Only people who haven't suffered love their parents
Only people who haven't suffered love their parents
The fuck is that supposed to mean? I like you guys on r9k but the amount of shit you come up with....
It means you need a brain to suffer. Brainless people like you haven't suffered and that's the type of people that love their parents.
we should just bomb that entire continent
>13 yo bong talks about how he hates his parents again
>we should just bomb that entire continent
Because there's a bunch of kids just sitting there?
can you keep your Jow Forums in your pants pls.
>swedish intellectuals
You can love in spite of resentment.
Most people in 3rd world countries like their family
You mean the total opposite you dumb fuck. I hope you die soon.
what a fucking stupid post
You don't find the sight of that picture discomforting?
i get what ur trying to say op
No I don't cope with racism. Africans in Africa that stay in Africa do me no harm, my coffee might get more expensive if they're gone even
I feel sick just by looking at those kids
Please explain because to me it sounds like utter shit.
>You don't find the sight of that picture discomforting?
Not for the reasons you find it discomforting, I find it to be so because they have fled from their country, abandoned their people and through their actions refused to improve the situation in their homeland.
>I feel sick just by looking at those kids
Dude, their kids, why do they make you feel sick?
I bet you're a nigger yourself
Not that guy, but when I look at pictures of large crowds of black people, it makes my instincts scream "get out of here as soon as possible". I imagine myself being there and my skin crawls.
>I bet you're a nigger yourself
Nigger? I'm not your Americanized, lost black people, bless their poor souls.
I am of African heritage, and my point continues to stand, they have willingly left their people behind instead of staying and helping fix the situation.
>Not that guy, but when I look at pictures of large crowds of black people, it makes my instincts scream "get out of here as soon as possible". I imagine myself being there and my skin crawls.
I think you might have some issues, I don't even react like that when I see chinese people and those chinese are literally illegally mining the resources of my homeland.
>when I look at pictures of large crowds of black people, it makes my instincts scream "get out of here as soon as possible"
lmao the absolute state of wh*Toids. a race of child like brainlets. I can taste onions just from reading your post
lmao, OP worded way to obscurely.
>unironically buying into Jow Forums propaganda
Imagine being this delusional
The migrants need to go back, but come on the kids that are still sat in africa just having fun together that havent invaded our countries have done nothing wrong.
How is it "invading" if they're legal immigrants with citizenship given by the government. They're immigrants, immigration has existed since mankind has existed, it's nothing new.
Look how proud that one jewess liberal satanic cunt in the front looks. The satisfaction in her walk when bringing lots of uncivilized niggers to replace the native population. Truly psycho torture deserving scum.
>op posts children doing nothing wrong
>in responce you post a picture of criminals commiting criminal behaviour and associate the children from ops pic as exactly as bad as the invading criminals just because they share a skin colour
man you're pathetic
This looks like an invasion.
How do you know those people are immigrants? Many black people have been in France for generations - and do you realize that France still has colonies in Africa and the Caribbean? Everybody on Martinique and Reunion is a French citizen whether you like it or not brainlet
those children will become like those criminals and you know it
because they arent legal immigrants with citizenship given by the government, they are people who come here illegally that the eu just lets in, some countries like germany have given the migrants citizenship but most eu countries have not
all blacks are immigrants and criminals dumbass
>Look how proud that one jewess liberal satanic cunt in the front looks. The satisfaction in her walk when bringing lots of uncivilized niggers to replace the native population. Truly psycho torture deserving scum.
Look how proud that one jewess liberal satanic cunt in the front looks. The satisfaction in her walk when tricking people into leaving their family, homeland and their homelands problems behind. Truly psycho torture deserving scum.
The jew is an enemy of many races, not just you whitoids.
>steal people from africa
>africa becomes even worse because any of the people that could have improved it were stolen by (((the west)))
yeah it kindof fucks everyone over