>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of snake juice fasting, dry fasting, OMAD, OMAW, AFD and IF (Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.
See your doctor before fasting if you have any sort of chronic illness (type 1 diabetes, malnourished, underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding)
>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here - youtube.com
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max (NoSalt/LoSalt are high potassium-low sodium salts available in grocery stores or Amazon and the like)
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional but recommended for 10+ day fasts.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.
>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (4% or less).
>Can I workout?
Yes. But don't overdo it.
>Will (something with calories) break my fast?
>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Black, unsweetened coffee and tea - YES!
Diet drinks are debatable (continuously)
>Do I need a multivitamin?
No. Fat burning provides sufficient vitamins