There are late 20 somethings that are actual professionals in their field

>there are late 20 somethings that are actual professionals in their field
Man, really puts things into perspective.

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Around a quarter of the people I went to highschool with got jobs in Wall Street or Silicon Valley straight out of college. I'm still unemployed.

The unsuccessful ones are really the successful ones, never forget that

Sure doesn't feel that way, friend.

How so, my dude?
I can't even make it through the month on neetbux

>tfw barely scoot into a start up after college
shit pay but its relevant experience so I guess I'll tough it out for a bit. But yeah op if you're late 20's you're competing vs zoomers for entry level spots and these zoomers are vicious

>late 20's trying for entry level jobs
lol am I fucked?

So what? They got $400,000 worth of student loans to pay off and went through dreadful mental torture to get their position, and at the end of the day they're still a sack of shit. Whatever.

>competing vs zoomers for entry level spots
Yeah, a lot of professional industries (especially engineering) got screwed over by the recession. They fired a lot of senior-level people, who ended up fighting new graduates for entry level positions. We're seeing similar things today.

That student loan shit only applies to creaturas

they're gonna want a good excuse for why you weren't in the field earlier. And you better be good on technicals, because zoomers are fresh out of college and still remember their lectures so they can usually atleast do the rudimentary things very well

To be honest I had a job before but I only lasted 4 months before getting canned. I just stopped showing up lol

>tfw know this feel
i should just kill myself right now

bullshit. these people have passive incomes that completely shadow your neetbux

>I'll take trust fund babies, nepotism, and affirmative action for $200, Alex.

>zoomers are fresh out of college

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>he thinks competitive students pay student loans
rich parents, scholarships, the like means they'll pay less than average, if they pay at all

ill be retired at age 47

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Send money pls

I don't know any. I know 20-somethings who PRETEND to be professionals but don't actually do anything. The women are all in HR and just sit around doing work a child could do and the men are office drones and the like. It's all a bit sad.

This. Beside, the real professionals are typically precisely never ever heard of. it's the figureheads who actually don't know the first thing about what they're talking about that are well-known and respected most of the time. Because in the end, it's all politics, and nothing else. Capitalism, ho! Image > *. Quality is for losers.

>itt bitter loser incels make excuses for why people are more successful than they are

pathetic. at least own up to the fact you're not as successful as your peers because you're a terrible person and your personalities are completely toxic.

In my defence, I'm probably a failure for reasons both inside and outside of my control. Really unstable childhood, parents had me locked up in a mental institution several times because of how depressed and anxious I was, never finished high school as a result. I was actually a really, REALLY good kid who did stuff like volunteer at animal shelters, training guide dogs, helping the elderly, et cetera. Time morphed me into a tired, bitter adult.

>super hot ass woman at my job is the fucking general manager during the day
>she's 27
I'm running around like I'm fucking 15. I really wish I could find some otherworldly way to eliminate myself. Suicide is too messy and inconsiderate

im in my late 20s and i orbit a namefig on s4s

>tfw 24 yr old doctor making 6 figures with no gf or wife to make children and pass down work

You deserve all the misfortune

>24 yr old doctor
I think you are making things up

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I'm more successful than 99.75% of people of working age in my country, irrespective of age. Relative to my age, I'm in the top 5 most successful people in my country.

>Surprised an attractive woman is in a position of "power"

I got accepted at 19 because I took college courses through high school

`Why would you do that, broseph?

You're just making assumptions. No proof.

which thread did you get triggered in?

Do what? Normalniggers told me that the reason I'm alone is because I'm not successful so I became successful. Turns out they were full of shit - again.

If you were stupid enough to believe them then you deserved it

Go on the net and tell lies, obviously

I didn't believe them. But there was nothing else controllable I could possibly do. Since I only had statistical and anecdotal evidence, no empirical evidence (the experiment concerns my personal success, not arbitrary success, therefore empirical success within this framework is authoritative), I had little choice.
It's not all bad, at least I can go permaneet in 4 more years. That's the plan currently. I've had enough of this all.

Don't get so hung up. When I was 25 I wrote a seminal academic piece about a certain complex financial instrument (I don't want to say which one, as it could identify myself). It's been cited by numerous state supreme courts, economic textbooks, law review articles, etc. Honestly, I just got lucky. I wrote a well-researched article at the right time, before anyone else did, and put all my energy into it for several months. Then everyone started citing it and credited me as the seminal article.

I'm now probably one of the leading experts on the subject. I make good money.

But privately? I'm in my 30's with raging PTSD after several dozens of near-fatal accidents in my life (I've lost count). I've lived a hard and turbulent life.

Who cares, man. Live your life. I'm not sitting on a pile of money, and I'm not a happy or pleasant person. Being a "professional" only matters as much as you think it does.

i want chicken nodlel soup

Hah. Like how Gary Larson accidentally named 'The Spikey Assembly On The Stegosaurus Tail'. Nobody else had done it before then so... The Thagomizer is now in the literature.

>TFW im a petroleum engineer in Odessa Texas and make $140k at 29
>TFW Brooke still wouldnt move here to be with me

Its all still an empty life though

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>im in the top 5 most successful people in my country

>posted on Jow Forums

Nigga please. What, you got a couple papers nobody will read published?