anyone else compulsively save reaction images?
Anyone else compulsively save reaction images?
No, you're the only one in the whole world. Congratulations!!
yes I do origamifamilami
nid reaction images pls share
Based Always Sunny for you boss man
see a folder you like?
i dunno what this mean but thank you very much
I need to weed out duplicates at some point.
"Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder" is actually a handy program for that shit, just sucks you have to manually delete stuff.
Hand over the yotsubas.
Is this a lot?
I don't name them by the way.
Are you daltonian?
No, I just hate white, bright as fuck windows.
It's more damaging to your eyes to always be looking at that shit.
Green on black takes very low effort from the eyes to read.
No, but I do have a fuckton of anime pictures.
never mind I'm dumb and can't understand sentences in this heat
I used to use a program like that it sounds like, but now I use dupeguru since you can just select all the dupes and delete them, and also include multiple folders easily. I'm also working on importing all my stuff to hydrus, since a big reason for some of my duplicates is that I decide to put the same picture in different folders on different occasions, and also because I feel like I can't use my collection to its full potential. Hydrus uses a tag-based system for images, which is actually really neat and helpful. Only thing is it deletes the filenames since it doesn't use them, but I think there's an option to turn the filename into a tag or something.
I'm very sorry this is the only one I have in the folder, because up to that point I saved all my yotsubas in other folders. I'll look around, but you might already have them.
I don't either, but they have more nostalgic value when you go back and see the post number as the filename. I'd say that's a good amount, you don't need too many anyway, since memes and reaction images have a sort of expiration date on them and it's a while before you can bring them back.
One guy gave me a fuckton of usable images from saint seiya. What you got user?
Can anyone zip some and upload. I'm a poorfag after my last hdd went dead.
If there's anything every Jow Forums user shares in common, it's this.
see and if you gimme a list, I can help you out. The sorting isn't perfect but it should be enough to cover your bases. If you want a look in one first, just ask.
Or just go rando.
I'm curious to know what extensive collections people on other boards have, but if I made a thread it'd be off-topic. Maybe next time mods are sleeping through a board crisis. Ancient stuff posted by oldfags is always cool to see.
just started deleting the ones I never use
I made this one but haven't used it. It's like a reverse *snap*
I also found this one, but I have no idea what I would use it for.
post some todds pls
todd posting is always good
thx user, i only have common todds. pls take this coolguy i screenshotted and cropped
personally I'd use it as an "ooooh shit nigga", maybe sarcastic
always glad to help an user out
thanks for the oc mate
my reaction images folder is quite sad. 22mb of unsorted images in a folder titled pepe. feelsbadman
what bothers me is how close we seem to be in terms of filesize and number of files
Can you post some out of your btfo folder?
been doing it for years now, I find that the most efficient way to store everything is to have a folder in the bottom left of my main screen devoted to temporary images and gifs I find. At this point though I have well over 10,000 images, gifs, and webms so rather that attempting a futile effort of sorting them all I just move the files in the temporary save folder into a new timeslot folder. I know I'll never have the time to sort them all based on rage, feels, disgust, luls, or whatever category so the second best means of organization is based off a timeline of saving reaction images and memes I can somewhat effectively navigate.
I'm sure there are many on this site like us, but r9k tends to be a revolving door of newfags.
We all start somewhere. If you check /wsr/, I think there's reaction image dumps there sometimes, but the best ones are those you encounter in the wild and make you laugh.
sure can do
thx for the advice i'll check /wsr/ sometime. yeah it's fun finding them in the wild, i only save the rares unless they make me laff
that's very interesting. Never thought of keeping a little repository of images handy like that. And it's true that a lot of the time I find what I'm looking for based off of about how long ago it was saved.
also ignore the image it's for the other user's benefit
kek, that's a good one
almost forgot this wouldn't be original
Thanks user. The system I use is fairly simple, I never use full screen for chrome on my main screen, instead I leave it in windowed mode and leave about an inch on the left side of the screen to access folders on my desktop. I actually have two folders I use for newer images gathered, one is a general shit pile folder where everything is collected just to be dumped later into another folder with a timestamp of the general period they were acquired while the other is referred to as categories; this folder contains all of my manga reaction images I create using greenshot as well as the images I find online that I feel are easy enough to organize and put into emotion based category folders. I know I'll never have the time to organize it all but I can at least separate the quality from the random shit I gather.
16GB. user I want to come to your house and play on your computer.
kek, thanks. This is just what I have on my laptop, my desktop has a few thousand more and is the real command center. I just wish I'd started doing this when I was a kid, granted I didn't start really using Jow Forums besides /b/ until I went to college in 2013 but I'd still have a much larger and more impressive collection if I'd started archiving memes at a younger age.
what a madman
I might just start doing something like your method. I tend to throw shit in my downloads folder when I get really lazy anyway, but then I forget about it.
If for some reason you ever decide to delete your shit, make a thread first and share it.
hope you keep at it though.