Is fucking escort akward,worth it?
I am 20yr khv and i just want to get over this thing and move on.
Will i focus on my life after i fuck for the first time?
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Is fucking escort akward,worth it?
I am 20yr khv and i just want to get over this thing and move on.
Will i focus on my life after i fuck for the first time?
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yo hit me up kurwa we can team tag this bitch she fine af
[email protected]
You won't feel any different. Especially knowing that you paid for sex. In fact you might feel worse.
Fuck off. Have a report faggot.
try not to kiss her, virgin
You will be in Krakow this month 17-20?
If yes no problem
Fuck off Pavel
Was in Breslau (Wroclaw for fags) last year and women there are the biggest sluts ever
nah bruh i was just larping a polish low class degenerate, which is what you are
I would recommend it, it's not awkward. Whatever fuckups you make, I guarantee they've seen worse.
Being whores, they are experienced and know every trick in the book to make you feel relaxed, have no problems with ED and so on. Do it just to get the monkey off your back and get on with your life without the virgin stigma. Just try not to get addicted to it.
Nope. You'll realise having sex changes nothing about you in any meaningful way, regret not giving your first time to a woman who a) you respect and b) chose to have sex with you.
It will help you, bro. Once you had your first fuck, everything will be clearer. But you have to make sure that the escort offers top notch service. In Germany you can search for an escort's phone number and check if she has reviews. Don't go for looks, go for service the first time. Once you found a good one, tell her it's your first time and enjoy. Book at least an hour.
Izlee Izlee Izlee!! I'll never lern mang!
How are you doing? Hadn't been here on Jow Forums in a while. Anything good happening? What became of your nemesis aka Supermang?
Do it lad
And stop watching porn and get a job
OP, each first time with a new girl is special. But there is nothing special about your very first time. That's just bs Hollywood romanticism.
You will never feel satisfied if you need sex to feel satisfied. For me it was
>Omg I will never be happy until I have sex
Had sex
>Omg I will never be happy until I have sex with someone I really like
Had sex with someone I really liked
>Omg I will never be happy until I have a gf
Had gf
>Omg I will never be happy until I have consistent sex with an fwb
>Omg I will never be happy until I can date and bang multiple women simultaneously
Bro, It never gets easier.
If you think being a virgin is preventing you from focusing on your life, you're actually just a fucking loser.
Losing your virginity isn't going to change anything. You won't feel any different.
in fact you'll probably feel worse and less confident because you couldn't get an actual girl to like you enough so you had to pay some whore
No, there being nothing special about your first time and sex being super important is the Hollywood romanticism. That plus porn plus circumcision and rampnt overuse of birth control has fucked normal sexuality I. America probably forever.
I don't even remember my first time. It doesn't matter whether you do it or not, stop obsessing over it.
You can't remember what never happened.
kinda this but not really, you switch between phase 3 4 and 5 over and over, the first 2 steps are spot on tho
Ahh really good. I got a (real) career, I'm doing pretty good at powerlifting still (700lbs deadlift).
Supermang quit. He quit hard. He was last seen streaming lol on twitch a couple of years ago. I haven't heard from him in three and a half years.
Nothing at all but losing it to a sex worker is a secret so shameful you can't tell anyone.
This 100%
However as you move up the highs get less high and the lows get less low.
Example your first lay you'll be 10/10 happy for a few days.
Your first threesome some a similar milestone is more a "meh cool" feeling.
On the flip side having a fun FWB, and knowing you can get with girls gives you confidence even when you're at a low point, and makes it easier not to dwell on this shit