I can make your dreams a reality just ask me whatvyou want
Ruby illusion
Make my waifus real and in love with me, thanks.
a thousand virgin buttholes that'll give me a hundred times of currency the ammount of mililiters I cum
I want to be able to actually have feelings for at least one of the girls I'm leading on
Make me be able to dream again
Close your eye open them go outside look at the first stacy you see and blink
Uhhh ok
She WILL love
Dream a good dream tonight
Worthless. Don't show your pathetic face around me ever again.
make catgirls a thing, like they are in nekopara
(also the ability to create them at will, because fuck it)
That would be a first dream in over 2 years. Pls work.
Leave your not worthy of my power foo
Nya Nya ! Sweet
I want to be a cute girl
Pls make it true magic person
I hope you dream well
I think you will be happy when you wake up tommorow
Uh, yes, I would like you to give me the immortality now.
Over a million in my savings account
similar to this user
except i dont want to be a cute girl
I want koume to be my waifu, essentially I want to fall in love with koume
pls ruby
>tfw no succubus gf
pls i want it so bad
I just want to feel content with day to day life.
Like when I'm having a dream about some random shit like walking down a riverside or something and it just feels right.
I don't literally want a river, I just want that feeling.
I want to fight in the irish uprising and kill anglo's in the dream bitte meister
Could you please fix my stomach?
Thanku kind person
Sorry i was gone for so long i went to the store i will grant your wishes
I want to have enough money to be able to live my whole life with my current standards, and possibly a bit better, without having to work.
Make me rich and powerful
Check under beds when you wake up
a portal to a different world.
i need to find one asap because I want to leave this world behind.
i want to live in a world where everyone can learn magic and is possessing magical energy.
I want to be millionare, so rich that i can do everything i want, thanks OP
Kill all addicts, criminals, niggers/blacks, handicapped, mentally ill and kikes/jews, thank you very much.
Please give me $400k it's very important to me
Please just make me 6'2'' with an overall better body. Please. Please. Please. I'll take 6'1'' or 6'0'' if I'm overplaying my hand.
Kagari please
Tomorrow's the blood moon, perhaps then's my chance
KiII me, Pete.
Do it now.
Bless a jackpot win to my lottery numbers for tomorrow?
Give me indesputible evidence that there is an afterlife and an immortal soul so I can start sleeping well.
I suppose I'd have to believe for it to work, even you were real. I know my dreams can't come true just like that, and I know that I'll always prevent them from happening because I cannot believe.
Mmmmmmm bless please !
Im a talking reality warping rock there has to be a after life
Aint doing it for me, sorry.
I forfeit my wish if it means any harm coming to my family or me. Or the loss of their souls or my soul.
I want my uncle to recover from his cancer and to live out the rest of his life healthy and happy.
You anons on r9k are to self aware it scary
Well uhhh....um well you ...wait i got nothing
I wish him well i know what it's like to have a sick family member
ruby why didnt you answer my wish
If you can give me pic related in real life that'd be great.
>tfw no kind snek gf
I want to find my true love
Thank you, user. It's tearing us all apart over here. Especially my mother. She is losing all sense of being because of this. Saddest thing was when the dr's told my uncle of circumstances and how the situation didn't look good at all, he asked for them not to tell his family.
I never felt more humbled in my life hearing that he said that.
Super babe i grant your wish
Good taste in pokemon my friend it third favorite and for hacing such amazing taste there will be a pokeball for during the blood moon
You will find true love trust me trust yourself
i just want her to talk to me again
He a good man who deservse better i remeber my mother also being very sad to the point of tear it was her father who she was very close with
I want her to talk to me again too :) but i know you two will patch thing up with each other
>tfw op missed my wish
even when I'm early to the party I'm late I guess
Bitch did you hear me
I never forget a fellow user's wish i got you ;)
I'm realIy sorry, user.
Make me a cute girl please
It's ok dude gotta live on
Wait a minute but you are a cute girl what kind of trick are you playing on me ;)
>Good taste in pokemon
Thanks user.
I want the qt grill I currently like to message me RIGHT NOW through Facebook telling me that she's left her boyfriend of seven years because she wants a quick cheap one with me.
Give me a better job that pays better and is easier.
If not, then make me a letter thread.
I need to become a chad, or at least stop being so beta
5 inches of height and 3x strength by tomorrow please
Ok let me just sprinkle chad dust from the Chad god i hear he was here yesterday nice guy also to be Chad you most own yourself weird and all
Wish granted the blood moon will fuel you even more >:)
An actually good personality?
Wish granted but you most stay off Jow Forums for at least 10 mins
Also who the fuck is gay chad ?
Be smarter. To feel like I am an living person.
Nah, man. I live by my own wants and needs, not your normality. You wouldn't understand what having a waifu is like.
buy me mega man x legacy collection 1 and 2
Turn me into a thicc QT girl please. Thanks in advance.
can i be friends with my oneitis again that stopped talking to me? please?
Can a man get some rare Pepes?
To be happy again
I want to actually care about myself enough that I feel worthy to pursue happiness and am not discouraged by the idea of how pathetic and worthless I am.
That is all.