what's it like being attractive to women?
What's it like being attractive to women?
I'm an upper tier normie at best and it doesnt change much. Idk for giga chad its probably really different
I'd imagine it's the best thing ever desu. I can't think of anything better
Turning down a girl that's obviously into you feels really great. I can see why women do it all the time.
They can't talk to you like a normal person and will literally just sit there and stare, it's annoying.
its nice makes feel good about yourself (until they lose interest because I'm a pathetic self hating autist) until then it is good
Did this shit all the time in high school. Kind of regret some of it but not really.
This. It only matters if you are in the upper tier of attractive when it comes to women. A normie might get laid every couple of weeks or something, but Chad has an actual harem to choose from that he regularly fucks with (mentally and physically) for fun.
this, but unoriginally and unironically
>have had girls crush on me
>have been asked out to dates
>people (often women) would actively support me and defend me in situations
>can unironically ask for things nicely and get it
>never get in trouble by just asking nicely
shame i'm a robot. not this isn't bait.
I'm 27 and this has just started happening to me. This year I've had 3 girls ask me out, 3 others be obviously into me, and I'm currently seeing a completely different girl. Never in my life really dated, had my first kiss this year. Don't really know where this is all coming from, and obviously it feels nice knowing that I apparently have some sort of appeal, but I don't really get why and it hasn't especially helped my anxiety or self-esteem so I dunno.
27 years of feeling ugly and unwanted can't be erased that quickly.
I used to be a Chad. It was pretty glorious, tbhonest
nice larp kids
don't forget to wash your costumes later
Your disbelief only enhances my already immense ego.
Senior year highschool I was 260lbs. Summer before college I was backpacking in Europe at 180. It was scary at first, but you realize it's not fear, it's excitement. For both of you. It's quite a feel.
i think i peaked in attractiveness to women at 14
its bretty gool
These pics were taken a little over a year apart. Shitty pics. Point is you can change.
what if im already at healthy weight but I still gf-less?
what if ur not fat but still ugly
You get plastic surgery. But there is no hope for manlets.
Didn't know burgers had a second language
Then it's literally a numbers game from here on. Approach as many women as often as possible to increase your odds.
French is like the standard second NATO language
I used to do Chad's homework in high school and I asked him this one time. He told me it's basically like having too many fish in an aquarium. I still don't know what it means.
If you have aspergers like I do then it's hell cause they won't leave you alone.
You get strange feels. You can get callous. You can become neglectful. You can become detached. They aren't a bunch of fish you know and love, it's just a bunch of fish you have to feed and take care of. Fish die off, get replaced, and you never develop the same connection. It's a weird phase, and looking back it was not a good one.
Attractive volcel here. Same thing with being muscular, women kind of ignore you because they feel out of your league. They also act kind of mean because they feel envious they probably not good enough for you. That's why all the normies, betas, and coyboys have gfs because women think their more stable and other women wouldnt steal them.
You have something within you, I'm sure of it. Don't stop trying to find it.
This sounds more like a personality disorder, tbf
>go to the hospital because you're an emotional wreck
>nurse stares at you from the distance for more than 7 (seven) minutes
>look at her
>she looks away as fast as possible while her eyes twitch
>in the store trying to buy some groceries with my cousin
>random girl walks up to me
>"If I wasn't dating my current BF I'd date you"
>all the while he was with her
>pretend I didn't hear a thing
Few of the recent ones
If I wasn't a complete autist it'd give me a confidence boost, but otherwise it's panic inducing since I can't tell if they're judging/playing with me or not.
I dare you to go to Panera or Starbucks and ask a girl for her number on your way out.
Just do it. You're already leaving. Worst case, just run.