, user? Jeez, it's almost as if nobody noticed. Thank you for warning me, I really did miss these facebook's posts.

Quit being a pussy

>quit being a pussy

wow never seen this comment before in these threads

Which country are you in and what is the temperature?

man the fuck up. that's normal summer weather for MA and we don't have air conditioning either.

Finland. This has never happened in Finland, ever.

I have the most important entrance exam of my life coming up, but I can't study because of heat.
I've also gone full skinnyfat because gyms here don't have AC so I can't go there and I just drink sodas all day.
Fuck this heat took everything away from me, my future and my body.

>under 50 degrees C

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34 in UK, slightly higher than the average high end temperature in Australia, its actually not to bad, still want it to be cold though.

You deserve that

>Furnace Creek
lmao I don't know why I find that hilarious

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>100 for past 2-3 weeks

can i move somewhere else please

That's because it's an original comment user

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Helsinki is like 30 degrees tomorrow wtf are you talking about? Come to Australia and you can experience actual heat, like 45+ degree heat in summer

45?? I would melt alive. 28 is too much for me. Winter please come already

Its 43 c in AZ

I've traveled to Bulgaria for some sun, and jfc it's hot. It's all good cuz im shirtless all day and eat a lot of ice cream

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Dont talk shit when youve got ac

anything above 25C is hell weather and anyone who enjoys it should be shot for being demonspawn

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hei poju onko kuuma onko

What a fucking bitch try living on a fucking desert where everyday is 40c with no rain and shit

I'm in Australia, normal summer temp is over 40 and I don't have ac