Causes death within roughly 1 minute. Come on, lads, please. I need this.
Let me go.
Causes death within roughly 1 minute. Come on, lads, please. I need this.
Let me go.
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why kill yourself when you could just live and die eventually anyways?
sounds like an unnecessary extra step to me desu
Cyanide? Just OD on heroin and pills and shit why would you want to go out convulsing and throwing up on the floor
Because it's 1 minute and is pretty much guaranteed death at that concentration. Heroin/OD is not particularly effective, is not as easy to do (not just popping some glass capsules) and takes far longer.
>he isn't painfully killing himself
Cyanide is very painful. Blocks respiration (causing feeling of suffocation) and eventually leads to cardiac arrest, or at least feelings simulating it.
>not pulling the Maddox baked beans caper
What you need: a tub, enough beans to fill said tub.
How to do it: just dig in, you chunky son of a bitch! Keep eating until you can't possibly eat anymore, then eat some more. Your gut will rupture and you will shit yourself. The cool thing about this method is that it's not only disgusting to clean up, but you'll probably be so bloated from the beans (choose Van Camp's by the way, not Bush's baked beans unless you like the taste of beans pickled in ball sweat) that you probably won't fit in the casket without some serious reconstructive surgery. Guess who's footing the bill for that one? That's right: friends and family. Just kidding. You have no friends.
Get a shotgun, pull the trigger.
Dude, wtf. Don't do what you are trying to do.
Add me on discord
Blue Phoenix
Boil some unrefined almonds and drink up. It'll kill you just as good and I easier to get. Hell if you even burn them the smoke will kill you too.
Manger une baignoire de haricots:
Ce dont vous avez besoin: une baignoire, assez de haricots pour la remplir.
Mode operatoire: Plongez, bande de gros fils de pute ! Mangez jusqu'a exploser, puis mangez en encore un peu plus. Votre intestin va se rompre et vous allez vous chier dessus. Ce qui dechire avec cette technique c'est que non seulement c'est degueulasse a nettoyer, mais en plus vous serez surement tellement ballonnes par les haricots (choisissez Van Camp's d'ailleurs, pas les haricots cuisines Bush, a moins que vous n'aimiez le gout des haricots conserves dans de la sueur de couilles) qu'il n'y aura pas moyen de vous faire rentrer dans le cercueil a moins d'une serieuse intervention de chirurgie reparatrice. Et devinez qui va raquer pour ca ? Exactement: vos amis et votre famille. Non je deconne. Vous n'avez pas d'amis.
Doesn't seem legit. Can you give me more info.
Aside from a few first hand warning I have gotten, bitter almonds(not sweet) have high traces of prussic acid. It's hydrogen cyanide basically. Hell you don't really even have to cook them or anything. Just eat them.
What about potassium chloride? Seems much easier to get a hold of than cyanide, but apparently excruciating pain without anesthetic, which I will not be able to acquire.
Apple seed my dude.
Also just get some fentanyl.
>Dude, wtf. Don't do what you are trying to do.
>Add me on discord
>Blue Phoenix
Fuck off normie faggot.
Yeah you're not gonna get 2000ppm cyanide from apple seeds though, bro. You can get a fatal dose from around 200 seeds, but does anyone have a timeframe?
It is if you have never done it before and you do allot of it first try
Do I need to inject though? How do I test the purity of the heroin, there are so many variables.
why don't you just use a car's exhaust or helium tank?
you can get it from grabahan
hydrogen cynanide is a gas you won't find in pill form. i remember that their are two chemicals that can be mixed to make hydrogen cyanide, i don't remember which, just look up "how to synthesize hydrogen cyanide" and see which combination of chemicals is easir for you to find i would advise against this however because controlling the dosage seems hard with a gas, if you don't take enough you wont pass out quickly but convulse until your organs shut and you die, you'se helium or nitrogen suffixation if possible much better way,
also think hard if you really want to this, it is not a reversible decision.
Yeah it can kill you in seconds, right, the gas? That's... kind of ideal.
I'm sure, there's no living here anyway. Time to check out, bro, and thanks.
synthesize potasium chloride into potassium chloratel, then make a bomb to kill your self with, be bad ass,
in a more serious note, i guess you could combine the chlorate with hanging, if done correctly hanging makes pass out in ten seconds, if you inject then hang you will feel the pain for a short time, things could go wrong though
to reiterate
>a lot of cynanide kills you quickly and knocks you out
>a smaller ammount kills you slowly and quite painfully
>its hard to control how much you breath in gas form
is link related something you can pull off in terms of time money and motivation?
You don't need to inject heroin you can snort it. Also, no need to worry if it's impure if you're gonna die, people are afraid of impure drugs because it could have stronger stuff in it, but that's what you WANT.
forgot to add you can make solid potassium or sodium cynanide from the gas, and that would be easier to dose
So how much should I take? Can I ingest instead?
what if its cut and you dose it wrong leading to you surviving?
theres no reason to do this when they're are better methods
Don't think I could pull off the suicide bag because I want to do it in a fairly public place (but I will ensure nobody else is harmed, trust me, there is sentimental reason for dying there).
This is really complex chemistry though, I am not even beginner level there.
Nah I don't think you can eat heroin, only smoke snort or inject. Snorting is probably the easiest. Close to 100 mg will do, it'll help to be drunk first.
Well if you survive then you can just try again, heroin doesn't cause any long term physical damage to your body unlike cyanide or the hundreds of pills roasties will take to attempt suicide.
Cyanide is one of the most agonizing ways to die. Just shoot yourself in the brainstem. Instant, painless and 100% mortality rate because even if you miraculously survive the shot you lose your ability to perform involuntary actions, namely breathing and heartbeat.
Cyanide is like 98% fatality rate though, kek. If you take a high enough dose, you ain't coming back.
Can't get access to guns, live in the United Cuckdom.
I don't care about agony if it's short, but it does need to be poison/something ingestable. Have to be able to slip it quickly into my mouth and then just wait for it to do its thing.
Ideally no more than 1 minute, mayyybe 3 minutes at the absolute longest.
Do you even understand how cyanide kills? I don't think you realize how painful it actually is.
Yeah but it's painful, can take long depending on how much you take and if you somehow do survive you'll be fucked up badly. With heroin there's no downsides, no pain or anything and if you fuck up then you're 100% fine and can try again.
There's no guarantee of it being 1-3 minutes. Himmler took around 15 minutes to die from cyanide poisoning. Even if it was 1-3 minutes, that's still 1-3 minutes of your entire body burning up as its cells are deprived of oxygen and killed.
the public is a bad idea,
>the practical reason
someone might intervene and save you, they could be quick enough to save you, but not quick enough to stop brain damage
>the moral fag reason
little timmy and little sally might have nightmares after seeing you die,
not if you get veggie'd or 5150'd which a failed attempt in a public place might get you
>Just shoot yourself in the brainstem.
So what part of my head exactly should I hold the gun at, assuming I can get a hold of one?
The temple, angled slightly so you hit more of your brain. If you get a big enough gun it won't matter which part you aim at. I'd be worried about missing the literal brainstem.
Just don't be a faggot and put it under your chin.
What if I had a 12 gauge Howitzer with a sawed barrel?
Barrel to soft palate at a slight angle is a direct path to it. So is the philtrum, the groove between your nose and mouth for reference, but obviously that's much less conventional and more useful if you're shooting someone else. Snipers will aim there in human shield situations because it kills so fast the body doesn't even have time to involuntarily flinch before you're gone. Ideally you want to hit both the stem itself and the cerebellum.
Of course if you're a bong and use a shotgun, it doesn't really matter since 12ga buck or slugs will explode your head. Just keep the barrel to the soft palate so you don't just blow your face off because it has happened.
Why do you people use such retarded methods for offing yourself? When I'm gonna kill myself, it will be through carbon monoxide poisoning.
>death within under 3 minutes if you do it right
>cheap to pull off
>can be done anywhere in the world
>only real requirement is to not be disturbed for those few minutes
>no pain
>unconscious in seconds
>such an easy, flawless method that people accidentally die to it all the time
NEVER go for the temple. There are no vital areas of the brain toward the front. A local cop told a story about how he responded to a suicide once - the guy shot himself in the temple with a .38 and didn't die. He was alive when the cop arrived on scene but died because blood pooled in his sinuses and he drowned in it. The brainstem controls not only consciousness but also your involuntary breathing and heartbeat. Even if you got hooked up to life support the lights would be on but nobody would be home. It's unsurvivable, the same can't be said for any other part of the brain.
Also never aim for the chin because you'll just blow your face off and likely survive. Stop giving shitty and extremely dangerous advice.
How do I do this effectively and properly then?
>Of course if you're a bong and use a shotgun, it doesn't really matter since 12ga buck or slugs will explode your head.
This is what I would need to do. Will sawing the barrel negatively impact? Just so there's no issues angling and holding it towards my head while also pulling trigger.
As long as it's done properly. Shells rely on the barrel to propel the load so don't go overboard.
Nah, mate. You want some near unattainable method of suicide because you don't want to die. You want to daydream about it.
I bet there's a perfectly good rope in your house, coward.
The real primo shit is nembutal. It's certain death and you gently fall asleep without pain. That Danish euthanasia organization uses it.
No I literally just want a quick method, I don't mind pain if it's quick, if I could just buy a gun right now like in America, I fucking would, senpai, and I'd already be dead, I don't think I'll ever be able to get a shotgun license, because nobody will give me character references.
I have even looked at black markets on Tor, but apparently that's all scams/honeypots.
Nope. You're stuck here forever.
Sorry m8.
So Pentobarbital, how the fuck am I supposed to get a hold of that?! Apparently 10g in liquid form orally administered will kill you.
Soft palate. Got it. Was going for that anyway. Thanks based user
if you can get access to shotgun shells a pipe shotgun is super easy to make
>doesnt seem legit
>asks another user on a chinese apothecary forum to explain
>doesnt seek the knowledge on his own even though it just takes a few weep waps on the keymachine and you can just Yahoo the answer
>this is why you've failed user
idiot that wont kill you and will hurt like hell
Okay barbiturates definitely seem the way to go. How the fuck can I get a hold of a large quantity of ones powerful enough to sudoku and sudoku qucik?
I assume it will. No one is likely to survive a .45 slug through the brain.
Death by poisoning tends be drawn out and painful. Dont take the chance that those pills will fail.
why not this dud
Nembutal seems to be the way.
>if you destroy the part of your brain that controls your consciousness and involuntary actions it won't kill you
>potassium chloride
You'd have to eat a lot of it. It's found in "low sodium salt" (commonly under the "Lite Salt" or "Lo Salt" names). It's not something you can just pop in a pill, either. Death is usually through intravenous methods, and will take far longer than a minute (very easy to fuck it up and just cause lasting pain).
Impure helium if I recall, not enough to ruin balloons but enough to ruin your an hero
Go on an HIV dating site. Fuck or share needles with someone with HIV until you get it. Then suicide is on.
nah fuck that. Id rather die with some dignity
But it's something you can't fuck up. If you shoot yourself or take too many pills you might not die.