Stoll my parents money to buy weed

>stoll my parents money to buy weed
Im definitely at a low right now.

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>stoll my parents weed to buy money
Im definitely at a high right now.

There isn't anything more Zoomer than this post. Kill yourself.

Ya got the REEFER MADNESS son. It's all downhill from here, straight into Satan's embrace. Never should have smoked the devil's lettuce.

>He smokes weed
>Does any drug
You are a fucking normie

>Doing drugs is normie
The only thing more normie than talking to women is being able to face life sober

smokem if ya got em homies

underaged and b&

Get a job, make revenue.

Zoomer posts arw the fucking pits!

This, drugs are literally normalfag tier.

Normalfag bingo: they do drugs, think they aren't a normalfag, and think doing drugs is rebellious or not in the norm when it overwhelmingly is

Sorry, youre a normalfag and need to die

that's not a low that's a milestone my dude

I said that in last night's 400+ post drug thread and I got flamed by everyone. lol flamed who even says that anymore?

>going to a drug themed topic in a website where people like to call themselves outcasts to say that using drugs is for stupid normal every day people
>lol they called back on me xP

WeIcome to nu r9k



yeah I highlu recommend suicide

Fuck off, only normies can be straight edge. If you are able to properly cope with reality then you aren't a real robot.

drinking alcohol: fine. we need it more than most
smoking: ...fine, but you should try to stop
doing drugs: holy shit did I just enter a frat party get the fuck out of my board normando shit

>can't even meditate without thinking about who's gonna find my body when I kill myself
Im definitely at a low right now.

>all these failed normies pretending to be robots ITT saying drugs are for normies
Only robots are capable of handling substances like DMT.

>mfw saw MM live and they played cowboy dan

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don't you have a flotation tank to meditate in Joe?

i smoked dmt once and all that happened was i saw a cool square when i closed my eyes then i vomited

thats nothing dude

try doing this shit
>selling all your childhood games to gamestop to buy a gram
>selling your laptop for an eighth
>selling your old school books for weed
>selling your old clothes at a thrift store for a dub
>stealing change from water fountains/salvation army donation box/cancer donations and putting it all into a coinstar to get a ten sack
>stealing drunk kids phones at parties and pawning them off
>walking 5 miles to dealers house to trade him literal pots and pans and dishes for a 10-sack because he just moved in a new apartment and has no cookware
>scrap your entire car for $200 worth of weed

the shit i used to get up to man... grimy shit

just overdose and die already normie

Can't imagine the high makes up for the guilt..

haha user's a drug addict you're doomed friendo.

>stranger things epic bro

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>used my rent money to buy weed
I'm worse than you fag

Haha holy shit man I literally did half of these as well. Damn, being a weed fiend is fucking fun. It added so much flavor and excitement to my life man.

>overdose on pschedelics
You must be a normie if when you hear "drugs" you think of shit you can overdose on.