org/story.php?no=600094327 org/story.php?no=600094327

archiveofourown org/works/9499943

Thoughts on my Lor story?

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Write a fap fic for summer camp island pls

Gonna have to give me more details

What's Summer Island Camp?

It's summer camp island and it's on and it's very comfy and nice and should have some good fap fics.

If it's that Timmy Turner cringe fest, no thank you.

Just watch an episode or two. They're like 10 min and it's great.
I see you make these posts from time to time and if you wrote an sci fap fic I'd be very thankful.

Oh okay I looked it up, uhm, I don't know. What's the appeal? Who is the chick that I could get invested into?

also just to be clear, you have read my stuff right?

I glanced over some of it many months ago. I think it was Scooby related. The character you MUST invest into is Hedgehog.

Well I got to be honest, you sound more like a shill for a cartoon than a fan of my work - as you've just proven.

I don't really care about your work but if there is chance to promote the creation of sci fap fics I'll jump on it.

Well, why not write them yourself? Rather than being a rude furry with no subtlety



buaest bump, eradest

it's cool how you haven't been temp b& for spam yet.

vbuaaambvump bump


I love legit autist made threads like this

buaaeeeeeeeeeedfsa gbump

bjuuuuaga bump ds

Quit writing erotic fan fics and repent

The final bump, and if you liked the story, please let me know