I'm sick and tired of being bored on the internet all the time.
Tell me what you do on the internet, and tell me right now. Don't be paranoid faggots, the FBI is not going to care about what you watch, they're too busy covering for pedos and they don't care about you.
I'm sick and tired of being bored on the internet all the time
Other urls found in this thread:
go on jewtube
play neopets
read wikis for anime or sci-fi etc.
window shop for things I can't afford
Watch porn and music videos and uh sometimes I browse here or 420chan or wizchan. Occasionally I check instagram or twitter.
Elder scrolls online paired with anti depressants and my first job. It wasnt a meme, you become a functioning adult if you get a job and take meds. Albeit a bottom of the barrel kinda adult.
YouTube, VRV and hentai
How are you bottom of the barrel, and can you give me some websites to browse?
smoke weed and it all starts to fit together
when I'm REALLY bored and don't feel like getting up I just go on twitch and watch random streamers
I have been doing that lately, but it doesn't really "change".
I still do almost the exact same things online, I'm just high while doing it.
How do I get on meds? I never really told anyone I'm depressed and try to hide it.
YouTube science channels and my country's subreddit.
Here in norway you go to your regular doctor, she asks you 15 questions, if you score above 35 or something youre moderately depressed and will receive meds and therapy.
Sounds like a breeze there if you truly are depressed. I'm in the US. I have no fucking clue how it works here.
TVtropes, /v/, /vg/, dota
hello fellow filmfriend
I'm sure the resources are out there on the internet somewhere.
Scary but you might have to make a phone call too.
I think insurance gets involved eventually.
smoking weed makes looking at dumb shit pretty fun, but I've been worrying about reliance on it.
If I smoke in the night, I look forward to it during the day. And if I smoke during the day, I don't draw or do anything productive, but it's still dangerously fun
I just circle through boards looking for conversations to have, honestly.
ever since I deleted twitter I've been living in full anonimity online. I find most tv shows and movies boring so every once in a decade I will either find something I like or rewatch hunter x hunter
How about you fucking go outside and get a life. Problem solved. Then the internet will be novel again.
>playing f2p online games
>browsing Jow Forums
>watching twitch streams
if you get bored with these you should seriously reconsider being a neet (or consider suicide)
mostly just turn on my computer for background noise. I'll have some top 10 videos, with some monotone guy speaking, playing in the background while I'm reading or focusing on homework.