Where do i progress pushups after diamond pushups?

Where do i progress pushups after diamond pushups?

Attached: fit bete.png (540x540, 285K)

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poopy push ups

at the dip station

like, do i just go for weighted pushups or? how do i do weighted pushups properly? weights in a backpack?

Attached: fit robot bete.jpg (900x1200, 127K)

Just a reminder that you haven't made it if you can't do this.

Attached: 1333563025_bruce_lee_one_finger_pushups.gif (463x249, 917K)

Is this a guy?

clapping pushups

they killed him because he was about to redpill the world on true strength. Murder.

Bruce Lee's lifestyle was free.

The kikes can't sell you whey mixed with So᠌y and gym memberships if you're inspired by Bruce Lee.

are pushups done on parallel bars worth it?

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He's dead because he knew too much. He's dead because they want you spending money to eat huge, and in the gym constantly to maintain your new fat form.

"True strength comes from within, not without"
I know for a fact you are absolutely right user, however no one in this world wants to hear the truth. If anyone was ever a true messiah, it was Bruce.

do diamonds on a decline
or work up your way to one arm pushups

clap pushups

Doesn't look like he's using 1 finger

KEK speaks user

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You have several options now:

1. Ring pushups. I went from diamond pushups to ring pushups and it's a huge jump. I had been warming up with RTO planks so I was at least used to being over the rings in that position. When ring pushups get "easy" you can elevate the feet.

2. PPPU on the floor. Just lean forward until the position is very difficult to push up into. Keep increasing the lean. Add planche leans and other work and then you can work on tuck planche pushups and then eventually full planche work.

3. One arm progressions. Start with archer pushups.

Both 2 and 3 can also be done on rings after you master Rings pushups. Also consider raising the rings a bit so you can increase the ROM more than you could with floor pushups.

Also, of course, you could do weighted/banded pushups.

Knew too much. Knew too much what? Did Lee look like some sort of muscle freak?

Jesus user what are you even going on about

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Push ups->
Close Elbow Pushups->
Diamond Pushups->
Decline Pushups->
Decline Diamond Pushups->
Then Buy Gymnast rings, They're fun as fuck

user literally explained it afterwards, how he would train without needing to buy shit, how he had a philosophy that escaped consumerism brought by the juden

Doesn’t matter, you can’t do them either way

Jesus fucking christ user, that's your hypothesis? Where do you think chicken and rice and veggies come from? Do you grow and butcher it yourself?

You're gonna have to buy shit at some point. Of course you don't need pills or whey, it just is a useful crutch. Lee also wasn't a fitness model or what most people want to be, so his training may not reflect on many.

Ring pushups are based, try doing ring flyes too those kill my chest

You completely lost the point, and no, I don't do any of that, yet. I am working towards that goal, of being self-sustained, but just because I dont yet doesn't mean I cant be aware of it.
>lee also wasnt a fitness model or what most people want to be
See, here you've alreaady been sold, you fall into the primal observation that you should look like X person does, and everything around you is leading you towards that. Don't complain about someone wanting actual control of who they are just because you're too weak willed to want it yourself, now go pay your gym memebership to make sure you're part of a socially acceptable demographic, while feeding those who look down on you.

that's when you start actually lifting and stop doing pushups like a dyel


Russian Ring Pushups are great for shoulders. Pelicans are good too.

>striped thigh socks
So it is a guy. Thanks for clearing that up.

Shockingly, that one person just happens to be a girl(female) that tried her darndest to look like a shadman-obsessed girl(male) and succeeded.

seudo planche

I can confirm it's a girl.

gym costs 30 euro a month, that's a fortune.

source without the phone?

Bruce lee was an Asian male who loved Asian food. What makes you think he didn't eat onions?


Bruce lee used protein drinks

Pseudo Planche Pushups baby. Then if you feel really strong. Do some assisted one hand push ups. Then if you really want to get jacked, do the of Planche Pushups...both legs in the air baby.

planche push ups are sick, i got a friend that can do em and damn seeing this fucker floating is pretty cool

he loved vegetable smoothies
also did fasting
training till be broke. then trained some more.
Too bad he was a manlet, i could probably take him (1,5 years of boxing) since im bigger and heavier, longer range..
manlet king does earn a little respect tho, but not much, a true man dont get killed.

Convict conditioning pdf, its free.

It's not free. You have to buy it.

decline pushups.