Is Scott Herman's body the natty limit
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yes but unironically
You could probably get bigger if you sacrificed some leanness, but otherwise yes, that's around the limit
He's not that big?
20 years lifting + D1 wrestler.
natty lifting is a marathon, man.
Yeah OP probab- TSSSSSSSS
why does eric bugenhagen look like Dorian from dragon age inqusition
Those traps HAHAHAHA
he is starting to look like an aging tom cruise
he could have bigger legs, traps, and forearms if he wanted, but otherwise he looks pretty close to it
The doc looks different without sunglasses
Now I want to see Eric with a deep tan and shirtless.
Off season limit, yes, that's a pretty realistic (and satisfying) ceiling. Getting bigger will require fat gain and getting leaner will require muscle loss, so that's a good goal body composition.
this, natty lifting for longer than 2 years is a total waste of time and a meme, the guy probably doesn't even look like he lifts when in clothes, same with that omar isuff or whatever his name was, he looks even worse. Natties look like shit, always soft, no definition, no traps, no necks, mediocre arms, big legs waists and asses, fucking disgusting
He's my height and even if that's not his actual limit, I have no problem reaching this level in 2-3 years and not progressing anymore.
This is the natty limit.
this is unironically my body type right now
Are you 12?
Whats it like being a power bottom twink? I bet youre in high demand...
You do realize you have this warped view of real life because of steroid abuse, right?
No one should look like that because it's not on our genes to be fucking gorillas.
im 25 years old
This is unironically the biggest you can become without using steroids.
I'm talking about what's aesthetic, not what's natural
nothing wrong with a twink bodytype my dude
i fucking love vice city
Does he have a pump there? Because if yes, that's pretty bad.
I don't think he is the biggest that you can get, he has very bad genetics, average at best.
It's just that most genetically gifted guys roid sooner or later
Jeff looks better desu
This dude is annoying as fuck
any proof that he is a roider?
there can only be one
i subbed to his youtube 4 years ago. He has some kickass instructional videos on form. totally forgot about this guy
I'm curious what people with this mindset actually want to look like? Scott Herman has been training for years with a good diet and good genetics. Honeslty what the fuck are you expecting to look like? Why would you want to look like Ronnie Coleman? You're mentally ill.
none. people call roids whenever they see someone bigger than them
how? he provides scientifically backed information thats useful. What do you do thats useful you fucking faggot?
Tfw you can't lift away your speech impediment
Dudes looking good tho
He has some shitty delts
his high tranny voice is the only thing natty about him
dont know who this is. camo pants? automatic retard
I, what? You have to be full on retarded to think Jeff Nippard isn't on gear
He regularly competes on stage for fucks sake
post more Scott
He strikes me as a beautiful gymcel. Like he's as good looking as someone could possibly be while still not getting laid
Not even close, but this is probably as much as anyone would want before it becomes a huge hassle. Id say dawson whidman is around the limit fir most people, you just have to ask yourself if the diet costs/force feeding, injury prevention costs, and possible injuries at that strength level are worth.
>while still not getting laid
People (men) paid him for sex, he was an escort.
no love for my man mikey? for shame
LOL sauce on that claim?
Nononono dont say that
Thats kinda near where im at and i cant do much yet
Dont tell me this is as good as it gets
op said natty newfag
mike is 100% not natty lmao
Doesn't count when you're 147cm tall
imagine falling for jewish propaganda and becoming a drug addict to impress other men
>that red roider’s skin
He’s roiding you idiot
He has said he'll start using in his 30's but he is still natty. Just has insane genetics.
Did you know that Ronnie Coleman only uses creatine? He said it himself!
His genetics are average desu. Hes 6'3" 230lbs, and like 15-18%, hes barely any bigger than vegains with twice the strength.
he said derrrrrr he said durrrrrrrrr
and gullible retards like you believe him
Just do roids fuck
Just look at that goddamn picture. You just know.
didnt scott make 20 pounds of gains out of nowhere a couple months ago and then had to do steroid denial videos? "im not roiding i just bulked i know what im doing i have decades of experience"
>natty vs enchanced - the ultimate redpill dot jpeg
nigga, look at that pic again. he's a fuckin gigolo.
his fucking body
I seriously hope you're kidding
He's big, but he doesn't necessarily have an inhuman amount of muscle or definition