>never drank alcohol
>never drank coffee
>never had sex
Who else /pure/ here?

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Here, senpai, I do have wine occasionally though, but I don't want to make it a habit.

I want to wait until marriage

Have you acquired skills or accomplishments?

If you've ever touched your dick then you're no purer than Aquafina ass water

I personally consider not failing for normalfag degenerate behaviors a big accomplishment
Still better than nothing, I guess

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21 nearly 22
>haven't drank alcohol
>haven't drank coffee/tea
>haven't done illegal drugs/narcotics
>haven't smoked cigarettes
Tbh the hardest one is not having coffee when you're working. I have to get creative to keep myself awake or actually get proper sleep.

Never even tried coffee or alcohol? Personally, I cant stand the taste of either but I have tried both before and sometimes (but very rarely) drink a bit of alcohol just to be perceived as normal in social situations.

In general, how social are you?

>he likes chinese cartoons

user, being /pure/ is the most norman thing one can do. congratulations for being partially normal, my only reasons to live are drugs and alcohol

Normalfag young adults drink alcohol all the fucking time.

Maybe that makes you really lucky, or maybe it makes you really unlucky.
Personally I wish I had lived enough of life so that I were ready to die at fifteen, at which point I would have waited maybe another 1 or 2 years and then done that .
But that's just me.

>tfw drugs are the only thing keeping me from an heroing
how do you do it

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the most normie ones dont, they try to stay pure forever

>how social are you?
I'm not social at all
2D = Pure
3D != Pure
Not true at all. Normans love parties and drugs and breaking the law, they think it makes them "cool".

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You are not a robot if you aren't downing the feels with alcohol and smokes every night.
Fuck off, normie.

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i like rave parties and drugs too but im the most socially disabled person in the world

>who else /faggot/ here

fixed that for you op

>the most normie ones dont, they try to stay pure forever
What fantasy world are you living in? Is this a world where religion still has a hold on the population?

Maybe in the fucking 1920's you ignorant fuck

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i was in a good school once and most of the students have never done alc/drugs, they are scared of them because they think they will ruin their dreams of becoming lawyer/doctor/cop/whatever

Are you talking about fucking high school or what? Even in Ivy League they all drink and fuck.

well every other school isnt like that

>tfw 25 and /pure/
feels gud brehs desu

Why don't you just get drunk? It's fun.

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im talking about high school but they are probably in unis now, i doubt anything changed

>i doubt anything changed
Ahahaha, you really don't know anything.

Normies are the biggest degenerates now, with all the Jew brainwashing in the media. No one is pure anymore.

if you're around people who literally think a joint or a bottle of vodka will ruin their lives you wont really have an urge to try drugs

I went to a private HS, they made everyone wear ties and stand up when the teacher entered the classroom. EVERYONE consumed alcohol and had sex except me ofc

Retard, drinking casually on the weekends is different from being an alcoholic

this happened a week ago
>virgin robot
>bored and horny
>get phone on pornhub
>go in bathroom
>jerk off in bathroom
>cum buckets
>parents coming and knocking on door
>say I'm taking a shit
>still knocking
>need to clean up
>grab mom's dirty panties out of hamper and wipe up jizz with that
>oh well she'll wash it later anyways
>flush toilet
>wash hands
>unlock door
>mom busts in needs to piss
>"WTF user MOVE"
>leave bathroom
>go play vidya
>mom takes shower
>water stops running
>she gets out of bathroom
>new clothes on
>I ask her if she's wearing dirty clothes
>"yeah why not"
>run to bathroom
>panties are gone
robots she skipped her period and thought she was lucky
I'm fucked so fucked I hope it was just luck too

When you are a man its not "pure" its called being an inexperienced loser.
But that could be a good thing.

>handholdless virgin
>never drank
>never puffed a cig
>never smoked weed
>never even seen any drugs worse than weed
>never been to a party
>never interacted with police

We're explicitly talking about never drinking at all, dumbass. This is the entire point of the thread, being 'pure' since you've never done that shit.

I'm not talking about that, I'm saying that drinking as much an alcoholic is not "normie behavior"

We're explicitly talking about never drinking at all, dumbass. This is the entire point of the thread, being 'pure' since you've never done that shit.

This "purity" shit is a fucking meme.
Why would you purposefully deny something that'll help you cope with this shit reality.
Unless your life is already fine and dandy, in which case fuck off you piece of shit normie.

not me, but i know somebody who doesn't take any drugs, not even prescription ones to help when he is sick unless he really needs it. He has also never masturbated before.

Then why are you even talking at all? The only thing that needed to be said was that never having drank at all is not fucking normal so is dead wrong.

>Normalfag young adults drink alcohol all the fucking time.
>Not true at all. Normans love parties and drugs and breaking the law, they think it makes them "cool".
These posts are just saying alcohol is for normies only, nothing about being pure. Pure != robot, nor does impure=normie.

should I an hero robots or is there another way to tell her?

All I do is play video games, watch anime, read manga, do other weebshit, etc. I don't need alcohol or drugs to entertain myself. The only thing I need is more free time, and I'm saving up so I can retire early to deal with that.

Don't try to act like your superior to alcoholic robots when you partake in the most normie ass hobbies.

You do those things because they are fun. I do all those things because they are fun as well. The only difference between you and I is that I do drugs, once again, because they're fun. No different really from playing a video game or listening to music, it's just another thing to experience. I can have fun without drugs, but I can also have fun with them. Saying you shouldn't do drugs because you don't "need" them is a shit tier argument; it's like saying you shouldn't need vidya, anime, etc to have fun and you should just be able to sit in a chair and have fun in your imagination.

i was like that until a few months ago, but then one day i was at a friend's house with some other friends, we were cold (-3 Celcius, or 26~27 fahrenheit i think) and i was feeling really, really depressed, so long story short, i ended up drinking a sixpack of beer and a little of pisco, apparently i got tipsy, opened up a little with my friends about why i was depressed, they talked about some of the shit they've been dealing with too, we all adviced eachother and felt a little better after venting.

It's not like i get drunk every weekend now, but if i feel like it, i drink a glass or two every few weeks.
Alcohol gives you a nice break from yourself, i helps you to not think about the shit that you don't want to think about and it makes you worry less about superfluous things. I honestly can see why people that never learned to deal with their shit end up becoming alcoholics.

>taking mind altering drugs comparable to playing video games
The city of druggies

Explain how it's different, they're both something fun that I enjoy doing. You don't need either one of them so there's no need to deprive yourself of one or the other.

>done several drugs
>been drunk many times

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