How to LOWER sperm quality?

I've got one of these fuckes. They reduce testosterone by up to 20%. Hence impairinf my lifting. Doc will only operate me if he finds my fertility/sperm quality has suffered. He told me he doesn't care about the test. So, how would I go about fucking up my own sperm so the results come back bad?

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cant you just find another doctor who would operate you.

basically you gotta cook your nuts, put a hot towel on them for a few hours a day


Your doctor doesn't own you, user

They also operate if you say it's painful.

user, i don't think you have anywhere near the know-how to mess up your sperm quality and not mess anything else up, or only temporarily mess up your sperm
just find another doctor

The beauty of living in a country with socialized healthcare is that I've been to 10 docs this month for various reasons and paid less than 50€ total out of my own pocket including medications. The downside is that docs won't operate you unless they can medically justify it. I've been to 4 urologists already. They all say the same.

I also deal with this. It sometimes goes away but it can be very annoying.
As far as remedies go all I've done that seems to work is avoiding any drinks aside from water and tea. If you want to reduce sperm count then keep your nuts warmer than normal for a long time, but honestly you're better off just finding another doctor if it's getting in the way that much.

Do they really fuck up test? I've had one above my left nut for years and just ignored it

Fuck socialized medicine. Come to the States.

Youll have to do the talk with them differently I imagined you did something like ''I did this examination at x hospital and the doc there said he won't operate on me for y reason'' in which case youll have to try and not bring up the fact that another doctor refused to do the operation and i dont know how the medical system works in your country or how much money you have but try to pretend to get reexamined somewhere else and pretend its the first time you know about this and try to convince whoever you go to to operate on you.

Anything that fucks with your testicular circulation can fuck up your testosterone. Unlike OP I also had torsion when I was 16 so that makes it more of an issue since I've only got one to live with.

Varicoceles do not reduce test levels and surgery only improves test levels in patients who have sub normal test ranges

>varicoceles do NOT reduce test levels
>fixing varicoceles can INCREASE test levels

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Wow! That is one hell of a sentence my dude. The best thing about it is you even put a fullstop at the end.

Doctors are such fucking scum
Most overrated profession in existence

No kidding. If you're a man, you go in an tell them you feel like a sissy pussyboi and they'll freely poz your neghole with large doses of E, but if you have the test levels of an 85 year old man, they'll say it's within reference range and tell you to fuck off.

Doctors should be fucking genocided
... in Minecraft.

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Used to have one in my testicle just like you. Cured it using horse chestnut extract and high dose Vitamin C (2ish grams a day) until I no longer felt pain or discomfort. Seemed to do the job because my testosterone is around 800ng/dL now.

I used to have it too but unlike this guy who is blowing smoke up your ass, vitamin K, taken three times daily will do the job.

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I'm Just do your own research into functional medicine and cure your own ailments. I had testosterone in the low 300's two years ago and because i was just borderline over did not qualify for TRT despite being 18. Read Dr. Mark Hyman's book "The Ultramind Solution" and cleaned up my diet and supplemented smartly with his advice there. I do agree doctors are glorified pill dispensers though with no real knowledge on how to actually cure the causes of disease, only to mask the symptoms with pills that often have their own set of problems.

"Blowing smoke up your ass"

>Just do your own research into functional medicine and cure your own ailments.

I have been. I swear to God I'm turning into an amateur chemist. I now bore people with discussions of pharmaceuticals.

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why don't you inject test fro 1-2 Months, its going to give you gainz and reduce, destroy your sperm. Then you stop for 2 weeks and go to the doctor.

I'm not OP so I have no need to, but it's easy to buy test online, so I say he might as well try it.


Wouldn't taking HRT help?
A month on 25mg cypro and 2mg estradiol would unironically fuck up your sperm quality.

>walks into docs office jacked af
>d-d-doc I think my T levels are at an all time low

worth a try

100% guaranteed way to do it: inject test. Even at trt dosages, it -will- fuck up your sperm count in less than 3 months. If you want to obliterate it, add finasteride to the mix. You will most certainly be infertile in 4-5 months time.

Studies say it's reversible in more than 98% of cases, so it's a "safe" bet.

The beauty of living in a socialized medicine state is when you go to a dentist for a routine check and the fucker will find whatever excuse to do something cause he'll get the cash no matter the quality of the service.

I've had varicocele almost all my life after puberty and I never had any problems with it whatsoever. Test is above average, lifts are still improving. 29 years old.
Maybe that doctor isn't telling you bullshit you know

there are private hospitals.

I have that and my test is ~1000ng/dL
Could I be superman without it?

Men with normal test levels do not see any gains in test post surgery.
Men with sub normal test do.

>Maybe that doctor isn't telling you bullshit you know

Lmfao sure thing. Doctors are a fucking kike scam.

Maybe if you live in a cuck country in america, otherwise how can a doctor be "kike scam" if they deny to operate you because they think you're healthy?

This, despite mine is 580ng/dl with it. I dont think a varicocele is a problem unless youre a little pussy

Lower your sperm production. Consume less zinc, keep your testicles at a higher temperature, and so basically the opposite of whatever that you can do to increase the quality and quantity of sperm.

Oh shit, anons I realised I had some sort of bump behind my left testicle and I thought it was cancer or sth. Tested it and I had this weird varicocele thing only on my left testicle. How screwed am I? Also light gyno.

fuck I've had this for ages, my balls don't really hang low anymore because of it. My dad said he had it too but if it lowers test I might just start a cycle

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how did you find that you have one of those?

If i remember correctly around 1/5 of man got that.
I got it when i was 20 years old,fuck maybe i should go to doc and go fix that for maxium gainzz

How do you test test? Do I have my blood checled by a doctor?

Because it's all about the risk/gain.
Nobody wants to get sued because he fucked up the operation and the patient loses one of his balls due to infection or some shit just because Jow Forums told him his gainz were suffering.

Dentists don't get paid per patient

Say it has become more painful in the last year or so, compromising your sexual life/whatever
Problem solved. They are probably going to insert a catheter through the vein and embolize the vein

Warm up your balls. There was actually a study done that linked ownership of a high end car to lower sperm quality, because high end cars have seated seats.

>local user accidentally sterilizes himself because he wanted to lift 5% more weight
I wouldn't fuck around with my body like that even if I had the knowledge. You never know what might happen.

>find clinic
>ask if they do test measurements
>wait for the results

Not enough sleep, smoking and my favourite one - spend way too much time in sauna or any other place that will overheat your balls and render you infertile for a few weeks/months.

these really fuck with test? Had one for years, doctor said he would operate on it but I pussied out cos I didn't like the idea of having my balls sliced open.

so OP is a onions slurper?

There is a reason docs don't like to operate on varicoceles. The surgery is painful and there is a high chance of them coming back. Many dudes complain about lifelong pain after getting the surgery.
If you really want to go forward, then complain about intense pain. Doctors will often operate them if the pain is high enough.

>reading comprehension

>varicose veins in your nutsack


I used to have it and got surgery to get rid of it because it caused me a lot of pain. The doc said that it usually only affects fertility if its presence hampered the development of your testicle. Maybe try telling a different doc that it causes you pain.

First of all, get your test checked. You might have normal test levels. Otherwise just go private if you can.

Stress, cigarettes, alcohol, zinc deficiency, being fat, not exercising, eating food with a lot of onions.
But I'd say just do it out of your own pocket.

20% is not much at all and is probably hardly affecting your progress especially if youre young. you're just looking for an excuse cos ur diet training and consistency is shit

Keep your nuts hot and fap like 3 times a day

if only there were some way to travel to other safe countries that would perform the operation in turn for a payment