Is Jow Forums marriage material?

is Jow Forums marriage material?

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is this supposed to be a female comedian

she looks like one

and she tells shit jokes about sex like them too

That pic is peak mental gymnastics, women are the gatekeepers of sex.

That image is 100% a roastie cope, given how mad women get when you say "I still beat."

>tfw fucked my wife on the first date

Not sure if jokes on me, or jokes on her.

You both could do better

>marrying someone who has sex on the first date

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>if i don't sleep with you on the first date, you're husband material
>proceeds to sleep with 1000x other dudes on the first date

yeah, umm... she's not exactly wife material of any sort herself.

6ft tall
Six figure salary
7x6 dick
Only marginally autistic

Probably. Every girlfriend I've ever had long term regrets breaking up with me to this day. Feels good man.

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If your wife has slept with any other men she's garbage.

Since I'm getting married in about a month, I'd say yes
As to your image, she forgets the other side of the equation, how other men see her as marriage material

I don't consider liberals to be human, but this is not fit related

anything but that

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>tfw I may enter an open relationship
am I getting cucked? it doesn't really feel different than fwb..

That sounds like a big ol COPE to me

My gf told me she wouldnt sleep with me but god damn did I rump her
It was pretty much sex with clothes. She was mad horny and so was I.
And were pretty good together now so I think theres some sense to it.

>being this iffy

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nice. i would like to not be respected. how to do?

The core of relationships tend to be the tradeoff, male time and dedication for female sex. Women can get sex whenever they want, men can't. So an open relationship is going to be a lot easier for her.

These, not even worth discussing. Everyone knows how sexual dynamics work and there's no need to be delusional

I guess, it's basically just gonna be us hanging out and fuckin once a week. besides I get off on humiliation so maybe it would be good boner fuel

don't go down this road, user. you may find yourself unable to go back.

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Yeah so basically fwb


Youre a cuck already
I legit feel sad for you. Only an honest death can cure you now.

cmon fellas, at the end of the day I really just wanna put my peepee in a birgindo. why should I care what 'society' thinks?

Lol. If they’ve all broken up with you they’re probably just remembering the good times user

>Women: If we have sex with men, they lose
They are the Canadians of gender.

>how long it takes for a woman to give up her pussy is a surefire indicator of whether she’s a hoe
Americans are weird

where is the lie?

The institution of marriage is heavily against men. Its the worst decision you could probably make. Stay single, stay happy. My mom drove my dad to commit suicide after she divorced him and made him sell the house he built with his own hands, and took half of his income for years. I haven't spoke to her in years.

Because you're wasting your time with a whore who is anti marriage material. To each their own but yes, it's ultimately a waste of time

Well, you need to leverage this hard. Make sure when you're with her, you're texting other girls. Tell her about the other women you have sex with.

You have to do this to come out on top.

time enjoyed is not wasted, mi amigo. Also I don't want kids or marriage so I think we're on different pages of different books here.

This is only loosely alright if you're not living together, or paying for her shit. Otherwise you are a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSER

Protip true golddigging whores know exactly how long to make you wait precisely so you think “she’s a nice girl, let me take her out on dates”
The heuristic works in the US because 90% of American girls are garbage anyways

tbqh I was thinking more along the lines of writing her scripts to whisper in my ear about all the lovers she encounters who are much better endowed than I as well as possessing more stamina.

I had a woman straight up tell me "if i find a guy attractive but he's an asshole i'll have sex with him the first date, if i like him I'll wait a bit so he doesn't think im easy". i think this behavior in certain women stems from:
>sex being completely meaningless to them, its only a form of physical pleasure
>viewing men as human dildos and not as sensitive human beings
>believing sex is not an important part of marriage but can be used as a bargaining chip
Plus i think they overly inflate their personality and self worth, what do you guys think?

Alright so what are you concerned about. There's obviously something

it feels bad to not meet traditional standards of manhood

thats fucking gross, and is the exact reason, we need Sharia Law. The more I think about it, i actually that the mudslimes had the right idea, treating these women as second class citizens.
Women are GENETICALLY ENGINEERED to be whores, its in their blood to look for the strongest male, that is why they cheat.
>inb4 incel

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Assuming you're European, aren't the birth and marriage rates in your countries getting lower and lower every year? Roasties dont make for good long term family stabilty

Shouldn’t you be putting your child brides to bed Muhammad

>6ft tall
>Six figure salary
>7x6 dick
>Only marginally autistic

wow thats actually pretty much every Jow Forums poster down to a T

Well that isn't going to go away when your friends find out your gf fucks other guys

hm. true. I feel like I can get away with not declaring her as my gf though and vice versa.

dubs confirm

dude, look here's the thing with an open relationship. as long as you don't act as a boyfriend to her (going on "dates", spending money on her, letting her cry to you about stuff, etc while she is fucking other guys) and treat it like a FWB thing its fine.

if you actually behave like a boyfriend to her while she is fucking other guys just cut your balls off

I agree that roasties aren’t good marriage material, I’m arguing that sex on the first date is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition to pin a girl as a roastie
If I’ve understood the issue correctly, lower birth rates are due to higher education and waiting longer to have children. I’m unsure of how the stability of marriages has been affected in recent decades. Even then, higher roastiehood would present itself as higher single mother households rather than birthrate

It can be indicative of impulsivity and low self control, which extends to the rest of her life up to that point. Life is probabilistic, right, so even if it doesn't mean she's a sloot for certain, it's suddenly jumped the odds from 50% to 85%.

Bro, c'mon, you're supposed to ruin this woman for ever suggesting something like this. Why the fuck would you make her feel BETTER about it?

to get those cummies from my tummy ya feel meh

>marrying a non-virgin ever

Well you're going to have to find another way. Make sure that by the time your 'relationship' with this girl is over, she's on 4 anti-depressants and the brink of suicide, which is exactly what she deserves.

Hell, if she actually kills herself, all the better.

I can't imagine that hostility is coming from a healthy place within you brotha

this, if you don't marry a virgin, you unironically fucked up.

That makes no sense.

>Gets penetrated by a man she don't respect
>Somehow she wins.
Womins ""logic"".

And on that we agree
I’m not defending girls who have sex in first dates because of feminism, I’m defending because I like first order logic and Bayesian probability, and I strongly dislike the Puritan black and white thinking that has thrown American culture into the state it’s in

Keep in mind that open relationships doesn't mean you can fuck anyone you want to whenever you want to, if that's the end goal you might as well terminate the relationship honestly. You'll both be better off

Is there anything more pathetic than this movement of women trying to act like men? Embarrassing

hm then I guess she's not really proposing an open relationship. She wants a close friend to have sex with but we can have sex with other people.

>be me
>be woman
>on date, guy is alright but isn’t quite doing it for me
>think to myself “heh, I’ll show this loser of a man who is boss”
>take him to my apartment, take off my clothes
>take his cock down my throat until I gag, choke on my spit and his precum
>take it out, get on all fours, let him ram my pussy until he cums
>he says goodbye, leaves hastily in a way that implies we will never see each other again
>sit there alone with my mouth and vagina dripping with his cum
>ha, I sure showed him who’s boss

I mean... yeah? unless you're sexy as hell. but that's the only loophole i can see

what a fucking whore

70% of marriages in france are open, marriage in america really isnt doing too bad compared to europe

She’s married and pregnant while doing that stand up, imagine growing up and finding out your slutty mom tells crowds of people jokes about why its good to have sex on the first date

would way rather have a slut mom than a chaste junkie mom


Fucking whores wouldn’t know what to do with a man that is marriage material.

Why do women deny their privilege?

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> it doesn't really feel different than fwb..

The way I understand friends with benefits is that two adults who are attracted to each other, enjoy sex with each other , and generally like the other person personality wise, but one of them (or both) are so horribly underdeveloped (post-pubescant child) or narcissistic that they couldn't possibly have an actual human relationship and need serious therapy.

Fuckbuddies and bootycalls are different as they are people you really might not like, exes you don't get along with, but still like to fuck. If you are fucking some "side hoe" and you are aware she's fucking other dudes it's not really cucky. You aren't investing time into side chicks, nor are you investing money, or emotions, so she's essentially a prostitute who doesn't ask for money.

An OPEN relationship is basically the guy getting a woman maybe 1 night out of the week if she feels like it. An average looking girl can walk into any bar and have her pick of the men in there on a whim pretty much any night of the year, which is something only the top 1% of guys can do. Basically, open relationships are "I want your attention and for you to fill the hole in my soul with your cock..... only when I'm incredibly desperate tho, but you'll always be there."

You are a cuck.

Well according to them they certainly don't fuck em

That actually hurt.
The first girl I actually tried to ask out said she had a boyfriend but basically told me that she'd let me rape her in the middle of the room we were in if I wanted.

Her baby won't imagine much after growing up in that torn up uterus

>The way I understand friends with benefits is that two adults who are attracted to each other, enjoy sex with each other , and generally like the other person personality wise, but one of them (or both) are so horribly underdeveloped (post-pubescant child) or narcissistic that they couldn't possibly have an actual human relationship and need serious therapy.

no a friends with benefits are two people who are friends with each other and are attracted to each other physically but dont want to make anything weird with a relationship that could go wrong and ruin their friendship. they are both adults who are able to keep emotions out of sex for the most part so they are able to make it work

not everything has to be a fucking insult where one or both of the people are mentally or physically fucked up, idiot

The French have a different attitude towards cheating where it’s unquestioned if you’re discreet. It works for them, they have lower divorce rates than the rest of Western Europe
They also do a better job of separating busting a nut and sex with love

I fucked my current gf about 10 dates in, we didnt want to push it. is was so good when we did though. she stared into my eyes as she came and then I came aswell. after that we both just lied next to each other gazing into each others eyes i stroked her hair and thats when we both confessed our love for each other...

Ive learned now, sex is not about cumming like a degenerate pleb, it's about building intimacy between a male and female partner

the sex ive had because i am in love has been 100x better than any sex ive had as a one night stand

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please stop...i'm only on day 2 of nofap

shut the fuck up you soft faggot

you also can't get a paternity test lol

"don't ask don't tell" amirite

This is the stupid shit I've read. If he's not marriage material the logical thing to do is
>not give him sex
>don't go for a second date
What the fuck does fucking him accomplish in the long term? He won. Like what the fuck?

Of course not, but bitches is devious. They deserve whatever they get.

My first, a girl I had dated for a few months ghosted and then dumped my shortly after I had gotten drunk with her and said that I loved her during post sex cuddling. Shit hurt, I don't think I'll ever say that to a woman again.

cept my mom :)

It's literally Justin Trudeau "If you kill your enemies, they win" tier.

Definitely true. Although its broken me from ONS. Like why would I fucking care, its not the real thing.

>not everything has to be a fucking insult where one or both of the people are mentally or physically fucked up, idiot

Anything that isn't a relationship with the purpose of getting married and then having children is a mental/physical fuck-up.

I'd say it again, but not until she has. Never go in first.

You act as if thots don't want and can enjoy sex even if they don't orgasm.
Getting pounded out by a guy they find attractive enough to fuck and creampied with no one the wiser and being able to go out and find "mr.right" is basically a massive win for them.

bro its gotta be the best time to say it tho, the Oxytocin is flowing post orgasm, there literally isnt a better time to say it for the first time.

>doesn't think im easy
>i'll have sex with him the first date
women literally cover up who they are.

>no one the wiser

Except they can't hide it forever. The psychological damage eventually shows its face.

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user, you should know better than to fall for that shit.

Yeah why get divorced when youre a c u c k who will just let youre wife sleep around if she doesnt like you anymore

Literally cuckold tier

This is just proof that losers that don't get laid are the same losers that will never have the balls to divorce their shit wives.

How does that joke even make sense?

Inshallah brother, white shariah now

she fucks (and takes the risk of bearing the children of) people she has no respect for and considers below her standards for a father and a husband

haha womyn 1 - 0 patriarchy

>80% of divorces are filed by women