>long term relationship
>gf is on birth control
>she doesn't want to have raw sex because she doesn't want to risk the possibility something could go wrong and end pregnant
>I have a lot of sexual stamina, so it's very difficult for me to cum if I wear a condom. If I don't focus I can even get soft or last an excessive amount of time that will eventually lead to boredom.
Any tips? I'm thinking about trying extra thin condoms, if that would help. But I've never fucked raw and my primal feelings are building up.
How can I convince my gf to fuck her raw?
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Seriously, I need some tips. Creampie porn videos are starting to become my fetish and the sight of a condom in a porno turns me off. Lolmao.
Tell her next time you have sex you're going in raw. Why are you letting her have any say in anything?
Be an alpha. My gf has an iud and i know she secretly hopes it fails. I dont even have any money rn.
I don't like thin ones cause they feel way too tight and it feels like there's no room for the cum when you do blow the load. So I feel like it'll just squeeze around down out the bottom or something.
Did you bring up the pull out or what? My problem is raw feels too good and I have to stop because I don't wanna blow a load but sometimes the condoms make it harder to do. But I'd rather be safe than sorry so I accept the fate.
>>I have a lot of sexual stamina
stop masturbating all the time then
why the fuck is she on birth control if she doesn't want to have sex without condoms....
Maybe she's religious and won't abort if she gets pregnant
t. caustic virgin loser
4channers about to get sum rape. Classic.
Jokes on you, I stopped fapping for 3 weeks to prepare for a sexual encounter with her, and I lasted even more. I blew a giant load on her, thought. 8/10 would do it again.
Fapping or not doesn't make almost any difference in my case.
Damn, might give it a try even so. Yeah, I'm talking about doing it raw but cumming outside, and she still doesn't want to do it. I eventually end feeling bad because if I had more income maybe I would be better able to support her in case something went wrong and she would be more inclined to do it.
That's how you don't get sex.
To minimize the risk of something bad happening. She has irregular periods and that was stressing us a ton. With birth control the period works like a clock and there are no worries.
just send her a link with the facts, bro. a lot of women don't care about facts, but it's worth a shot.
You can try building up to it, like fucking her raw then cumming on her ass. eventually she will get really horny and want to come in her.
worst case, you can "lose control" after a few times, she'll like it, and then you can keep doing when she realizes nothing is going to happen.
she got jew'd hard brah and it fucking sucks, she's hot af too
Mate wtf, no. I respect and love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but if there is a way to change her opinion I would like to learn about it.
In bed I'm fully dedicated to pleasure my girl because that's how I enjoy myself the most, but I also want to experience new things because my dick is kinda unsensitive.
Do the condoms you use actually fit you? There's a huge difference in feeling between a condom with a good fit and one with a shitty fit.
She's probably had dozens of Chads cum in her raw but wont let you. Fkn LOL. Its over.
I think they fit me, yeah. My dick isn't really long but kinda fat. I don't feel extra pressure from them and I don't think I should go for XL size.
t. roastie
Nah bro, I got her when she was a virgin and has stayed with me since then. I got lucky because I was fat and a big asshole by the time. Now that fierce competence is starting to appear I got into Jow Forums and built myself to be sure she doesn't need to find anything outside of the relationship.
Pic kinda related. I was less fatty than him, but you can imagine.
tell her you love her
the only times i fucked my ex raw was anal so its up to you
but birth control period is not an actual period so it doesnt matter???
Women lie. She wasn't a virgin. It's over. You'll be crying on here in a few months when she finally dumps you. Save face and end it now
Still might be worth checking it out, you can always profit from well-fitting condoms.
If you want to check, try condom-sizes.org
Lol it's still a period, user.
Anal, that's another thing I want to try. She either will have to choose between raw anal or the other. I'm not afraid of the poop and I read anal sex it's awesome.
>I've never fucked raw
Jesus. You realize you're objectively still a virgin right?
>gf doesn't want kids
dump her, move on
absolute waste of time
t. cut fag
You're missing out user
My gf and my ex both have the implant and my last 4 one night stands were all on BC. Haven't used a condom in years.
>tfw gf is allergic to latex so you raw dog creampie every time
>also takes the pill so no need to worry
Jokes on you, user. I only get my phrenulum cut and my sexual life improved by a ton because I was getting wounds every time I tried to had sex.
Of course she wants kids, but in a few years when we are fully economically established as it should be.
I know I'm missing out. Some friends who do it raw without protection (yes, they are crazy) constantly tell me about how awesome it is and that they can't wear a condom anymore.
Don't let her know that there are latex free condoms.
I know how you feel OP I can hardly keep an erection with a condom on, I just hate that rubber feeling. I've been having raw sex with my gf for almost 2 years, I've just been pulling out but she hasn't gotten pregnant. I dont know if it's a fluke or one of us is sterile.
I never use em
I hate it
Go in raw from the beginning noone ever says anything
Just pull off the condom during sex, OP. If youre doing a good job and she's loving it, she probably wont have the willpower to tell you to stop when you switch to raw, and get caught up in the moment, enjoying it even more. Thats how you get girls to do shit theyd normally say no to, just pop it on them during sex and theyll go along with it, as long as theyre enjoying the sex. Most women have garbage willpower, I've had girls who said they never want kids and only use condoms beg me to bust inside them and make them a mother, even locking their legs around my ass, it takes some lvl100 Discipline skill to pull out of that, I tell ya hwat. Getting fucked puts them in a completely different, more subservient/feminine state of mind where logic goes out the window and primal instincts take over.
Tell her some guy on Jow Forums (me) fucked girlfriends on bc for years and never got them pregnant, always came inside. Current gf is scared of bc so it sucks I still go in raw just pull out. Also lots of people have to actively try to get pregnant, she’s taking the pill meaning she’s actively not trying to get pregnant like 100% you won’t get her pregnant cumming all you want in her
Maybe suggest that she uses a diaphragm instead of you using a condom? Combined with a spermicide and her birth control it should be safe enough by far.
Downside is that she has to get it from her doctor and it might take time to find the right fit.
On the upside, you don't need a condom.
Also, OP, don't listen to those insecure faggots.
Basically what she's saying is "I don't want to have your baby."
Biggest turnoff possible for a guy with testicles.
I thought about it, but that could really backfire and break trust.
What do you think about trying the typical "just the tip" strategy? Getting her some nice foreplay, oral sex and when the time comes, bring out the condom but use my dick to caress her outsides and ask her to insert "just the tip"? If I get her really turned on it could work, I guess.
Ok thought of another way, if there’s your b day or Anniversary or some dumb shit coming up tell her “I’m going in raw for (occasion)” and say it like she doesent have a choice, after it happens once you can make it happen again.
>something could go wrong and end up pregnant
>using birth control
start breeding.
>tfw banged both my ex and current gf rawdog and busted inside every once in a while
I wouldn't creampie every time just because of the whole 99.9% thing and I like to have sex about 6 times a day, but boy is cumming inside a girl you love the best thing in the world.
I heard you can get rape charges for that shit even if your gf “isn’t the type” she might threaten you with that shit when she gets mad. With the crazy bitches I’ve fucked I got threats but never any charges brought on me luckily
>gf is on birth control
>she doesn't want to have raw sex
something doesnt add up here
Have you tried explaining to her that "it's very difficult for me to cum if I wear a condom. If I don't focus I can even get soft or last an excessive amount of time that will eventually lead to boredom."?
One possibility is that your girlfriend dosent never want to give you a baby,you have shitty genes boomerboy.
Every girl will let you fuck without condom if you are alpha enough and that worries me that SHES YOUR GF and dosent let you. Good luck in your relaitionship boomerboy
dude just stick it in her and pound away, how gay are you
regulate hormones, stop having periods, bigger tits, "can't" get pregnant from jamal, less acne, clear skin
this, either she's boning someone else or is retarded
>implying her hormones aren't fucked up because her body has become addicted to hormones in the form of a pill
Unfortunately she got less lewd since the birth control came into ther life. She was eager to get kinkier before but oh well, that's what I have to try to not stress myself every month thinking I'm going to be a dad.
Seriously, irregular periods are the worst. Paranoia every time her period was 1 week late is something I don't wish to any of you.
But yeah, she got less sexually active after that and I had to restraint myself because quantity of sex went down.
What? My gf got even more horny after taking birth control. Especially in the week before her period, we would have sex for four hours straight. During her period she's just as much of an animal, although it took her some convincing because she thought I'd be scared of the blood.
Well, reduction of libido is a common symptome of hormones. One of the better ones, desu. Could've become depressed or fat.
I suppose every girl is different, as for example ADHD meds affect differently to every individual. In our case, she gets really horny during her period BUT she doesn't want to have sex while on it because she's terribly scared of me being disgusted by it.
I tried to convince her I don't give a flying fuck about blood and that we could do it in the shower, but still...
I think at that point it's just on her insecurities, just start making out with her and kissing her neck next time she is on her period. Also, sit her down and have a serious conversation about how important having unprotected sex is, and how it's making you feel insecure about yourself. I think a healthy, well-thought out conversation will bridge both of your problems together and you will find a solution.
Starting out, just fuck her raw on her period. Girls can't get pregnant on their periods. Just make sure to wash up or else the blood that gets caught in your urethra might start breeding bacteria and then your dick will smell like rotting raspberries.
Look into the rhythm method. It's what my husband and I have been doing for 12 years.
She's only fertile for the 24-48 hour period after her egg begins it's journey. Egg release typically happens 14 days after the start of her period. Since sperm can stay alive decently long in the womb, to be extra safe, we go at it raw until one week before the egg is supposed to drop and wait for three days after.
This is all without me on birth control so if you get her off of it (and you should, fake hormones are terrible for her body), you may need to wait a few cycles before she can figure out when she's fertile.
Mfw gf only wants me to fuck her raw
Break up.
You can tell when a girl is ovulating when he fluids are thicker just explain to her that she isn't and you'll be safe.
Yeah but when she's on the pill the fluids are always thick. That's one way to prevent pregnancy it has.
>not fucking her raw
You are worse than a cuckold.
Then tell her to stop being a punk ass bitch pussy if she doesn't wanna start a family with you is she worth the stress to even fuck raw?
>minimizing thr risk of something bad happening
>flooding her system with hormones
>implying her cycled isnt fucked up because of the birth control, not despite of it
>increased risk of hepatocelular adenoma and whatnot
Id say shes an idiot, but you take that title for defending that shit
Just pull out
>not fucking her raw
You are worse than a cuck.
That's where you're wrong.
The fluid can actually be like water when she's ovulating. And it can be like that again in the second phase of her cycle, when she can't get pregnant any more.
Tracking mucus is most reliable when combined with tracking the basal body temperature. Doing that is actually a pretty good and safe method of birth control without any hormones, allowing unprotected sex for roughly half the cycle, if not longer. Can't do that if she's on the pill, though.
English literature about that: "Taking Charge of your Fertility"
They ovulate right before their period...
The fuck???
Speaking from own experience (because I ovulate once a month) it happens somewhere around day 12 for me
okay shlomo
It's usually 14 days before your period but can happen anywhere between that.
she doesn’t ovulate on birth control. what a retard getting nutted in feels gr8
Your girlfriend sounds like a scared dumb bitch
Good luck
Virgin losers in here. The pill is only 85% effective over the year since the chance your gf takes hers to the minute everyday is low.
>gf wants kids but doesnt meet random anons standards
Dump her user. Throw her away lmao
>gf wants kids and a stable life
Dump her user shes gonna get fat and her pussy will be wrecked from having kids, you dont want that do you? Shes trying to trap you.
>gf says shes a virgin
No shes not dont believe her user she lies
>tons of tfwnogf threads complaining about no virgin gf who wants stable long term relationship and kids
Why are women such roasties :(
>gf doesnt want kids
Omg waste of time user dump her
Literally most of the posts on Jow Forums in a nutshell.
>long term relationship
>can't even bust raw
lmao what the fuck is the point? That is literally the only reason to even consider a long term relationship, fuck that dumb bitch
Blame the incels that emigrated after their subreddit got canned. Back in the day these retards would have been driven out like the sad kunts they are.
>itt a bunch of virgins that were never in a long term relationship.
OP, are you really serious about being with her? Do YOU want to have children now, or do you want to wait a bit more for them? If so, it is both yours and hers responsibility to protect yourselves from unwanted conception. It is not about comfort, but doing something for the other person, a sign of trust. She takes the pills that may fuck her hormones up. You are a guy so your option is far less invasive and safer. It's for you to decide what's more important.
But also, she may not trust you or you had a relationship in the past before being with her and she is afraid of STDs. Chances are next to zero that this may be the problem, but it's worth considering. Maybe try and do tests together.
are you circumcised
>tfw ex is absoloutely addicted to me cumming inside her
>tfw she's not on birth control
>She has DD tits and cums easily from penetration alone
>She cums on average 8-10 times during one session alone
>she's not pregnant
Nice impotency
Yeah, not sure which one of us is impotent.
Have you tried being a man she would not be horrified of becoming pregnant from?
Is going soft if you wear a condom a circumcision thing?
ive never had a problem with that.
well thanks I guess anons
>lurk this thread
>mfw I learn that condom sizes are about girth not length
>mfw I learn that the my size should be XXL
>mfw I missed out on sex so many times because I couldn't put on the condom on/got flaccid while doing so or just fear that it will happen again (I was using condoms with 2cm less circumference than that of my thing)
I don't know if I should feel good because I'm big or should I kms because I'm retarded.
Sounds like alot of anxiety user, relax and let the animalistic nature of pounding pussy take you.
Put some lube inside the condom
No condom will change your entire fucking life dude. Just stick it in raw trust me
funny that I've had sex over 2000 times probably and only the other day I tried a condom because normal ones never fit me, it's the worst kind of existence.
Never had an almost pregnancy btw
my gf knows my pull out game is off the chain and she has never even suggested that we use a condom
>but boy is cumming inside a girl you love the best thing in the world
Sounds like you made it brah
You can get Plan B off Amazon and have her take that after just to be sure
>long term relationship
>gf is on birth control
>she doesn't want to have raw sex
This is fucking retarded. She tells you that "she doesn't want to risk the possibility something could go wrong and end pregnant", this doesn't add up, who the fuck doublestacks contraceptives.
She is either fucking someone else or she thinks that you're fucking someone else. If what she tells you is actually true (which it aint) then she's fucking crazy.