How to unlock Stacey mode? How do I become the girl everyone wants?

How to unlock Stacey mode? How do I become the girl everyone wants?

Describe your dream girl

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>the girl everyone wants

you're moms my dream girl, fag

>no tattoos
>doesn't drink
>doesn't use social media
>doesn't have a social life
>isn't fat
>perky tits
>plump ass
>at least 6'
>not an absolute brainlet
>no piercings
>no crazy hair
>not friends with guys
Am I missing anything? This is the perfect woman

>fit, low bf
>modest, subtle makeup
>high libido
>loyal but not a doormat

The more I think about it, beyond things you can't change, being in good shape and not being a tattooed skank, nothing else physical needs changing

Do a split with an emphasis on squats, watch what you eat, do hiit if you need to lose weight, dont dress like a prostitute.

Everything else is personality

Lol you sound like such an insecure little faggot

Enjoy your std ridden skanks my friend

>Jow Forums
>punk as fuck
>shit poster
>has or working on masters degree or higher
>someone I can power couple with
>has goals and aspirations besides "a good job"

I'm tired of taking care of women who can't take care of themselves. Shy antisocial girls with no friends become too attached and dependent.

Shit guys, i want a girl with the emotional stability of a man, does that, might i ask, make me gay?

I just want someone who loves me for being me.

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That's one ugly cunt though. Flashy but ugly

No. Just wanting something rare.

You don't even want a human being at this point, m8. Just buy a real doll and accept the fact that youve got some really fucked up issues.

good luck with this shit

His list isn't even a lot to ask.

>Describe your dream girl
You are, baby girl. Please be in philly.

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Hi! Few things to start off with =) 1. Yes I added you because you're a female lifter, 'tis and awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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It’s that he doesn’t want her to have any friends is what makes him insecure

>No crazy hair

Im into pastel colors and jet black hair
granted I am into Alt thots

>Describe your dream girl
Doesn't eat bread.

Thanks friend, funny how these things would have been considered perfectly normal not that many years ago, but now everyone is shitting on me for wanting them. I realise nobody is perfect though.
Male friends.


Be prepubescent and take hormone blockers.

>takes care of her appearance
>does not follow relationship advice from magazines and mass media (e.g. 'Your text should always be shorter than his')
>has some actual interests (does not mean she has to be a pro, but must be above entry-level in at least something) and 'social' hobbies does not count (where communication is more important than content)
Not much, but most girls I met do not qualify

>Describe your dream girl

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>How do I become the girl everyone wants?
i think men change what they want physically based on who they have a crush on/think is the most attractive at the moment
right now for me
>curly blonde hair
>green eyes/blue eyes
>not super into social media
>bit conservative

Dated a girl who was allergic to wheat. Was the worst thing about dating her lol

Someone I find pretty and easy to talk to. Someone that is comfortable being herself and wont play mindgames with me. Someone that will look past my faults and be willing to work on a relationship.

do sex that's it

kek not a lot to ask for? the fact that he has one..two...14 standards right off the bat for even considering a girl is pretty fucking picky. you can't even make it past the first term without sounding picky.
Hate to break it to you faggot, the odds of finding a virgin girl age 18+ is astronomically low, especially with standards OP listed.

That is definitely the ideal woman, unfortunately it will never exist

>people want conservative woman
>thinking women are going to vote against their own rights being taken away

Why would you want someone sub 100 IQ guys?

>small perky tits
>likes Vidya
>bubble butt
>thigh gap
>financially responsible
>cute dick

if you vote at all youre voting agaisnt your own interest brainlet
or are you the political elite

I think these types of girls still exist outside of the west, probably somewhere in Eastern Europe. Also, >dream girl, I can be as picky as I want to be, you can describe your dream girl too user, don't be shy

>likes anime
That's pretty much it

Enjoy your manlet sons.

He doesn't want her to have MALE friends, because when a woman has MALE friends, they are trying to fuck her.

Only thing that matters for me is being submissive, christian, white, caring, loving and wants to have 10 babies minimum

Looks and height barely matters for me atleast, perhaps not too below average to give atleast decent genetics to my offspring.
It seems impossible in todays society though.

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I don't know what fucked up part of America you live in but asking for a 18+ virgin is not unreasonable, you're either in a shithole or are surrounded by/friends with shit people.

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>East Asian (Korean, Chinese or Japanese)
>Good ass, but not bothered about tits
>Decent fashion sense and looks after her self
>Bachelors degree at least
>Is passionate about at least one thing (career, hobby etc)
>Drinks but not party girl
>More conservative

I find such girls occasionally and date them, longest was 3 years. They're still few and far between.

>tfw no Korean dongsaeng

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>he doesnt want a smol cute girl you can just do whatever you want with

Lmao fucked a bulgarian art girl like that, cept she was a bit of a brainlet.
Not great

>Blue eyes
>Thin with wide hips
>Big butt
>D cups
>Domestic, enjoys being feminine
>Point of pride in taking care of her partner
>Proud of me, brags about me
>Loyal, considerate, modest
>Socially obedient(grabs you a beer, etc)
>Sits at your feet or on your lap
>Feminine ethos, embraces belonging to the man she's given herself to
>Cooks and keeps your macros and calories correct
>Trusts your judgment, doesn't argue with you
>Never tried to embarrass you or bring you down
>Understands your pride is her pride

Goddamnit now I'm dissatisfied with my gf again, fuck you OP

>no social life
>no guy friends
Antisocial sperg detected

It says social life in his list

>Only thing that matters for me is being submissive, christian, white, caring, loving and wants to have 10 babies minimum


>doesn't use social media
>doesn't have a social life
So someone who doesn’t exist? Also you haven’t met many people if you think all girls are instathots

>not constantly mogging your gf's orbiters

>traps are gay

Never said all girls are instathots. It's literally a description of the "perfect" woman in my eyes, doesn't mean one necessary exists

You can’t be the girl every guy wants.
You can however, become a bimbo and be a sex object for 90% of guys.
They will see you as a sex toy and won’t like you for your personality, but you’re attractive to them.

If you want to be everyone’s dreamgirl including the personality and lifestyle and not just the looks, you sadly have no chance.

Doesnt exist

>looks like this gif
thats it

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Social media wasn’t even a thing back in the day. Also what do you mean by not having a social life? I’m sure even back in the day, women had a social circle. Unless she was some sort of shut in.

>delete social media
>meditate and deal with emotional issues
>do SS to get thicc legs and ass
>learn how to help partner cook
>learn how to give massage
>learn how to please your partner in bed
>learn how to use makeup effectively
>develop own interests

I'm a socially incompetent loser, I wouldn't want a wife who was the exact opposite is all

Are you friends with any females? Are you trying to fuck all of them?

Based and redpilled.

Sounds exactky like what I’ve been doing lol

This is scary


Sounds like you're on a good path.
Now that you're increasing your value, what are you looking for in a partner?

>Are you friends with any females?
Where Do You Think We Are?

>the odds of finding a virgin girl age 18+ is astronomically low
Actually they exist but they’re either religious or from a super conservative family/culture. Although one of the girls from my group is still a virgin at 21 because she’s still waiting for the one.

Would you even be a good father?

Focus on slimming down your waist (pic related will help) and building that BRRAAAPPPer. If you don't have big tiddies then eat a lot of onions.

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>Being friends with females you are not trying to fuck

Can you imagine being this low test

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Kek that’s true

>Describe your dream girl
Exactly like this.

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Honestly that’s probably for the best, she might help you come out of your shell and make friends

But if I'm married my wife would be my best friend

Same here but my personality clashes hard with them, the struggle is real

hard to find, breh, unless they're super conservative and/or all about that jesus. maybe i exaggerated with "astronomically" but the numbers are still quite low.

>Are you friends with any females?

Aside from the ones I knew as a child? No. Any "new" female friends are ones I intend to fuck. If that doesn't happen, I drop them.

Women are retarded and have nothing of value to give you.

>All of this triggered women replying to (You).
Good job mate.


That sounds fucking narcissistic, are you not willing to change for someone, to place your ego aside for a moment?
>I just want someone who loves me for being me
Is the worst meme of 20th and 21st century

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>OP asks for dream girl
>user gives list that he obviously knows is either super rare or doesn’t exist
>also isn’t necessarily his criteria for even considering to go out with a girl
>it’s just his dream girl exactly like what was requested
>most of the replies are about how this doesn’t exist or he’s insecure

The only thing she should smoking is my cock in her mouth



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"Ok", roastie.

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Can you stop listing only looks? I wish more people wrote about personality

These are the holly trinity of traits, and they even negate most physical shortcomings.

>Modesty (towards your own life and life of others, also keeping yer ego in check)
>Tenderness (in posture and in behavior)
>Honesty (but not "I will say what ever the fuck I want to you because I am honest like that or shit", but rather real honesty towards your own expectations and expressions of your inner self outwards)

Combine these three and you will be truly dream to be dreamed.

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>t. guy who hasn't fucked any of the "new" females he's met

Well, most of the time the way a person looks, or chooses to appear, says a lot about their personality too

How would I keep my ego in check?

only degenerates will say otherwise

>girls are automatically roasties if they disagree with you

>Describe your dream girl
not a slut
not a thot
college degree
fair skin

This is the look I’m working for, what do you think?

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A dream girl for me is honestly just someone who has long term goals in life, cares about self improvement, is somewhat traditional but not a housewife-type brainlet, is genuinely kind and optimistic about life.

I dated a girl fist year of college who always asked how my workouts are going, cared about my studies & job hunt, had her own ambitions, even helped me with shit like my meal prep. I'd literally kill to be with someone like that again.

Femanons ITT describe your dream guy

By constantly reminding your self that you are not the only one that exists. And that most of the things you feel. Others feel as well.
And by actually caring for people. Not just caring for your self that cares for people because "you are good like that or shit"

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No. A person can't help the way they look unless they dip into plastic surgery. A person CAN help the way that they dress. Most of the spergs in here are listing skin/eye colors, boob/butt sizes etc...qualities that a human can't control very much without augmentation. Boob size and hair color doesn't dictate what a girl ats like.

Unironically based

>blonde and blue eyes
>nice tits and ass
>literal unironic national socialist
>wants 5 kids minimum
>wants to be a homemaker

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And also this WILL leave you vulnerable, but females should be. Just try to stay safe. And this will attract actually strong Willed Man that actually care.

People say dont be a slut but I'm average looking and the most popular girl in my social circle because I'm willing to give even betas hand jobs and I love to suck dick and sleep around. Personally been told by many chads that I'm one of the coolest girls which is why I get invited to the most parties and have the most guys hitting me up. All my female friends are so fucking jealous of my popularity