How do white robots get over being the least desired race? Unless you have shit tons of money...

How do white robots get over being the least desired race? Unless you have shit tons of money, no woman will pick you over a black or Mexican guy.

Attached: Kylie-Jenner-and-Travis-Scott-August-0818-Cover-e1531859640640.jpg (780x437, 53K)

Nice bait I guess

Suicide. 70% of all suicides in the United States are white males

terribly bad bait. we all know this position is reserved for asian guys (average and below).

I'm black and every woman I ever approached wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. Whites however don't seem to have any problems getting women. In fact, they have an advantage over all races when it comes to dating, especially in the west. If you're white and single you only have yourself to blame, unless you're really ugly, but even then there's some desperate asian qt out there who will want your white dick. Black robots are among the least desired men out there, guaranteed.

mexican here, i dont see any girls choosing me over anyone so false thread premise

blacl bots or asian bots who has it the worst?

>desperate asian qt out there who will want your white dick
fucking tell me where right now

Honestly I'd say we're at the same level aprox. I've made good friends with many asian robots, it's a shared struggle. We have to be there for eachother because no one else will be there for us. Plus I share many of the same hobbies with asian bots.

I can't really answer that for you user, you're going to have to find them yourself. Go to a university club or something, tinder, they're everywhere.

They're not everywhere, I'm white and on tinder I got no matches

I mean at least nobody hates Asian like how they hate us. People think you are harmless, they think we are monsters. But Asians deal with a lot of internal pressure from family though

>same level approx

blackbots confirmed for having a little bettet.

>nobody hates asians

come on bro thats not true. hate is hate, just because arent seen as thugs doesnt mean we get a "no hate" pass.

So wrong it hurts, white robots are the least desired people on the planet

They turn into cucks or sissies.

Attached: 1.jpg (1321x741, 167K)

pajeets and asians are the least desired race of men

Reality: women only want white CHADS. If you are not a CHAD they are not interested

I have a sister and we once talked about this

if you are tall (5'11+) and average strength Asian bot you have it close to white bots the main thing girls don't like about asians is their height and strength as girls want to be picked up and such.

if your black you better be tall and above average strength to even have a ghost of a chance.

perhaps. we are talking bots however.

im white and have experienced the complete opposite.racial politics puts you at the top and us at the bottom.find you a liberal woman.youll be fine.

>wanting a nasty spoiled whore with botox

This. Current social norms put Blacks as the most wanted group. You can't even be a social outcast when you're black now, being a white male however is social suicide now

we have already long established that women are shallow so whether your a bot or not doesn't matter as much as your looks and in terms of looks my sister+friends rank asians a close second to whites but they are usually small black men however are almost all ugly so they have to be big to make up for it.

>thinking Persian is white

lmao OP you really are a faggot

yo bro, NICE bait

Kylie has a thick ass. Those kardasshians must either have good Armenian genetics or good plastic surgeons.