Why do white men keep killing black women? What should be done about this?

Why do white men keep killing black women? What should be done about this?

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We must not be silent anymore #endwhiteonblackviolence

low quality bait faggot

Bad bait
Eat shit and die

Have you been living under a rock? This killing of a BLACK teenager by a WHITE man has been a massive story over the last few days.

>talks about something I want to ignore
>must be bait

This. It is time that we speak openly about the epidemic of white on black violence, especially following the recent election.

As Anne Hathaway said in that image "White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence".

People have been killing each other over perceived differences since before language. Even if that difference is
>I come from the lake he cimes from the river
I always have a sad laugh to myself at how in control humans think they are

Youre absolutely right. There is so much more that could be done on this issue. What is happening now is disgusting and makes me ashamed of the white race. We need MORE murderers, MORE throat slitters, and MORE organized efforts towards the extermination of nigs everywhere.

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>ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS

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And if it were a black man, would there still be this much coverage?


Anne Hathaway is such a retard. She has a much higher risk of getting gangraped and killed by a nigger than black women have of getting killed by white men.

Impale black women them with BWC of course.

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Maybe but itnwould be more about being sad about her death than upset that she was killed
The news loves things that make society more divided

What about the countless murders of white and hispanic women and rapes committed by blacks that don't get shown?
What about the shootings and robberies?
Oh but she dindu nuffin its just a 'racist whitey' that gets coverage?
Also Anne hathaway is married to a jew.

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sheeeit their are to many mudurs of wite woman by blacks to even be accounted fo

Maybe you should start by actually counting all the black man on white woman murders first.

wmbw relationships should end

No one is talking about those though? This is a thread for white on black murder, if you want to talk about black on white murder then go make your own thread.

No. I could make an argument but you are just saying 'don't talk' so: no.
And you can't make us not talk in this thread.

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This was not white on black violence. This is violence that emanates from any shithole city. In this case, Oakland, a known shithole. And how did it become a shithole? Blacks.

hmm I wonder how many white people have been killed by black people since then

More male niggers kill white women. I'm not mad though. Mudsharks get paid a lesson.

why do people bite their dogs??? wtf

tell me what % of interracial violence is white-on-black vs black-on-white

if a mexican mestizo kills a black guy, it's called 'white-on-black' crime...

>all black people fear for their lives daily in america

wow, desegregation really worked... NOT!

why don't black people want to have black-only living spaces? they know that forced-togetherness with white racists is infinitely better than the haiti-like conditions they would generate for themselves

remember, both blacks and hispanics are a net negative in regards to tax revenue...

easy solution, move all niggers/niglets/yingyang niggers/quart niggers and chiggers back to africa and give them enough resources and money to set up their own nation, watch as they spend said resources on rims for non existent cars, laugh. then watch as they murder each other for rims. also no electricity and no internet means whites killing niggers cant be reported so no more reported nigger killings. problem solved

you FUCKING MORON i know the story is real. i was talking about your buzzfeed faggot commentary; thats the bait. fucking dickween

Antiwhites please read this!

More white people were killed by blacks on the very same train, and many after these two murders, and you don't even know their names.

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It is extremely rare for a white to murder a black. It is extremely common for a black to murder a white. You're either dumb or a shit stirring faggot.