Physio here

Physio here

Bring your aches and pains
Ask questions about rehab, prehab and physio general

Last threads have been pretty well received so let's do this again. Doing a trip this time as advised.
If you asked anything in a previous thread that i didn't reply to feel free to ask again.

FAQ and such in my next post, pls read.

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Other urls found in this thread: Manipulation of the Cuboid_PF.pdf

>my shoulder is making a clicking/popping sound during certain movements
you're most likely failing to stabilize the joint properly. look up exercises for shoulder stability.

>my hips/lower back is making a popping sound during leg raises/crunches
this is the psoas major muscle snapping over a bony protrusion in the pelvis. if it hurts or really bothers you exercises for internal snapping hip and core stability should help.

>my wrist hurt when i do push ups/bench/front squat
this is due to loading in hyperextention. don't do anything to provoke the pain. straps or some sort of wrist support might work, work on mobility and wrist strength/stability. again, don't do anything to provoke the pain.

DISCLAIMER: advice given on a Chilean competitive guinea pig eating forum is obviously not as accurate as a real visit with a physical examination. don't be an idiot and follow my advice blindly if it isn't working.

>>my hips/lower back is making a popping sound during leg raises/crunches
>this is the psoas major muscle snapping over a bony protrusion in the pelvis. if it hurts or really bothers you exercises for internal snapping hip and core stability should help.

Go on....

i googled it for you
> patients may benefit from stretching of anterior hip structures
>eccentric strengthening exercises showed the greatest value in decreasing pain and increasing function

Attempting standing or lying quad stretches hurts my knees really bad, why is this?

could be lots of things. do you have a full range of motion when not stretching? where on the knee does it hurt? does it ever hurt when you do anything else?

Rom is good otherwise, only hurts when i try to get into the stretch. Center of my knee. Im also pretty sedentary and trying to fix my anterior pelvic tilt, which is why i tried to do these.

After back I get doms in my middle back for like a solid week even though I've been hitting my back consistently every other day for a couple months, is this normal?

can Pelvic Floor training actually help you to last longer when fucking?

sometimes during heavy compound lifts I get a weird pressure/cramping in the thoracic area of my torso. It's in a ring around my entire body back and front, around the lower part of my ribcage or so, like it's my diaphragm locking up or some shit. It happens once in a while and then goes away after a couple minutes if I just take it easy and shimmy around.

Any clue what this is about? It's hard to explain but it's just this weird tightening down there like suddenly I have a tight girdle around my torso.

I have a "healed" seperated shoulder that is unstable and I foamrolled my rear delt. It fucked up my slutty shoulder socket and my cartilege is all fucked up even though it didn't pop out and I hardly noticed until the next day. The pain and ROM are like 90% but I'm still getting twinges, only consistently with my arm all the way up but also randomly doing rotating stuff. It was slightly debilitating 2 days ago then pretty much normal the next day after icing it and popping pills the day before. I've been doing fuckall besides some menial physical labor.

Should I be testing ROM or just not fucking with it? Should I be icing it? Do anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen help it heal? When can I do OH stuff again? Did I just give myself arthritis?

my knees crack all the time, even when I'm not exercising

sometimes i'll just slightly angle my leg to the side and it "pops" really loudly.

There's not really any pain, but it doesn't feel normal or good

Should i study to nurse or physio?

pls respond

I stopped jump roping because the inside of my left ankle started giving me pain. It's been about two weeks since the last time I jumped rope and my ankle feels fine now. Should I go back to it? Was my form shit? I was just jumping on the balls of my feet and slightly bending my knees while keeping the rest of my body pretty rigid, any advice?

Hi doc. I ruptured my peroneal retinaculum (ankle tendon) a few months ago, got surgery after that, and just got my cast off for good a week back. My left calf basically doesn't have exist anymore. I don't want to pay for PT; what are some exercises I can do to regain strength? Recommend routine pls I want to be squatting again by October.

to be more specific it's when my leg is fulled bent, AND when my knees are slightly internally rotated

How do I deal with left temple
tension headaches ive had one for three weeks and also left scap is having trouble retracting for bench not sure if related.

I injured my lower back doing cable rows right when I was just getting to the end of my newbie gainz. I've continued lifting, but out of fear of re-injuring my lower back I've taken it quite easy for certain lifts. Occasionally the area will tighten up during rows and deadlifts. It's been a few years now, is it reasonable to assume it's in my head and I'm psyching myself out of it?

Every time I look at a pretty girls my heart hurts.


I injured myself pretty badly training acrobatics, and apparently I have osteoarthritis in one of my vertebrae. I have been told that my vertebrae will merge with one of the others, and my only hope is to train my back nonstop so I can delay that moment. Is it true? Can I contain it completely through therapy or exercise? Or should I kms self.

my shoulder hurts whenever I do basically any exercise that involves it. pain I believe is originally from doing a lot of throwing (baseball pitching and things like javelin)
I've done exercises to try and help it for like a year now, and I now have an amazing range of motion on my hurty shoulder (and not on my other shoulder so I'm super uneven now) however the pain still comes and goes.
my friend told me this pain will never go away is this true doc?

My knees are continually achy. I managed to develop patellar tendinitis last year, which lasted about 6 months, but I took 2 weeks off squatting completely and now don't get any pain in my tibial tuberosity. Now the pain is either above my kneecap or underneath it (but above my tibial tuberosity). I front squat twice a week and back squat once, plus do Olympic lifting. I'm in the gym 5 days a week, always warm up with ~30 mins of foam rolling and static/dynamic stretching, and ice my knees when I get home. What should I do to stop the aching? Just going up stairs is annoying now

so umm think of the left hand side of your lower back... and the most outward point of your hip bone there.... well mine fugging aches like hell, the pain goes down my leg and even into my balls

fuck u deadlifts (see you again next week)

I know this is gonna sound daft because its not central back but rather to the side but im scared i may have slipped a disk... had a similar injury like 4 years ago and ended up in hospital because my legs stopped working after 3 days of the ache getting worse. lololol

so umm reassuring thoughts anyone?

if you are smart you study medicine , and do neither of those 2
only brainlets become physios or nurses

bro i sprinted last week and my thighs hurt so much like its being streched away. do you know why?

Physio what? Do you mean PT?

I have a pinched sciatica and my left leg hurts like fuck whenever I move from sitting to standing or vice versa. I saw a physio about it and he did some stuff that helped but it's still pretty bad. Doing stretches too and it seems to help but it's taking a while.

How much longer do I keep avoiding squats and deads for? Been about a month already.

why do you think a physio will be more competent than a actual doctor?
you guys just want him to write what you want to hear

Depends on where you're studying. In Canada, getting into physio school is pretty damn hard. A few years ago, it was getting to the point where many schools' GPA cutoffs were actually higher for physio than med school. I hear Australian physios really have their shit together, too.

Doctors just drugged me and told me to swim until the day comes and the pain starts. They know how to keep you alive, they don't care if you lose mobility and stop being able to train.

But on the other hand...

>you guys just want him to write what you want to hear're totally correct.

> physios requirements are higher than med school
let me guess, you are a physio yourself? what you wrote is simply not true, people who go into physio are the ones that can't get into medicine, same with nursing
it's a massive cope

Not OP, but you'd be surprised how little doctors are actually taught about musculoskeletal injuries and exercise-based rehab. It's basically nothing. If you want a nonsurgical treatment for an MSK issue, they don't know shit. Do you really think a doctor, who does 4 years of med school and a few years of residency in a hospital knows more than someone who does 3-4 years of physio-specific training?

great necromancy going on here

could be some tendinopathy or mb schlatter if you're underage. try stretching past it and going strength training. abort if this makes it worse over a couple of days.

it's a bit unusual, but i wouldn't worry about it.

yes, for even better effect add some behavioral therapy aspect to it.

never heard of it before. it's guess it's either a spasm in the diaphragm or you got a really hypermobile segment in the lower thoracic spine.

>Did I just give myself arthritis?
some claim that separated shoulders doesn't heal, as in the ligaments doesn't reattach. im not too familiar with the long term effects of this personally.
there's no point in testing ROM unless you use it to evaluate something. i'd say keep working out but keep it pain free. there's some evidence saying icing improves recovery, if it feels nice you can do it. same goes with ibuprofen.

probably popping in the same way you pop your knuckles. some say it might be an indication of muscle imbalance.

do whatever you feel more interested in. both give you a salary you're able to live of off. fuck making as much money as possible and hunting prestige. if you dont want to hate your life you do what you think you'll enjoy the most.

get back to it. start slowly and not every day. if it doesnt work have someone examine your ankle.

you can probably google yourself to a good routine. check out google scholar for some actual science.
follow your surgeons restrictions and advice.

i'd guess the headache originates from the scap. work on pulls and lower trapz. there's plenty of mobility exercises for tension type headache as well.

>is it reasonable to assume it's in my head and I'm psyching myself out of it?
50/50, lots is in your head but your back is probably disproportionally weak since you've been taking it easy. escalate the back work slowly.

My right elbow doesn't fully extend and gets sore and inflamed very easily. It makes the bar a bit uneven on bench press. What's wrong with it?

Not are, were (around 2010-2014 ish). And no, I'm not a physio, but was a kinesiology major and looked into physio schools during 3rd/4th year (work in insurance and do some part time personal training now). The admission averages for the top couple schools like McGill were in the low-mid 90s. It's a bit lower now (mid-high 80s), but it's sure as hell higher than fucking nursing.

Hey, been suffering from some pain in my left ass cheek which gratually became worse over time. The pain is felt whenever I sit or when I try to lift my left leg foward while stretched. Everytime I trigger the area I feel shock waves of pain which goes from the ass to my foot.
I went a week ago to a physiotherapist, he performed a couple of tests and concluded that what I have is high hamstring tendonitis. After the tests he gave me two exercises for a week to try and improve my leg mobility. I've been doing these exercises and while I certainly am able to move my leg a bit more, the pain has become sharper and sitting become much more unbearable (to a point where if I sit for more than a couple of minutes I cant stand and get off the chair) for me, another thing is now everytime I trigger the area, the pain is centered at the ass and calf.

Please doc help, its been going on for almost four months and has completely stopped me from working out. What could possibly be the issue?

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Meant for

Can't do pic related without my upper hamstring in the bent right leg hurting, feeling like it's rubbing against something.

When I cycle in click pedals it hurts on the upstroke, hamstring right up to the glute. No knee pain, no pain while lifting. What's wrong with my hammie?

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me too man

osteoarthritis is a common radiological sign. many times this is unrelated to the issues the patients have or dont have. anyone wanting to call this bullshit please provide source.
it seems like you've been told a worse case scenario, but it's not false. working out is the best way to manage osteoarthritis, but you should def not over do it. it can be contained completely.

it might be true. you cant cure everything. it's common for pitching athletes to have an increased external rotation and decreased internal rotation causing problems. i'd work more on stability than range of motion.

there's a high risk you're still over working them. doing some stabilization exercises might be good as well as working on the muscle control.

if you had the same symptoms last time then chances are you're risking the same result. deload and do alternative core work. it shouldnt cause any pain.


physical therapist

until they dont hurt and doesnt aggervate your sciatica. i wouldnt be surpriced if you had to wait for another month

i have no desire to be a doctor. that being said, where im from becoming a doc is a lot harder than becoming a physio


i have moderate scoliosis and weak lower back muscles, so everytime i deadlift my hips look like theyre displaced two inches to the left. should i ever go heavy?

dont know, get it looked at

i'd guess it's some sort of adherence of a nerve root. either go back to the previous physio or see another one. the latter might be preferred.

the side you're stretching hurts? pictured is a piriformis stretch, so you might have a piriformis syndrome.
if it's the opposite side that hurts then i have no idea.


sorry guys i have do go. might be back tonight if i get done with my shit in time.

i play australian football as an amateur so im doing a fair amount of running on weekends and a bit at training 1-2 times a week. My knees have been causing me some issues. For several months, I was training legs by squatting several times a week. I was progressing ok but didn't pay a lot of attention to form other than going to parallel and didn't film myself or anything. At some point, I don't know when or how I developed a clicking in my right knee which I saw a physio to figure out. He told me that it may have been caused by squatting too deep and that there was no structural damage. When I extend my knee there is a bump before I reach full extension, it's not painful, but it is an awkward and annoying feeling. He said to stop squatting and deadlifting, and for about 3 months I did hamstring curls and leg extensions (one leg at a time, so left right, left right etc) in their place and added some extra back stuff to cover the deadlifts. He said he thought that my fibula might be loose and causing the problem. So he taped over the top of my fibula on the outside of my leg, pretty tight, and then a bit looser on the other side so the tape is in a loop. Wearing the tape pretty much 24/7 my knee still clicks when extended, for example climbing stairs, unless I do a specific motion with my glutes like standing up in the top of a squat. So I did the curls and leg extensions for over 10 weeks and got stronger on those but still had pretty much the same problem. On some reps, on nordic curls I could do full ROM with no click in my right knee. And on my working sets on the extensions, there was also no click at all on that knee. On warmups for curls I had greater control and could avoid the click. On warmups for extensions I couldnt avoid the click in my knee ever.

So I decided a few sessions back to try squatting again with small plates under feet. I could not really avoid my knee clicking in the hole below parallel when squatting especially in working sets (cont)

Lower left side of my back got tweaked when doing deads (doing them with an inzer belt conventional when I'm used to doing it completely raw, wasn't accustomed to how the belt changed my starting position and was pulling more forward than usual). Now I feel slight discomfort usually when I sit, but not when I bend over, lift, squat, stand or walk. The pain isn't excruciating but it is subtle and annoying. Sometimes I feel pins and needles in my feet when I sit for long periods. Could it be my QL, piriformis? Any help would be appreciated.

on my last session squatted again with a mind to avoid the knee click. I found that I could avoid it if I let me knees move forward a bit more I could get to parallel and felt more secure coming out of the bottom than when there was a bump. I don't know what to do other than go back to the physio.

I also have a problem with i think my left patellar tendon, it's most noticeable when getting into position for pendlay rows and flexing my left knee standing on that leg only. Feels like a pressure and small pain on the front just below the kneecap.

i'm 6'2", have wide hips and long legs. I have pretty bad lower back flexibility also, I find it extremely difficult to avoid a buttwink at the bottom of a squat.

>ringing and pressure in my right
Ear for 4 years

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Circled blue area hurts during chest presses. Reverse grip helps a ton. Elbows are at 45 degrees and don't flare out or tuck in on the press, back has a slight arch, shoulder blades tucked back/in and flared down as well, barbell 1" from touching chest before pushing, and I don't lock out my elbows.

For shoulder work I do light bent over flys with thumbs pointing up. Also I do rear delt flys and some light weight shoulder presses and keep the range of motion small (I don't lock out my elbows all the way up on the press).

This pain has been on and off for about 4-5 years. I've done a ton of rotator cuff stability exercises with 2.5lbs - 5lbs and I've also incorporated a ton of stretching after my workouts, plus started sleeping on my back instead of my side.

I have no idea what else I can try. This pain drives me insane and my chest gains lag tremendously because of it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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bunion on left foot getting very bad, foot doc says surgery is near. how can i avoid this?

Also I forgot to add that the physical therapist said I might have bicep tendon issues on the long head and it's affecting the shoulder. I haven't worked out biceps directly in over a year. I feel like it made a difference but didn't completely solve it.

I think I have something wrong with a hip flexor? It started as a back issue, but as time progressed the problems feels like it's moved down my right leg and stopped right below my right glute. My calf has been super tight since this started, and getting up from sitting as well as completely straightening my leg about kills me. Is this something or just sciatica?

It doesn't stop me from doing my daily routine, it just makes me hate moving and life.

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I had shoulder pain pretty much in the same area
I started doing light machine shoulder flies that focused on stretching and form and barbell only locked form push press to back of neck to front of chest if that makes any sense at all. Shoulder stopped hurting completely after awhile, even doing 1plate+ohp. Pretty sure it has to do with stretching it without overextending it but really pushing for reps and form on the light stuff. I also stopped doing flat bench and went either db chest and incline and that stopped it entirely

Forgot I'm pretty sure mine was due to deadlifting wrong for a long time that eventually pulled my shoulder forward in a way so try and work on posture and maybe deadlift lighter for absolute perfect form

Were you lying flat and using a barbell to go from locked-out chest press position to overhead? Like you let the barbell fall backwards and behind your head to stretch your shoulders?

I'll try deadlifting lighter, my posture is decent, could be better so I've been doing a lot of posture friendly exercises over the past 2 months.

I got back into lifting after a 4 month hiatus (taking care of family) and after do some curls like normal I got some bad DOMS but not the worst I’ve had. However it comes with a case of T rex arms. The day after I wailed on the punching bag and did a few sets of dumbbell press and skull crusher to excercise the area and maybe tighten up the triceps, but as far as I can tell it might’ve made it worse. What can I do to make it go away? This is my third day with it and it seems to be the worst.

I do it standing up so right after ohp I would do the behind the neck, have your elbows be at 90 degree angle, back to the top like an ohp, down to chest with elbows at 90 degree angle back to top and then to the back again with just a barbell. I can't find the video but Frank Yang has it on one of his shoulder workouts

What stabilization exercises would you suggest? You're probably right about me overworking them, every day I'm in the gym I'm doing some form of squatting movement. Plus my job involves a fair amount of squatting and bending knees too

But its been a week. what can i do to reduce the pain?

Gotcha, thanks man appreciate it.

I have numbness and pain mostly on the left side of my left hand. Also very slight, hardly noticeable numbness on the left side of my right hand. Sometimes its better, sometimes worse. When it gets aggravated i often also feel it on my upper back, again mostly on the left side.

I have seen a physio about this who though the problem is around the c7 vertebra. He told me to do some neck extension/retraction exercises and some to improve thoracic mobility. They have helped to relieve the pain but it never truly goes away. Working out upper body also helps a bit but only temporarily, especially stuff like band pull aparts.

It has been like this for almost two years now. Really dont know what to do about this.

Is got this pinching pain Just under my right calve when i am going for a run, i never feel IT if i dont run, its not An unbearable pain more of An annoyance. It tends to go away after i run a km of 2 OR 3. It started after i ran a 5 mile run at too high a pace for my physical cindition almost 3 years. It worries me and i stopped running bc i think it was getting worse, want to to to a fysio here but need to wait till after my vacation. What do you reckon it is?

I have pain sometimes when I run in my left foot, on the top right near my ankle. In the front if that makes sense. I feel like my knees are tracking in line and I try to maintain correct form. Could my issue be as simple as something like joint lubrication or is there a chance that my knees actually aren't tracking properly? It usually only starts to occur after a few miles

Bumping for op

im back

you should ask whoever did your checkups. there's no correlation between mild scoliosis and back pain. but i dont know about risk of injury.

>I had greater control and could avoid the click
you should work more on control then. as for whats causing the click i really cant say without examination. going back to the physio might be a good idea also, even if you should feel you didnt get proper help last time. letting your physio know this will help with diagnosis and proper progression.

i doubt there's a neurological component in this. diffuse back pain is kinda difficult to diagnose irl and very difficult like this. if it isnt worse than annoying i wouldnt be very worried about it. go easy on the axial load for a while, maybe try a different type of exercise like aerobics or whatever.

tinnitus? see a doc. there's ways to alleviate it.

other user got good advice. doing RC work alone wont be enough if you keep loading your shoulder with the same workout that's aggravating your pain. you need to allow the shoulder yo actually heal.
biceps tendonitis is in my opinion more often related to impingement than overwork of the biceps.

there's orthoses specially designed for bunions. as far as i know there's never a need for surgery. but if it's too painful or crippling then surgery will most often help.

sounds like it'll be more related to sciatica than your hip flexor. dont work out if it aggravates your pain, but do stay active and try a different routine.
might be a good idea to actually see a pro.

you wait and stay active. might take a over a week.

one legged squats is good, possibly on a balance board. there's several variations of one legged jumps also. if over work is the real issue then you need to rest first, then stabilize.

which one are you?

that was me

pls use thumb side and pinky side, or even better radial/ulnar.
sounds def neurologically related. though the entrapment might be lower than the spine. go back to the physio to get a progression of your exercises and maybe a reevaluation if the issue lies elsewhere.
oh and maybe dont do heavy squats where you rest the bar on your c7?

sounds like some kind of tendinopathy. maybe high patellar or some of the smaller muscles. im assuming the location is much too high to be from the ankle?

thanks king that is what I was going to do. cheers

what are some recommendations for avoiding front hip pain when backsquatting?

I had pain on friday, looked it up on the internet and by monday i had it healed 90% (100% now). I think it was caused because arched my lower back too much before every rep to avoid butt wink at the bottom

I've switched to lunges which don't work bad for my legs but I wanna squat more to maximise leg gains (I have a +1 year base of calisthenics and started going to gym on march)

Maybe you have a different point of view? routines for good knee, ankle or hip mobility (I'm doing femur internal rotations everyday)... Maybe front squats? thx in advance

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So I had what appeared to be impacted shoulders for a year, but I fixed them by putting my shoulder over a railing, resting on the armpit, and pulling the arm down until it pops. I wonder if this technique could result in damage, but I swear by it, I used to have lingering pain all day and now I have no pain.

>advice given on a Chilean competitive guinea pig eating forum is obviously not as accurate as a real visit with a physical examination

Implying the doctors Jow Forums can afford don't just laugh at you and say you're getting older...

i work a desk/lab bench job so my posture is shit. my shoulders round and my neck pokes forward. apart from consciously adjusting my posture, what exercises or stretches can i do?

So about a month ago I was walking around and had a sharp pain in the left side of my left foot. Some history, I sprained the big toe a couple years ago and it may have affected my gait. The pain was entirely localized along the outer tendon, and the section of the foot was noticeably more prominent than on the other foot.

Following research online I concluded I have some sort of cuboid dislocation, I used a technique I found online to pop it back, which leaves a lingering soreness but usually takes the sharp stabbing pain away, and I've been resting the arch of my foot on a stress ball. Am I on the path to recovery or am I fucking myself?

my left shoulder is rotated forward more so then my right. they are both rotated forward.

make sure your warm up includes hip mobility i suppose. there's plenty of reasons to get pain in that area. i think the most common one is due to forcing the joint into maximum flexion. might also need to change up your form.

which direction does the internal force in the join have? i dont full see what you're doing. it's probably perfectly safe seeing how it actually helped you. if you need to do it 800 times a day however it might cause problems in the long run.

that's burgerland for you. plenty of people live in other places with affordable healthcare though.

pectoral stretches. more importantly every pull exercise and standing up to straighten out frequently. preferably every 20min.

>cuboid dislocation
very interesting. can you actually see a difference after you've popped it back? now im assuming you're pressing the cuboid down in the direction of the floor. it seems like what you're doing is a good thing, though it would be very important to prevent it from popping back out if you want it to heal. maybe try insoles with proper arch support.
dont want too long in seeing a pro if this doesnt get better.

if this is actually causing problems then work on strengthening the external rotators

neck curls to avoid your neck extensors to be overloaded, at least twice a week

deadlifts + rear delt work (supinated band pull aparts, face pulls) + dumbbell/barbell rows + band external rotations to avoid your anterior deltoids to overpower your rear deltods and make your shoulders tend round. It's best to do band work at home when you don't workout that day. You can workout back at the gym three times a week if not more

priorise shoulder exercises over chest exercises (don't bench more than once a week and never do direct front delt training). Stretch your chest before sleeping everyday. Don't priorise pullups since they also kinda promote internal rotation of the shoulders

thank you based physio

this can well just be recommended to every lifter since posture gains are the best gains
pull twice as much you push

>very interesting. can you actually see a difference after you've popped it back? now im assuming you're pressing the cuboid down in the direction of the floor. it seems like what you're doing is a good thing, though it would be very important to prevent it from popping back out if you want it to heal. maybe try insoles with proper arch support. dont want too long in seeing a pro if this doesnt get better. Manipulation of the Cuboid_PF.pdf

I've been doing something similar to this diagram, curling my foot and holding it with me left hand, and pushing up with the thumb of my right hand. Which sounds like the opposite of what you just said, so maybe it wasn't dislocated after all.

I looked at it today and the cuboid doesn't seem prominent at all, leading me to surmise it was probably inflammation in the tendon that I didn't notice until it started to catch on the cuboid, which caused real hop on foot pain. But the cuboid exercises did provide relief.

Hi OP. I strained my ankle running and its been a year and it still hurts despite recovering a bit. What are some exercises I can do to make the pain go away? I have elastic bands.

it is the opposite of what i said. but that doesnt exclude it being dislocated. if there was no visual displacement then it wasnt dislocated in the first place anyway. did you do the examination as said in the pdf as well? it would be cool so know if there actually was a decrease of movement since i've never seen that test before.
there only needs to be a restriction of movement for tendons to hurt, range of motion can still be normal. so i suppose it's very possible it's a peroneal tendinopathy you've got. if the manipulations doesnt work all the way i still think it's worth trying insoles with a good arch support. if i saw you clinically i'd advice balance training as well as resistance training in pronation.

see the link this user posted. it's news to me so it's probably what you've got as well.
as for exercise; balance training and resisted supinations/pronations.
if running makes it flare up i urge you to see a pro.

I can crack my chest bone if I push out enough. Is that normal? Should I stop doing that?

I've been suffering from costochondritis for almost a full year now. My condition has prevented me from doing any kind of lifting and cardio, due to sharp pain in my lower chest area and difficulties breathing due to inflammation. After seeing many doctors and had numerous tests done (all coming back clean), I did my own research and discovered my condition was caused by a jammed up rib, due to a section of my spine being locked up. I was recommended a chiropractor, who has done a good job of freeing up this stuck rip by adjusting my back and rib. Now, not only can I power walk, but walk up hill without difficulties!

My question is this, what are some good stretches and exercises I could do to continue to free up my spine and rib and get it all working in proper order again? I'm already doing some stretches with bands and a form roller, focusing on shoulders, back, and chest, but any advice would be greatly appreciated!

My shoulder started hurting a few weeks back, and it still aches from time to time when I try to throw or catch a frisbee, or do pull ups for example. I went to the doctor's and he prescribed something that I took for a week but nothing has changed. I still don't know what's wrong. Any guesses?


Please save my fuckin life man. I have Ehlers Danlos(supposedly) and because of that and playing fuckin video games for 14 hours a day for 14 years of my life (most likely) I've developed Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, and Peroneal Tendonitis.

However, right now, I just need to figure out a way to legitimately strengthen my serratus anterior and (mainly) my spinalis, but also my entire erector spinae column. I used to have crazy fucking shoulder issues, but I got a lot of that worked out as it was mainly radiated symptoms from where my rib meets underneath the spine of my scapula and junk.

Anyways, aside from physical therapy and kinda college I've literally spent the last 7 years of my life in bed in daily 8/10 pain and stupid amounts of bullshit you wouldn't fuckin believe. I've been to Mayo Clinic and shit and they're all retarded because they don't know fuck about physiology.

Right now, I'd just like to be able to keep my head upright at a computer without constant tension and heavyness. My deep neck flexors are actually ridiculousy stronk & huge and my shoulders are pretty well set on the girdle. Like, they used to be pretty fucking rounded but I've got a lot of that fixed. The only thing I can imagine keeping my head still in crazy forward posture is my spinalis, serratus anterior, and tight as fuck levator scapulae. It also doesn't help that my pelvis is shifted forward by about 1" on the right side, back 1" on left (so 2" total distance from front to back of respective pelvis sides) and about 1.5" higher on the right, 1.5" lower on the left. Has my Psoas and Illiacus all sorts of fucked up.

Who can save me from this nightmare aside from a pro athlete trainer?

t. My back about a year ago at the one doc who was finally able to start helping me.

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I play a little bit of baseball specifically pitching and i took a rest from it for a while and got back into it. everytime i pitch now my elbow is killing me and sometimes reaches into my shoulder it usually hurts elbow side

I had a bulging disc 7 years ago that stopped me training for a year. This year I smashed through all my prs but few months later cant stand up after moderate squats & deads.

Laying on my front a lot helps but can't even walk about. What do?

Hi Mr. Physio.

So every time I do OHP, particuarlly with heavier weights, I get this tightness in my chest that feels like its coming from my sternum. I only feel this pain/tightness when I re-rack the weight and release the tension in my muscles- or at least that's when it comes most intensely.

While this is only really an issue during OHP, I feel similar tightness when doing dips sometimes, though that feels more like muscle tightness/soreness and may be totally unrelated.

Is this a form issue? If this is inflammation/costochondritis, what's my best course of action?

Thank you mr. physio. Best of luck 2 u

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>dropped 45 lb plate on foot
>nothing broken but super bruised
>have to wear this autistic birkenstock knockoff so my foot can heal
how long till i can lift again doc?

it's semi unusual. you can keep going if you like. it's like cracking your knuckles.

im a big fan of side lying rotations, you can do them with varying degrees of spinal flexion/extention. as for the ribs lateraly leaning with opposite arm raised about your head, do very deeps breaths simultaneously.

some sort of impingement if it's caused by frisbee throwing. do some rotator cuff exercises, rest from the aggravating activities and mind your form. medication might take the edge off but that alone wont cure.

EDS can be a real bitch man. i've seen some really fucked up cases. can you handle exercise without being bedridden with excruciating pain for several days?
as for serratus anterior strengthening do push up pluses as well as the last exercise on this page. though start with your arms down next to your body and slowly elevating them.
everything pulling is good, though you might have to deload a lot, both to minimize the amount to pain you get after working out but also and more importantly to be able keep the scapula stabilized during the exercise.

epicondylitis maybe?

I have some kind of tenderness in the lower right front area of my abdomen. It's not severe and it only comes up once every couple of days for a few seconds. I can kinda feel it down in my right ball as well. I'm afraid that I have a hernia or the beginnings of a hernia. It doesn't get worse and is usually completely absent when I'm lifting, though. The fuck is it?

EDS fag here -

Excercise is the one thing I actually can do and it doesn't put me out too much. At this point, the worse thing that typically happens is tweaking the shit out of my right scalene.
I know of push up pluses, but they're kinda one of the things that's not great for me to do, just because of how hypertrophied but tight my right pec minor is. It also kinda shoves my first rib right in to my shit.

Also - this was around, a year ago but kinda fixed now - I used to not be able to have my hands on the ground on all fours. It literally pulled every nerve in my entire arm (only right, not left, despite having bilateral TOS) taut. Like, I could feel every fucking nerve taught like a rope. Electric fucking fire. Thankfully, that's a thing of the past for the most part, I presume due to an excessive amount of facepulls, band pull aparts, etc. Must've loosened whatever muscle was clamping down on everything.

My left leg is 2cm shorter than right, diagnosed by x-ray and sports medicine Dr.

Healing torn hamstring now (short leg.) Just got of crutches, building back from bodyweight squats. Have history of SI joint and piriformis issues, do you recommend a shit or a lift for my short leg, for squats and deadlifts?

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try hanging to get some negative load on your back? also dont push yourself if it starts hurting during training.
see a pro, pain on that level shouldnt be handled online.

>If this is inflammation/costochondritis
it's not. it might be coming from the costochondral joints though. my only guess is that it's related to form, possibly secondary to poor mobility of the upper thoracic spine.

>autistic birkenstock knockoff
is this prescribed by your doctor? if yes then you follow the prescription. if no then you can lift now, but dont do anything that aggravates the pain for more than a few hours.

>The fuck is it?
dont know. maybe a hernia? maybe some muscle tensions? dont delay for too long to get it checked out if it gets worse.

you can do the push up pluses leaning against a table or wall for lower load. i dont know the name of the exercise, but you might be able to work it with a kettle bell. hold it upside down in one hand and lift straight to the ceiling.
you seem to have dont an impressive amount of progress though my man!

I had a hip arthrodesis when i was younger which fused my left hip. My range of motion is limited (cant bend to do squats or deadlifts) is there any exercises you could reccomend to strengthen my hip abductors/adductors, glutes and lower back?

What's a good way to stretch traps?

>dont know. maybe a hernia? maybe some muscle tensions? dont delay for too long to get it checked out if it gets worse.

Yeah, the only reason I haven't seen a pro is because it's so temporary and it doesn't get any worse. Will do if it does, though. Thanks.

dont know what that is, google is showing me a bunch of carpentry stuff.
2cm is bordering on a difference that seen as normal an asymtomatic. though seeing that you've had issues maybe it's worth doing something to correct or atleast minimize it. chose whatever you feel the most comfortable with.

i suppose you should work on machines? it's difficult for me to come up with proper recomendations without seeing what kind of restrictions you've got.

i've never seen traps that needed stretching. i've tried it with some my patients but a majority of times it only made the matter worse.

im going to sleep now, best of luck.
thanks for your appreciation

what can i do to fix tennis elbow?
is it just rest?