Is there a scientific reason women arent funny?

Is there a scientific reason women arent funny?

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They have no reason to be funny.

Evolution: Men developed a sense of humor to get women when they have no other redeeming qualities. Women did not need to.

getting cochie is no laughing matter

There's also the fact that laughter is a nervous/fear response, and typically neither men nor women fear or respect women enough to laugh at something they say.

The cant banter

In the words of Christopher Hitchens, women need men to be funny before they can like them, while men already like women (because of their bodies of course).

While it doesn't happen often, women have made me genuinely laugh.

I think the argument that women don't have to be funny is kind of legitimate, but that doesn't mean they can be just like being funny being useful for men doesn't make them all funny.

I also feel like it's really hard to become genuine at anything as a female through the screen of everybody loving them so much. A woman can make a bad joke and have men tell her it's funny anyway, in addition to joking being completely unnecessary for them to attract men.

Humor takes introspection objectivity and humility women don't need any of those

I feel like you need introspection and humility to get through some really difficult shits. I'm not sure how women would get by without those things

Women are actually funny and can make you laugh if you actually approached and talked to them instead of hating on them on an anonymous imageboard like the incel trash you are.

Women are actuaIly funny and can make you laugh if you actually approached and talked to them instead of hating on them on an anonymous imageboard like the incel trash you are.

ive only met one girl that was actually funny, but she was also completely crazy, like went to prison crazy.

From my experience, ugly girls that compensate can be mildly funny.
It's only the non-ugly ones that are incapable of making their own jokes.

Women are actuaIly funny and can make you laugh if you actuaIly approached and talked to them instead of hating on them on an anonymous imageboard like the incel trash you are.

by becoming sluts

How does dick interrupt introspection

Women are actually funny and can make you laugh if you actually approached and taIked to them instead of hating on them on an anonymous imageboard like the incel trash you are.

>t. roastie
With oregano of course

It's not the dick, it's the slut part.
Once you turn into a shallow whore that only cares about looks, your introspection and other intellectual capabilities rival those of a factory farmed cow.

>this guy thinks female comedians are funny

But why would they turn into a shallow whore?

Don't really know. They just aren't.

Must be some female thing.
Dig their brains long enough and you'll find that all of them are either shallow whores or failed shallow whores who would turn into proper shallow whores if they had a chance.

I know a woman who I'm not related to who is an excellent mother; she feeds and houses me for free. I suppose I haven't had your experience.

the femanons on here don't seem to be very funny tbqh

Are you physically attractive?
Not necessarily a chad, but above 5/10

Women can make you laugh but it's kind of different than when a man does.
I lost my fuckin sides at this webm and got kind of horny

Attached: ball.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)

It's not funny, you're just easily amused

There's literally nothing funny about that. It's just exaggerated movements and stupid facial expressions. Me and my friends came up with funnier routines than this in 6th grade drama class.

Honestly it's kind of ambiguous to me. I thought I was a 4/10. Then I met someone who really found me attractive. I've only had sex with them.

Also drunk. That helps

There is not a single thing funny about that webm

I thought it was funny. The motions of male porn stars are really funny on a body so radically different, and it's convincingly contextualized.

I laughed. Is it from a porn actress training vid?

i want to be that ball

How come all female "comedy" revolves around sex?

Because they are trained by guys.
>woman makes a non-sex joke
>nobody laughs because it's terrible

>woman makes a sex joke
>guy who wants to fuck her laughs
>she thinks she made a good joke and repeats the behavior in the future

How to be a dyke.webm

When you realize how hard hollywood is pushing homosex this ceases to be funny instantly and becomes

Because the best comedy is edgey comedy, and it's only edgey if it is frightening. Sex, for women, is frightening.

idk about that one but this punchline here is one of the few times a female comedian has made me laugh.

>ayy bb, want sum fuk?

It's all based around sex. Women really are disgusting

that wasn't her whole show dude.

I think women can be funny, but I think it has something to do with their male influence in life. How many times has your mother made you laugh in comparison to your father? Women naturally spend more time with their mothers, though all the funny women I've ever met had no mothers growing up. I think it has something to do with the "feminine" attitude. Are fruity men funny? Not really. The more passive and less up front attitude makes any joke they try and tell come off as pointless and less hard hitting, such as most things women tend to do.


>Show is called "Only Whores Wear Purple"
>Cover has her wearing purple

The whole show is based around sex.

My flamboyant effeminate faggot ex bf was one of the wittiest and funniest people I've ever known. This is an issue with the female brain, nothing more. They simply do not need humor and so they've not evolved to be any good with it.

Idk the only way woman can be funny revolves around memes. If they make a good meme reference or just so quirky that they seem like they could be a meme themselves. I thought about this a lot because I always thought woman weren't funny but when I met this one girl she made me laugh quite often. I was so intrigued by her because of this and now she's my gf. I'm not easily amused Without memes I don't think she would be so funny, but that's the same for a lot of men anyways. I think biologically woman just weren't meant to jokers or comedians.

Is there a specific issue with the female brain you can point out? Biologically there isn't much difference.

>Biologically there isn't much difference.
Biologically, a tiny alteration to brain shape or chemistry can result in massive personality changes, an IQ change with magnitude around standard deviation, full blown autism etc.

Somehow most feminine men are just as (if not more) funny as most masculine ones. Even soja dudes with passive, female-like personalities can be funny when they aren't pushing agenda or 2scoops.

It's just women. Both straight and dykes.
Not sure about trannies. Someone should research that.

You never worked with fat sassy black women before?

>that boi got isshas
>lawdy lawdy
>shiet that nigga can go mash some biskets

because they are sensitive thots

Obese and ugly women can be funny but not attractive ones. Don't know why.

It's mostly social. They're almost all selfish and only tell jokes they can relate and think about. This is why they're only funny when making fun of broad topics like work or religion.

aubrey plaza is pretty funny, i like her type of deadpan kind of humor. susie from curb your enthusiasm is funny in a different way

I had a group of black friends in college and they found my bluntness to be hilarious.

>lol i can get dick whenever i want you are all disposable to me!
>pussy is the real value and you men should be grateful to have sex with a woman!
its disgusting, but its actually true. this is a pretty redpilled video

>pretty redpilled
i honestly think that's why i found it funny.

that was cringe women should stop trying to be funny.

It's because everyones busy thinking about how to have sex with them

If I ever had a daughter I'd do my damndest to try and make them funny

instantly dropped unfeminine and unfunny.

Women are dead puppets knowingly

Dubs confirm Aubrey Plaza is hilarious.

I'd extend that honor to Amy Poehler and Tina Fey as well

in the defense of women, i must say, most men aren't funny either.

i havent really watched anything with tina fey in it other than the role she had in parks and rec, but she was funny in that. amy is eh. every word that comes out of aubrey's mouth makes me want to laugh for some reason, i dont know why. i think it's her big dead eyes and monotone voice

Yeah, but some men are.
No matter what group of men you pick, there are more funny men in it than in the group of all women. As long as you don't pick "unfunny men" as the group of men.

>there are more funny nigs than funny women
>there are more funny japs than funny women
>there are more funny gay dudes than funny women
>3% of the population contains more funny people than 50% of it

Based on the pic you posted neither are you, so who cares

Women aren't funny lately. Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett were funny as hell back in the day,

Maybe check out 30 Rock, Tina Fey wrote and starred in that and it's great for the most part. Amy Poehler kinda holds the show together so I give her props for that. Her timing is on point.

Last time I was in LA I actually went to the improv group where Tina Fey and Amy Poehler started out, and man, there are some fucking hilarious women out there. One chick improv'd a joke about how something was so bad it was an "18/22" (a double 9/11). They're just a bit rare I guess.

Aubrey's role is perfect for her though she is basically a grown up version of Daria. Her plays off Andy were solid gold and often all she had to do was deadpan the camera.

Humor is used in courting partners, and since women don't need to do anything other than be attractive in courting they have no use for humor.

Im just curious Im not trying to prove anything about my sense of humor.
Pretty sure none of the actors on that show are funny theyre given lines from the writers. Also parks and rec is just ok humor wise.
Can you give some examples Im not quite following.
I dont think looking at it through a sexual lens will yield the right answer. Although it is true men generally need to be more charismatic. Because they have to make something of themselves and cant live vicariously like women. I dont think this is a perfect answer hence I made this thread

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That doesn't make any sense. Laughter may used to mask ones real emotions in a stressful situation but it's not inherently a response to stress.

There definitely are funny women. I think there are more unfunny ones because so many women are very sensitive and their humour is so inoffensive it's borderline offensive.

Women can be funny, but that's mostly subjective. They also often have a shit sense of humor though, so it's pretty rare when they make you laugh.


oriiiiiiiginaliiiii with original oreageno

Comedy Hiearchy from top to bottom in level of comedic importance:

>Shithole Shitskins
>A broom with a bucket on top painted with a smiley face
>Dave Rubin

>women so low they didn't even get on the scale

Stress in the unconscious sense when dealing with a social situation. In the same way you smile when meeting a stranger or are in a situation you aren't inherently comfortable with (e.g. an interview). You may not recognize that's what you're doing, but it is. Laughter is also used as a means of communicating that you generally agree with the person, in both a comradely way and to demonstrate that you're not a threat to what they've proposed - thus create a better image of yourself in the speaker's eyes and those who also agree with the speaker.

It's an interesting field of study - if a bit autistic in the details.

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women are funny though. the arm chair evolutionary psychologists in this thread are all failing to explain the evolutionary purpose behind laughter and humor in the first place.

Kind of off topic but you guys ever play around with your friends roasting on each other, calling each other names without meaning but whenever there's a woman there they don't understand how to do it without saying some shit that goes to far or intentionally pokes at ones insecurities and makes everyone uncomfortable? Also they'll sit there saying shit all day but when someone says one thing back they lose their shit and either get angry or start to cry? Why are women so emotionally unstable?

Oh look, a summerfag normie. Get off this website

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I only ever do that with my best friend but women have always ruined male group dynamics for me. They always end up hating me for saying certain jokes and doing passive aggressive shit.

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*start doing passive aggressive shit


Is there a scientific reason why shit has to be original?

Humour is a defense mechanism born out of rejection, alienation and hardship. These are three things that the vast majority of women never actually experience in their lives.

Why are Jews good at comedy?

They aren't. Kike humor isn't really that funny, they invented poop jokes. It's just crude. That's why it appeals to low IQ Amerifats.

>all women are white

Another white knight caught! Never fails!

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Mel Brooks, Jerry Seinfeld, Groucho Marx, Larry David, Gene Wilder, etc. I guess Gene Wilder isn't really a comedian, but he's a funny actor.

And Jews have been doing humorous satire at least since Kafka. Certainly not just poop jokes.

>what's the DEAL with airline food?
such a rip on airline food, you know it's good because it's fucking SEINFELD
did you guffaw at shooting elephants in pajamas too? WOWEE

it's a subtler form of humor, goyim won't get it.

Because other women don't usually banter like men. So women just pretend to banter and don't know what's actually too far. To them, banter is just being a cunt, and it's a lot easier to dish it out than take.

i remember copping shit from some bitch cause i got hospitalized and my friends left her birthday party to see me and apparently it ruined her entire birthday

You heartless son of a bitch

>think the argument that women don't have to be funny is kind of legitimate,
The thing is women dont have to be anything. What did they say, historically 90% had kids vs 50% of males? Or something like this.
>I also feel like it's really hard to become genuine at anything as a female through the screen of everybody loving them so much.
I get what you are saying but that is sort of like complaining you are a and artist because your parents gave you too good of a life

I guess its funny that you wrote a nice substantial post in favour of women being funny and proceeded to offer an example of a joke that reminds me of some dumb kid with a retarded sense of humor whom I went to school with, like based on that example your female comedian is on a lower tier than a cheesy dad and I'm sure someone who's watched 30 rock can refute that too since you're obviously easily amused.

Women disgust me, and should be put in their place.