>have a disagreement with some fag on discord
>he gets buttblasted and alerts all his friend to stop talking to me and cut contact
>they all actually do it
Why are people so pathetic
Have a disagreement with some fag on discord
Get the fuck off Discord. Anyone who spends regular time on it is a desensitized, boring bitch
You are right honestly but i still have the delusion that you might be able to make some friends there
No experience with discord but I've seen same shit elsewhere too. There's witch-hunt on DeviantArt, Tumblr etc. They set hundreds of their followers against you.
Fucking snowflake generation.
is that really the full story? just "have a disagreement" thats it huh?
Yeah that's it. I don't really talk to this person for there to be more to it. He just got buttblasted.
what did you say boss?
Not gonna go indepth for obvious reasons. I don't really care that much about this particular issue, i just think this behaviour is pathetic in general and i wonder why people do it. It's not exclusive to discord either as said
>I don't really care that much about this particular issue
then why make a post buddy?
>i just think this behaviour is pathetic in general and i wonder why people do it
They had no friends in school so when they get them online they abuse the social power they have whenever they can
>mental stuff and feels causes me to be deeply uncomfortable in a group
>I stay around for a while to show my appreciation to the nice people, but end up reaching my limit and have to leave
>the leader of the group, who manipulated their way to that position and would frequently leave me passive aggressive replies when I'd talk about my feelings, convinces everyone that I'm a paranoid asshole who hates them and their waifu, probably because they thought I was trying to spite them by leaving or something, and they all unfriend me
Used to make me feel pretty bothered, but it's okay to say that I just hate groups and that people who comfortably thrive in them aren't very thoughtful, honest or good. It'd be a nice world where we could just be genuine and empathize without worry, but that's not gonna happen, here. Groups attract clique shit and terrible ego.
Its a law of nature that the strongest get ahead. In a social environment, the strongest are the ones who are most manipulative and have massive egos. This effect is only exacerbated by online conversation because in real life you can always punch someone in the mouth if they get too uppity, or just barge in and tell the truth. On the internet they can keep manipulating with no stop to it except for if an even more manipulative person comes along and threatens their position.
Based and redpilled post
Discord is highschool levels of drama and inhabited by literal normies. Get out there
Try actually interacting with and making genuine connections eith people in real life before you make these sorts of assumptions please
Normies dont know what discord is or use it, youre thinking of failed normies who want to be social but are too autistic or afraid to be in real life
> when an egirl decides she hates you and turns her orbiters against you
You deserve nothing but this sword
Not at all, discord has millions of users and was popularized by normies in the first place. Look at this guys story, if that isn't normie groupthink then idk what is
What assumptions? The guy just told you an experience he had. It's literal proof
>implying group think is exclusive to normies
Most normal people ive met dont use discord. Unless by normal you mean "gamers", just because they have their own social circles and arent openly bullied doesnt make them normies imo but you can disagree.
Online interactions dont = real interactions. The people ive met using discord are way more autistic then the general population
I honestly don't know what you expected dude
I mean, the definition of a normie is someone who is socially capable and has friends. If you have friends and are so good socially to the point you can readily manipulate social situations then you're literally a normie. Normies are not a monolithic group, there are different types of normies, those are one of them.
On the other hand the point of a robot is someone who rejects normal social dynamics and i also incapable of being succesful in social life. So yes, they are normies, and it's impossible to be a robot and subscribe to normal groupthink to that degree (not that robots dont do groupthink at all, just not to that degree).
But it really is the same. You're not dealing with "fake internet people", you're dealing with real people.
That's what those toxic niggas who sell child pr0n and blackmail tell themselves. "It's OK because the internet isn't real :^]"
I ghosted this one discord group when I realized it was just a bunch of normalfags and their stupid drama. The oldest guy there was alright but didn't really belong with them because they made fun of him for being paranoid of CIA niggers.
>robots are unique
Theyre normies from your perspective online but if you came across those same people in real life you would probably think they were fellow robots. Most robots probably dont purposely reject normal social dynamics but are simply incapable of functioning within them
Yes but the majority of people you deal with online arent representative of the average person youll interact with in real life and even if they were similar, online interactions dont give as accurate a view into the whole person. When youre interacting with a person online, such as the way you are now, youre really just typing or at best doing a voice chat. Its like claiming to know the nature of people when all your interactions with other people are sending letters or calling strangers phone number s as opposed to forming actual connections
honestly, please please keep spamming boomer threads. its making shitposters that literally just shit post and dont contribute anything super uncomfortable
When i did say robots are unique? There are plenty of people who reject social dynamics, i guess not all of them would be robots as in people who go on Jow Forums, but they'd be identical in mindset.
>Theyre normies from your perspective online but if you came across those same people in real life you would probably think they were fellow robots.
I think there is confusion on the definitions we have of robot and normie. To me, robot is by definition someone who is socially inept and also rejects normal social dynamics. You don't have to be a le quirky person or even go on Jow Forums to be any of that. Normie to me is someone who can function fine within normal social dynamics and also has no issue with them. There are alt normies and le quirky normies, but they're still normies. Go to any highschool and you'll see many different "flavors" of normie, all with their own social circles and friends. Would you say they're robots just because some of them don't get along with others? The robots are the ones who are rejected by all groups and may or may not be "friends" with one or two other loser kids that no one likes. As for your claim that robots would think of alt normies as fellow robote, yoiu think the kids i just described feel any kinship with the alt normies, or vice versa? You know the answer
>Most robots probably dont purposely reject normal social dynamics but are simply incapable of functioning within them
It's both.
Everyone on discord is trash you need to avoid
Not OP but how is this a boomer thread
fuck you in particular
>using discord
The situstions you described happen in real life though, so those people eould not be robots. However if they ONLY fit into a group of people online yhen they would be robots, which is why i said they would appear as fellow robots in real life
Yeah, but those popular people on discord ARE those people in real life. There are no people who are disliked by everyone in real life but social butterflies online. I personally know many internet popular people and they all fit the description in my previous post exactly.
Basically everyone is on the internet now. That argument might have been true in 2005 but not anymore.
Just forget about them. People like that aren't worth your time. See it as a gain for yourself that you know what they're like now. If someone is willing to turn their back on you for no reason but some butthurt faggot telling them to they weren't worth talking to in the first place.
>join server where everyone orbits a postwall roastie who works at a liquor store
>roastie fucks a bunch of teenagers in the server and likes to call herself the server mom
>owner of server is a literal boomer who finally loses it and leaves server because she enters semi-monogamous relationship with a chad teenager because he joined the marines
>joining server with roast in it
>expecting no orbit
fooooor what? not jumping to a side how awful of me
I think I was actually in this server too.
How do you guys get far enough to get banned in discord servers ? I make a few small comments but most of the people know each other so I just lurk until it becomes boring(happens pretty quickly) and then leave. All discord servers I've joined just seem the same so I deleted my account
I'd probably orbit a girl if I could stop cynical
Hey, I don't know what the whole discord culture is and why there is so much drama in it, but I have run a personal server for a group of friends both IRL and Online for a long time now. Many have come and gone, but it's /comfy/, there is no drama, and every couple days there will be an interested discussion. You, and anyone is welcome:
Tyler is that you? I didn't know you were on Jow Forums. What's up man?
Why do normies hate being ignored so much
>join server
>say something
>get kicked within moments
>join server
>don't say anything
>get kicked within moments
pretty much summarizes my experience with discord
love it when this happens, I feel like that Brazilian man who flashed his dick at a feminist rally. All their orbiters seem to have the same balding greasy hair, pale pasty skin, thick rimmed glasses, DYEL look to them too
>advertising your server in a thread for people who dislike discord gg
>All their orbiters seem to have the same balding greasy hair, pale pasty skin, thick rimmed glasses, DYEL look to them too
Why is this
I don't like you. At all. Not even a little bit. I think if I were to approach and get to know people in your real life and then ask them about you, that they might express a similar sentiment.
LMAO, bit buttblasted dont you think friend??
>LMAO, bit buttblasted dont you think friend??
I honestly don't understand why normals like you hang out here. I can immediately tell that you browse /v/ and come to r9k to "troll retards" or whatever you and your xbox live buddies call whatever it is you're doing here.
Discord is just a hugbox hivemind for faggots who cant be out in public
>be on discord
>join a supposed NATSOC chat
>get asked some backwards questions about what I am and what I support
>tell them I'm gnostic but support Christian values
>they all get pissed because I'm not a pagan larper
>when asked about what they know about paganism they say "muh varg"
poor guy just wants some tea. I'd look after him.
everyone in these threads need to make real friends.
Because you're one of those annoying "relationship expert" types. You immediately assumed that there was a "deeper" reason for why OP had this experience and were quick to reject his response when he said that wasnt the case and continued to hold on to the belief that there had to be some "deeper" reason. The truth is you don't know shit and you're annoying plus you act like a woman. Not everything is a "complex" drama, sometimes people are just shit and thats it.
Same. I think I was in it too. Is there someone named kopyboat in there?
How big of a loser do you have to be to even use a discord?
How does a hikki make real friends, friend?
play an MMO and you'll make friends with other losers with no0 life worked for me!
Is that a southern california discord server?
Or even:
>Caring enough to argue with people on Discord.
I think u deserve this.