Ask a diagnosed bipolar fembot anything, or suggest good nighttime stories. I'm sleepy

Ask a diagnosed bipolar fembot anything, or suggest good nighttime stories. I'm sleepy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>implying fembots exist

oh, I'm sorry :( no story?

read creepypasta diagnosed bipolar fembot

why wont you be my gf and destroy my life with your mood swings

As if any woman that is not bipolar would be on Jow Forums

hi i'm diagnosed bipolar as well
are you taking your meds

I dont really want a bipolar gf, but will you hop on my dick?

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Just get within a ten foot radius and you'll feel the effects.


No, I was taking lamictal, ativan and gabapentin but recently stopped. I felt like a flatline. And you?

what does bipolar pussy smell like

I already dated a bipolar fembot and I really don't want to deal with that again. So any thirsty robots ITT don't bother.

How's life going? Do you live by yourself? Going through college? What's causing you to stay on this board instead of sleeping?

will you post contact info? or if i post contact info will you message me? i had a bipolar gf once and nothing else compares. i fucking miss it so bad.

>Just get within a ten foot radius and you'll feel the effects.
wtf are you trying to get me in your orbit

Will you be my gf? I'm a mentally ill too

no. but if i was prescribed fucking ativan i'd take it. that stuff is good. the only way i've gotten ativan is when they shot it into my ass at the ward

they put me on depakote(mood stabilizer) and zyprexa(antipsychotic). it completely zapped all of my energy and put my mind in a fog.

i don't agree with the bipolar dx in the first place

I'm currently a college student.
As for dating, I try to stay as self-aware as possible, and I think I have a somewhat handle on my moods...
I'm here because it's too early to healthily sleep, and if I do sleep I'll feel bad. You know?

Why did you enjoy it user?

No :( I'm sorry!

Two dead batteries can't start a car.

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Undiagnosed bipolar fembot here. No point in going to therapy when im going to an hero later next year.

Exactly. Sure, you're "stable". But you can't feel anything. It sucks. That's why I hopped off.

As for the ativan, yeah. I've been sparsely taking it. I ditched the doctors but I have a bunch of bottles left, so...

Hypothetically, would you give a guy a chance if he said he would do everything he could to give you a reason to live?

I don't think I'm a dead battery, maybe I can start you.

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>Why did you enjoy it user?
you knoe how when you reflect back on your life, and especially relationships, you tend to see the good and gloss over the bad? well the good was fucking AMAZING. too many things to list really. she felt so deeply and i could feel it too. when things were good, they were great. the sex was absolutely mind blowing desu. we butted heads over a few things, but it was a very sweet tasting poison, if you know what i mean.

ehhh. man idk. i felt 'stable' for a long time beforehand (obviously not before i went into a mental hospital) and i've felt stable for the 6 months i've been off them.

honestly i'm frightened that i'm not bipolar but some prodrome schizo shit. i had paranoid delusions that the staff were gonna kill me in the ward. but maybe that's just a bipolar thing?

it's weird cuz i had them while on antipsychotics too. how the fuck does that work

maybe i'm just retarded

Man I wish my bipolar gf had any good parts. The good parts for her were terrible for me, and she was either boring or overbearing and there never were any good parts.

Where are you located and what do you weigh?

are you saying it was just my ex specifically, and not because bipolar?

I try not to date user, it's not fair.

I know exactly what you mean, I think. I can fall in love so deeply, and I feel passion to the fullest extent. That's why medicine was so terrible, I thought I didn't love anyone! But user you have to remember the bad, too. There's a lesson to be learned somewhere.

You can have delusions with bipolar... user, the good thing about mental illness is that it comes with a pretty array of other illnesses, like a politely packaged present. I would talk to a professional, maybe write down your symptoms now if you don't believe they will be clear later. You know? Whatever you can do to convey your situation clearer. But, if you feel like you have it handled, then just practice self-awareness and try to keep going forward.

I'm sorry

You don't need to worry about being fair to me, femanon.

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I don't really know. My gf at her best was just kinda normal and uninteresting but during her bad moments she was super clingy and I had to reassurance her that I liked her several times every hour and she would keep talking about how much she hated herself.

Their mood swings aren't sudden, they happen over months. Anyone who blames their shitty behavior on fast mood swings are either just shitty people using bipolar as an excuse for their behavior, or they're also borderline. But I repeat myself.

>But user you have to remember the bad, too. There's a lesson to be learned somewhere.
i did learn to the best of my ability, but id rather not go into that here.
>I can fall in love so deeply, and I feel passion to the fullest extent.
fuck. fuck. fuck. i dont want to be that guy, but pls be my gf bipolar femanon. i swear to god i will love you fiercely forever.

>5 foot 3 and weigh 122 pounds.
not the user you replied to but this is really icing on the cake.

>she was super clingy and I had to reassurance her that I liked her
maybe im a little messed up, but that is a positive trait

Can you post your tits? There you go, you said ask anything.

Zyprexa (Olanzapine) is a bitch. Makes you fat. Gives you diabeetus. I used to be on Aripiprazole (Abilify, another antipsychotic) for a while. I was injected with it against my will. Thankfully not anymore though. Fucking psychiatrist cunts.

Your photos remind me of Bad Dream Coma, have you played it? It's really good, my favorite game of all time. Also, everyone deserves to be treated right user.

I think that you can't define someone by their mental illness. Your girlfriend just sounds boring user, and insecure. Not to be mean!!! But don't box the rest of us in with her.

Also, there's rapid cycling with bipolar. That's me, hunbuns

I like the phrase "fiercely, forever". I like it a lot. Maybe we should get to know eachother first user? I could be a small, danny devito lookalike

>I'm sorry

yeah this lmao
i have bipolar and i'm just sad most of the time

i'm already fat too so i'd probably just have become a whale lol
what are you dx'd? bipolar too?

No no, I understand. I see robots here mention they want someone clingy all the time. Maybe they will end up liking it, but I just don't.

It was worth asking.

Yeah... You shouldn't feel bad for that. Her actions aren't your blame.


Made up meme disease lol

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>like the phrase "fiercely, forever". I like it a lot. Maybe we should get to know eachother first user?
i would unironically be willing to get to know you, at least to see if we're compatible on the most basic levels
>I could be a small, danny devito lookalike
eh, what?

>what are you dx'd? bipolar too?
"Prodromal psychosis" is why they injected me with Abilify. It's meant to be the stage before full-blown psychosis. I don't believe I was in the prodrome stage of psychosis at all, because I didn't have either of the two main psychotic symptoms - hallucinations or delusions - but hey ho.

but I understand you want to be better

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heck man i hope i don't get psychosis haha. honestly i'd like to know for sure if i got that kinda shit or not because i like fucking around with psychedelics, but at this point i think it's probably pretty dangerous for me. i tried mdma with no ill effects and a small dmt dose

is this a meme or is that you're actual qt voice
can you tell me you love with your voice

yeah i know who you meant. i was worried you meant you were a short fat man with disheveled hair

>honestly i'd like to know for sure if i got that kinda shit or not
Like I said the main two symptoms of psychosis are hallucinations and delusions, so if you don't have either of those then I guess you're fine.

MDMA is fucking awesome. I miss that shit. Never tried DMT though.

I might be. It's the gamble of Jow Forums

is thinking the staff at the ward are going to kill me and burn my body considered a delusion
also i had some weird stuff afterward that i can't remember all that well

>is thinking the staff at the ward are going to kill me and burn my body considered a delusion
Could be, yeah. Are you locked up now? I was for like 5 months this year, and a couple months last year. Sucks badly.

Myfetish is having mentally ill women ruin my life will I hurt myself trying to please them. Let me know if you're interested

Yes, rapid cycling is episodes over a year, typically cycling on months long intervals. You're blaming your bipolar for you being a shitty person, hunbuns.

Please just wrap yourself in some comfy blankets with a nice tv show and a hot drink. Take care of yourself user!!!

thank you kind fembot
You warmed my heart up

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nah i was only in for a couple of weeks about half a year ago. it was p. bad tho lol. it's really fucked up my mental situation a bit i think... i keep thinking back to what happened there, the people there, the things i did immediately before and after i got out. it feels like i'm still stuck there.

it is a gamble, yeah, but ill demand proofs soon.
throwaway is anonz8529 at protonmail dot com. we can start there, if you are serious.

it would be fiercely, if we made it that far.

>typically cycling on months long intervals.
my ex cycled in days, user. a shift that took months, i would actually view as "stable". fml

How many guys have you slept with?

I'm actually really happy. I'm just only attracted to dysfunctional people :/. Thanks for the well wishes , take care of yourself too.

You sound fat

Of course anything to make you feel better !

You sound like a poem user


>You sound like a poem user
what means this?

Then youre not a fembot dumbass. Kys

Decide whether you think you need help, and if you do, contact the relevant person / service. I guess that's the best advice I can give.

Have you ever been in a psych ward? I have. It sucks.

I have, I was in one for 3 months. I was a real loon back then, bloodied the walls. How was your experience? 5 star?

I'll put it in my calendar

>it would be fiercely, if we made it that far.

I want you and only you femanon.

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>if we made it that far.
i mean, i put zero faith in anything that starts online. they tend to not reach the IRL stage

>bloodied the walls
Sorry to hear it. I managed to bloody a chair, but that was about it.

>How was your experience? 5 star?
The main word I can think of is "boring". It was boring as hell. I played lots of Pokemon because there wasn't much to do.

If you don't mind me asking, were you in there involuntarily? I was. I don't think it was necessary at all, but oh well.

man... i've tried therapy and stuff before. i don't know if my shit is serious enough to be delusions or something else, it might just be due to the fact that i have a very hard time trusting anyone, even my close friends i think hate me. right now i'm living okay i think, but it's not like there are a lot of stressors in my life right now (i'm a NEET). i tried to get help by going into the ward voluntarily and in my opinion that only made things worse.

I was a "danger to myself and others", they put me on suicide watch in the hospital overnight, and drove me to the ward strapped down in the morning. That's what I get for trying to an hero, huh? What wound with you up in that spot?

I was also super bored. I slept 80% of the time.

user, you've lied already.

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I want her and only her or you and only you.

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>i tried to get help by going into the ward voluntarily and in my opinion that only made things worse.
Were you on meds while you were there? From my experience that was seen as the main purpose of being there, so that they could put you on drugs. I.e. being in the location itself was of no therapeutic value. And it can sometimes be distressing, especially if there are other patients kicking up a fuss in various ways.

Anyway yeah like I say, if you still feel troubled, maybe try talking to someone about it. I used to call the Samaritans a fair bit - they're a charity here in the UK. You can call them for free and they chat to you about stuff. Whatever country you're in might have a similar thing?

>I was a "danger to myself and others"
Yeah I think that was their justification with me as well. I don't think I was a danger to anybody personally.

>That's what I get for trying to an hero, huh?
Sorry to hear it. I came across a few people who had tried to. In fact I would say the people who tried to an hero were probably some of the nicest people in there.

>What wound with you up in that spot?
Dunno. In my view it was just depression. But they came up with this idea that I had "prodromal psychosis". I don't think I did, but whatever.

>I was also super bored. I slept 80% of the time.
Yeah I slept a fair bit too. Definitely the most boring experience of my life by far. Lack of an internet connection really bummed me out.

good luck on your search user!

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>Probably some of the nicest people in there
People that go through tragedy are usually the most empathetic.

Ps. What is prodromal psychosis? I'll look it up. But why did they believe you had it?

Pps. How old were you?

But do you have booty

beat it, tyrone. booty is overrated.

You can be the only girl I want whenever you want.

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they put me on meds when i got there, was on an ssri for one day before i had a panic attack and they started me on the other stuff

i'm thinkin about going to a support group for bipolar people in my area, but i feel like being unsure of my diagnosis may be looked down upon

actaully someone with a serious mentall illness might be a fembot

>People that go through tragedy are usually the most empathetic.
Well I mean they were just the easiest to get on with, and they were cool people. Compared to some of the other people who were super delusional / aggressive / etc. Obviously those people might not have been able to help why they were like that. But yeah, just saying that some of the people I got on most with happened to be people who tried to an hero.

>Ps. What is prodromal psychosis?
Apparently it's the stage before full-blown psychosis. Prodrome: "an early symptom indicating the onset of a disease or illness" according to google.

>Pps. How old were you?
I'm 27 now and I was 26 when they first took me into hospital.


Why would it be looked down on?

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idk i feel like i'd look like one of those denying crazy people 'i don't think i'm bipolar those psychs are fucked i'm not taking my meds no'

>they put me on meds when i got there, was on an ssri for one day before i had a panic attack and they started me on the other stuff
By other stuff I assume you mean the antipsychotic and the mood stabiliser? I just googled that mood stabiliser by the way, and I knew a guy who was on that too. I've never been on one though. Only antidepressants and antipsychotics in my case.

>i'm thinkin about going to a support group for bipolar people in my area, but i feel like being unsure of my diagnosis may be looked down upon
Wait but I thought you said you were bipolar too? So you'd have the same diagnosis as everyone else?

It's nice to meet you. Do you have a name? Mine is Mae.

N-no man! I'm not s-sick. Uncle Sam doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about...

yeah, but i don't believe myself to be bipolar

Yeah my name's Ben. Nice to meet you too.

Also to add to why people who tried to an hero were easy to get on with - they tended to be some of the most lucid people in the unit. Compared to some people who were, sadly, not very with it. I don't know if that was your experience too?

Ah fair enough. Well I don't have much advice to offer other than to say do what you think is best.

I've been going to groups with other people with psychosis, when I don't believe I've had psychosis (it's just what the doctor thought I had). So I've felt like a bit of an imposter there. But fuck it, I just went along.

i seriously cant tell who the OP is anymore

I was the only one. The other kids either had drug issues, anger issues, or were just out of it in other ways. My best friend was this tall, older big guy who had a short temper. And we all rallied to take care of this delusional girl who thought she was a witch. She made us a terrible tasting cocktail "potion" out of garbage cafeteria food, but we all drank it. She was precious, and gave me her favorite stuffy when I left.

Right over here user

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wtf thats a really cute .gif
i dont even like anime

>My best friend was this tall, older big guy who had a short temper
Were you on a mixed ward then? First two hospitals I was in had separated wards, but the third place was a mixed ward. In the second place we were able to mix with women in communal areas though.

It was one hall with a heavy door that separated each "wing" into male/female. During the day hours, the door was open and we were allowed to hang out together in the living area.

Fair enough. How long ago were you in hospital? And do you think you're doing better now? If you don't mind me asking of course...

It's been three years. Sometimes I look back a little amazed at just the notion of me being alive. Sometimes I feel envy. I don't know. I know I'm doing better, but those self-destructive coping methods will always be with me. They pop in to say hi.

Are you doing any better?

are you going to send me an email later, bipolar fembot, or was it just playful banter?

It scares me a little user, makes things too real, and I'm bad at socializing for longer than 1 day

why aren't you my gf yet and how come despite having bipolar you still manage to have friends and significant others when I've got nothing despite being perfectly sane?