Be sure to not round your back when you're deadlifting! Wouldn't want to develop a strong lower back or anything!

>Be sure to not round your back when you're deadlifting! Wouldn't want to develop a strong lower back or anything!

Attached: Fedora60.gif (262x396, 295K)

>Hey you're gonna want to retract your meme-ula when bench pressing. We don't want you to get strong and well built shoulders.

Attached: Fedora72.jpg (480x600, 21K)

>Form is more important than how much weight is on the bar!

Attached: Fedora4.jpg (613x387, 19K)

>A fully body routine is superior to a split!

Attached: Fedora52.jpg (1024x1024, 160K)

>Calories in, calories out.

Attached: 1532371826434.jpg (768x1024, 93K)

>Pendlay row

Attached: Fedora93.gif (312x250, 1.9M)


Attached: Fedora89.jpg (320x240, 15K)


Attached: Fedora26.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>I wipe my ass.

Attached: Fedora49.jpg (500x375, 34K)

Holy shit that fucking jiggle-neck below the mask.

>make sure to get in enough protein

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>I let other guys at my gym work in with me if they ask. The equipment is there for everyone, and there is nothing wrong with sharing. After I'm done working out I always check if they want to come home and fuck my wife too, I'm definitely not a cuck though.

Attached: Fedora71.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>I rerack my weights.

Attached: Fedora17.jpg (1280x720, 37K)

most of these are true you retards

>brainlet wojack

>Whoa there, you a beginner looking for a routine? Good thing you found me, I'm going to tell you about the best beginner routine. You guessed it, ICF 5x5! Reasons why you should do this program: 1.It has the perfect amount of volume for a beginner. 2. The dude who made it is really ripped! 3. The guy has considerable knowledge of powerlifting and bodybuilding (BOTH!) This should clear the air, now go lift to get power like me, I'm powerful!

Attached: 142345446643958.png (374x366, 224K)

>I windex the gym mirrors.

Attached: Fedora22.gif (480x360, 1.39M)

Is that boogie?

>I iron the gym employee's work clothes.

Attached: Fedora18.jpg (816x1234, 82K)

>I wipe the bench when I finish

Attached: tips fedora.png (186x264, 129K)

>make sure to eat protein, it helps you build muscle

>ewwww do you drink from that drinking fountain? do you know that this thing is filled with bacterias? be like me and bring your water bottle!

Attached: 1418962279909.png (540x587, 374K)

>Sugar and creamer? Ah no thank you. You see I drink my coffee black. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I use sugar or creamer? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked.

>Short answer: none.

>Disciplined answer: Haven't touched it in months. Probably old by now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local grocery store to reduce their sugar and creamer inventory. It's going well. I can't stand sugarlets or creamlets. Actually cut all of my old friends off who use. Why go through all of this trouble you ask? 3 words. 2 concepts. Discipline. Mental toughness. This is why friend. This is why.

Attached: 1437246328114.jpg (640x480, 95K)


>Hot water knob? Haven't touched it in months. I'm actually currently going through the process of having it uninstalled from my plumbing, they should be coming out sometime next week. I had to list a reason(s) on the work order as to why I am requesting my hot water knob to be removed and discarded. Would you care to hear the reasons? Well stay tuned friend. 3 reasons:

>1. Discipline
>2. Mental toughness
>3. It raises my testosterone

>My property manager was initially questioning my reasons, but I explained to her that by taking cold showers I am actually able to develop discipline and mental toughness. After a long and heated (note that I needn't anything heated, especially my water) debate, I was able to convince her to put the work order in. Now I'm living a great life, warm water free. I even started forcing my gf to take cold showers with me. I refuse to date an inferior female, and I explained to her that if she can't learn to accept and love cold showers as I have then we really have no business being together anyways.

>She's already received a black mark for questioning my NoFap practices stating that she wants my seed and wishes me to release my seed. Should she continue in this non-stoic fashion then I don't see us lasting much longer.

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Gym bully masterrace reporting in. Run that bitch. I've been doing this social experiment to see who is alpha and who is beta in my gym. Turns out 99% of my gym is beta. What I'll do is I will purposely leave my weights on the bar and dumbbells on the floor after I'm done. I think I've had maybe only one or two wanna- be tough guys actually say something to me. Everyone else just deals with it. Some even rerack them for me. If this social experiment has taught me anything it's that most people are intimidated by authoritative figures and will do almost anything to avoid confrontation followed immediately by pain administered by said authoritative figures.

>mfw I see beta dyels rerack my weights like the cockroaches they are.

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>lowbar squat is superior in every aspect

kek, a few days ago i left many weights on the floor because i was gonna use them after doing ohp, and while i was doing ohp a girl reracked everything, i had to take them again after

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>A girl is able to lift the weight you use